War Thunder

War Thunder

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LordBUM Nov 14, 2023 @ 8:23pm
bro stop making good snipping spots innaccessable
man why must you do this so many good snipping spots have been taken away why you punish us for using our heads?
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
Col. Cornbread Nov 14, 2023 @ 8:39pm 
Which nation has poor gun depression and cannot make use of most of those spots effectively. You now know why they were removed.
Black_Fox Nov 14, 2023 @ 11:57pm 
Because the devs think they make a Call of Duty game and not a game about vehicle combat. It's all about close quarter combat on city maps in 90% of the matches
LtCOL.Ghost Nov 15, 2023 @ 12:01am 
as others have pointed out welcome to Call of WarThunder Modern Snail 2.
Belgord Nov 15, 2023 @ 1:18am 
It was based on feedback apparently, whose feedback? no idea
SpiralRazor Nov 15, 2023 @ 1:22am 
Originally posted by Belgord:
It was based on feedback apparently, whose feedback? no idea

Sus "sources" 100%

Players: Source?
Gaijin: Trust Me Bro, we know whats good.
Last edited by SpiralRazor; Nov 15, 2023 @ 1:22am
Belgord Nov 15, 2023 @ 1:32am 
Originally posted by SpiralRazor:
Originally posted by Belgord:
It was based on feedback apparently, whose feedback? no idea

Sus "sources" 100%

Players: Source?
Gaijin: Trust Me Bro, we know whats good.

Yeah pretty much :(
magazine2  [developer] Nov 15, 2023 @ 4:45am 
Originally posted by Belgord:
It was based on feedback apparently, whose feedback? no idea

Originally posted by SpiralRazor:
Originally posted by Belgord:
It was based on feedback apparently, whose feedback? no idea

Sus "sources" 100%

Players: Source?
Gaijin: Trust Me Bro, we know whats good.

Often of times there is a bunch of feedback related to this. Positions where one team can get a massive advantage, and the other team not. These are the spots that have mostly been patched up.
Fifty Fathoms Nov 15, 2023 @ 5:17am 
Originally posted by magazine2:
Originally posted by Belgord:
It was based on feedback apparently, whose feedback? no idea

Originally posted by SpiralRazor:

Sus "sources" 100%

Players: Source?
Gaijin: Trust Me Bro, we know whats good.

Often of times there is a bunch of feedback related to this. Positions where one team can get a massive advantage, and the other team not. These are the spots that have mostly been patched up.

You don't always start on the same side. So the advantage is balanced out in the total number of matches. In my opinion you made some good maps less apealing with this.
Last edited by Fifty Fathoms; Nov 15, 2023 @ 5:29am
Cha Cha Real Rough Nov 15, 2023 @ 6:06am 
Originally posted by Fifty Fathoms:
Originally posted by magazine2:

Often of times there is a bunch of feedback related to this. Positions where one team can get a massive advantage, and the other team not. These are the spots that have mostly been patched up.

You don't always start on the same side. So the advantage is balanced out in the total number of matches. In my opinion you made some good maps less apealing with this.
That.... Doesnt make sense....

Advantage/disadvantage should be fixed in the map itself, not through the RNG of being put on the good/bad side of the map lmao. Yeah i can agree that they've changed some maps in bad ways, but saying "well don't worry you'll get the good side of the map eventually" isn't balance lmao.
Last edited by Cha Cha Real Rough; Nov 15, 2023 @ 6:06am
JuX Nov 15, 2023 @ 6:26am 
Has nothing to do with using your brain.

Probably most braindead gameplay to sit in the exact same spot in every game and snipe in to enemy spawn. What a genius one must feel, especially after learning it from someone els that killed you from there in the first place.

Gameplay balance is far more important factor then having opportunities for people to find exploits.

It's already bad enough that maps have inconsistencies about everything. From durability of objects like trees and penetration of buildings to terrain features. Like asphalt roads that work great, but in some maps even a puddle on a road can drastically slow you down.
Fifty Fathoms Nov 15, 2023 @ 6:37am 
Originally posted by Cha Cha Real Rough:
Originally posted by Fifty Fathoms:

You don't always start on the same side. So the advantage is balanced out in the total number of matches. In my opinion you made some good maps less apealing with this.
That.... Doesnt make sense....

Advantage/disadvantage should be fixed in the map itself, not through the RNG of being put on the good/bad side of the map lmao. Yeah i can agree that they've changed some maps in bad ways, but saying "well don't worry you'll get the good side of the map eventually" isn't balance lmao.

War thunder has 50 maps for ground rb. If 4 or 5 of them are not balanced, it hardly matters. Above all, this makes the game much more interesting. Tube like maps without any opportunities to explore even after a few hundred matches are simply boring in the long run.
There are some maps I feel are BS giving one side easy snipe locations while making it a chore for the other side to do so, that needs to be taken care of. Ass River is one map I know that's like that and instantly put on my block list for that reason when they opened up block lists..

With that said, yeah forcing one style of play, possibly for the unstated reason of "muh queue times" is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Some vehicles are not suited for CQC quick flanking action.
Last edited by Futuristic Hexagon; Nov 15, 2023 @ 6:44am
Hotschi48 Nov 15, 2023 @ 6:57am 
Originally posted by Futuristic Hexagon:
There are some maps I feel are BS giving one side easy snipe locations while making it a chore for the other side to do so, that needs to be taken care of. Ass River is one map I know that's like that and instantly put on my block list for that reason when they opened up block lists..

With that said, yeah forcing one style of play, possibly for the unstated reason of "muh queue times" is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Some vehicles are not suited for CQC quick flanking action.

And these unbalanced maps are yet another reason for 1-death-leaving as well....
SpiralRazor Nov 15, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Originally posted by magazine2:
Originally posted by Belgord:
It was based on feedback apparently, whose feedback? no idea

Originally posted by SpiralRazor:

Sus "sources" 100%

Players: Source?
Gaijin: Trust Me Bro, we know whats good.

Often of times there is a bunch of feedback related to this. Positions where one team can get a massive advantage, and the other team not. These are the spots that have mostly been patched up.

Youve reduced the overall size of the maps by 30 to 50%. Thats undeniable. Most of us that have been playing awhile remember the traction debacle and its reason. The out of bounds portions arent even consistent or logical.
cholesterol1 (Banned) Nov 15, 2023 @ 8:58am 
your head is empty, you're just a poor camper, not a gamer
< >
Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
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Date Posted: Nov 14, 2023 @ 8:23pm
Posts: 25