Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend

KNOWN BUG LIST - Please contribute
I'll try to keep this list as updated as I can. If you want me to add a bug, please clearly describe the bug, how to reproduce it, and your system.


-When using some gamepads, the radial menus can get "stuck". You can point to a different option and it will appear to be selected, but the option listed in text (and that is executed) is different. This has so far been seen on fan tribute/summon flag, and launch of death/skies afire
-No clear way to exit from unit build menu as TC, when using a nun. Tab works, but it's not indicated onscreen.

-In the spider boss fight, sometimes only 4 of 8 small spiders spawn correctly, causing the big spider to stay on the web waiting for the missing 4 to be killed
-Controller rumble not working
-Buying things in motorforge with the mouse causes dialogue to not play. Using keyboard works. Applies to selecting things in some menus too
-Skullrakers refuse to attack enemy stage, as they don't get into a valid position to do so when ordered to attack. If a skullraker is moved by double-teaming (then you get off), they will attack as normal May affect other units
- Camera resets to default position after a few seconds of no mouse input. This should happen on controllers, but mouse users don't need automatic centring of cameras. Doesn't happen when flying
-When playing Ironheade against Tainted Coil, TC can sometimes take a geyser when the IH player is standing near it with units, and finishes their solo first. This has also been seen with Drowning Doom. This bug may be confined to AI matches. -
-Mouse appears on-screen in menus while using a controller, resets to centre of screen every time a new menu pops up. Interferes with using a controller in certain menus
- UI elements can appear white after alt tabbing (seems rarer now, but happens occasionally)
-No "reset to default" command for key config
- During Chasing the Plague mission, some of the Tainted Raptor Elks tend to get stuck, sometimes all of them. (It usually happens after crossing the highway, then taking a right turn and going under the bridge, but in rare occasions while they are already running on the plains.) This causes the mission to fail
-When using a controller, walking control can get "stuck" on one of the eight "binary" directions you'd have on a keyboard. It gets "unstuck" after moving out of a certain range, when it becomes more sensitive again. To reproduce, aim the camera at the ground, and run in circles using the left stick (holding the right stick in the centre-down position). Try and make small changes to your direction. One player has reported only being able to move in 8 directions

-After viewing a vista, all unlock countdowns/progress meters/radio notifications will no longer appear until you die or enter a forge.
-Many players still reporting micro-stuttering, particularly relating to character animation (maybe fixed?)
-All animals are hairless
-Floating fiery particles don't appear in the air during Light of Dawn like they're supposed to.
- Camera glitches when freeing the bound serpent on the sand bar by the screaming wall
- Lionwhyte's hair doesn't behave correctly - stray hairs
-Hair sometimes freaks out in cutscenes, when the camera first shows it
-Ophelia's entire body (almost) is black
-Lamprey tongues don't get cut off and fall to ground as on consoles, just vanish instead
-A floating lighter flame is left in midair when you start a Razor Girl double team - on 360, the lighter flame also doesn't travel with Eddie - but it goes out straight away
-Agony Boil particle effects persist after boil explodes (probably similar to the razorgirl lighter bug, and the earlier metal beast fire bug)
-Hair doesn't cast shadows (affects ophelia, razorgirls, possibly others)
-Weird visuals in Razorboar mission.
- Distant areas sometimes don't render correctly - see posts by {GmT}J.P.
-The Organist's blue fog trail only appears when both sides are playing as Drowning Doom - Also appears on 360

-Some menus only allow horizontal scrolling, not vertical
-Credits display strangely on 16:10 monitors
-Overclocking can cause major glitches
- Draw distance for shadows could be increased, for highest draw distance
- Pillarboxing doesn't work properly at 1440x900
- Extend the distance that the car's audio plays over once Eddie jumps out
-Borderless windowed mode
-Some elements (simulations, including character animation) are still locked to 30FPS (maybe fixed?)
-Fan leeches are not correctly aligned to geysers (mostly fixed)
- 3D Vision broken; primarily shadows and various lighting effects - can be fixed with
- Glitches during the cutscene where Eddie gets his wings - long black lines, seem to be stray polygons
-Allow player choice for costumes and weapon skins in MP
-Allow players to stop sprinting without having to stop moving entirely
-Separate the subtitles from captioning of incidental noises (this is done on consoles)
-Custom soundtrack ability
-Mapping stuff to the right shift or ctrl keys doesn't work, keys are treated the same as left ones
-Guitar attack sounds should be louder
-Options screen not suited to some displays - graphic doesn't extend high enough for 16:10 monitors, resulting in a cutoff where the background is visible.
-In Dry Ice Quarry, the level of fog starts off fine, but after a few minutes it increases to ridiculous levels, so you can barely navigate the map A slight toning down would be appreciated.
- Main menu lacks "quit" button. Esc works, but there's no prompt to tell you about it.
-Lots of reports about the beer keg mission being too difficult - not a bug, but people are having trouble
- Option to make the "lock on" a toggle instead of press-to-hold
- "Cage" that Eddie is trapped in by druids after falling off the walker-thing in the intro doesn't display properly. PC version = Consoles =

-Game crashes when opponent disconnects
-Some people are finding the game is rendering cutscenes and menus far too big for their screens, resulting in the screen only showing the top left 1/4 of the image. - Caused by forcing a resolution under graphics drivers
-Favored achievement doesn't unlock, as game doesn't correctly track spent tributes
-Tiny spiders don't spawn from bodies in lair
- Feedback visual effect caused by the amps on the Screaming Wall sometimes causes brief screen tearing and artifacts (both in-game and in cutscenes). This is more pronounced on the story mission involving it.
-Beer mission extremely hard in high-sim
-When changing the heads of Mt.Rockmore the UI says to press Esc to exit. It should really be 'E', Esc only bring up the in-game menu. I believe other prompts for this area have been reported as incorrect too.
-Ambient Occlusion visible through grass -
- History/lore background is transparent (shows game screen), instead of opaque black
-Broken Achievements: Overkill and Protector
-Reward for hunting missions does not unlock
-Raptor elk (Summoned with call of the wild) don't cast any shadows unless Eddie is riding one
-Deuce has weird ghosting effect during cutscenes on high-sim
-Some prompts are not appearing, including "concept art unlocked" popups, and bound serpent/motorforge-related popups. Improving, but not yet fixed. Rewards for getting serpents still missing
-Sound effects seem to be significantly lower quality than music/VO
-Late in the game when you return to bladehenge, everything is completely black and white Probably related to skies afire bug below -
-When switching from controller to mouse, mouse input registers as extremely slow movement, and stops after the pointer hits the edge of the screen
-Mouse control on radial menus can be tricky to select diagonal options sometimes
-Game not saving properly for some people. Chapters list shows completed chapters, but can't load chapter saves or select continue.
-Eddie's ID tags frequently pass through his chest in cutscenes
-Shadows seem to be drawn in reverse - as you approach, they vanish
-Skies Afire turns the game to black and white - not the washed out grey/red look on consoles, but proper black/white (including the sky)
-Missing prompts for unlocking songs, changing tracks when in-car
-Colour correction goes too far during lamprey feeding area (SP), making it way less saturated than on consoles. Issue begins shortly after breaking through the doors in the car
-After alt-tabbing, menus are completely black. Loading a multiplayer match then leaving resolves this. This can also be triggered by changing anything other than brightness under display settings
-Chrome shader broken, causing many chrome objects to appear black (including spiders)
-Special characters in some languages (French confirmed) are displayed as black boxes
-When using a controller, the mouse cursor is not hidden
- Default key binds still place the right speaker attack and exit stage functions on the same key so you can't use the right speaker.
-Whispering Rock achievement doesn't unlock
-Map is hard to navigate with keyboard, and can't be used with the mouse (may need to delete preferences file for this to take effect - located in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Doublefine
-Sometimes keyboard stops responding, while mouse continues to function
-Some users reporting issues with default sound mix
-Druid chanting in the opening sequence is too loud
-Career totals aren't always saved correctly, and have been known to get stuck or reset
-"Leaving map" warning not present in MP
-Mouse moves camera while using radial menus
-MISSING DIALOGUE - Many of Ozzie's comments when buying stuff are not played. May only apply when using a mouse.
-Back slot category in the motor forge glitches out
-Oceans often fail to render on AMD cards
-Light of the gods (marker beacon) doesn't appear 80% of the time
-Feeding area monster has no roar in cutscene
-Map doesn't let you instantly get out of it after looking at it (backspace won't respond again after a few seconds)
-MISSING CUTSCENE - Doviculus finding Ophelia's knife, after bridge escape
-Spiral in sky is broken on Feeding Area (probably other maps too)
-Some menu elements are still not mouse clickable, most notably the "difficulty," "invite friends," and "back" buttons in the AI Practice menu, as well as the buttons in the confirmation dialogue after hitting back on this menu. Other confirmation dialogues are clickable though.
-Lines appearing through unit construction indicators
-Character animation sometimes plays at a lower framerate than everything else
-After entering the menu, the displayed FPS through Fraps remains at 60, but it seems to be introducing microstutters - which I suspect means it drops to 30. To reproduce this, start a new match and fly. Use the mouse to rotate the camera at a constant slow speed (or better, use a controller's right stick). Pause and resume the game, and watch the background. Everything moves much less smoothly.
-Doviculus doesn't cast a shadow, only his sceptre/staff does
-Add maps to loading screens (as seen on consoles)
-Ophelia's wings are solid black sheets, and appear to be missing the wispy tendrils they had on consoles
-Framerate is locked to 30FPS
-Remove "Do not turn off power" message during startup. People don't do that
-Shadows are completely nonfunctional on some computers now
-Transparency is broken on some of the UI elements in game (such as the completion notice for guitar solos)
-Some people are getting horzontal lines on the ground in game where there are no shadows
-No option to remap the sprint key (it's called Boost)
-The Chains of Hell solo from Tainted Coil doesn't seem to be working at all.
-Camera speed has a maximum, so trying to make quick turns with a mouse is frustrating (even with sensitivity on maximum)
-Massive framerate drops at the end of multiplayer matches - appears to be linked to Tainted Coil stage collapse
-Mouse selection in the radial menus is very sluggish and hard to use

CAN'T REPRODUCE (can anyone else?)
-Some 360 controllers (wired or wireless) aren't functioning. Possibly related to having several controllers installed - (Any further problems let me know, but also go post in )
-Some people have reported difficulties with solos - the timing onscreen doesn't match up with the input requirement - should be fixed, report if not
-Ratguts can be stunned by Fire Baron attacks, and will stay in place until death -
-While on the Headsplitter, if you target something for too long the reticule becomes stuck on the screen -
-Rock Crusher buff sometimes paints eddie's axe and guitar black -
最近の変更はPirateguybrushが行いました; 2013年3月14日 10時48分
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1-15 / 802 のコメントを表示
Edited: my wireless 360 controller works like a charm now, no issues
最近の変更はSentient Entropyが行いました; 2013年2月26日 9時07分
Gameplay bug: The Chains of Agony solo from the Tainted Coil doesn't seem to be working at all.
J.P. 2013年2月22日 8時27分 
Didn't DF ask us to make separate threads about the issues we encounter?
Confirmed and added.
@JP - They did, but I figure a consolidated list that's updated when bugs are resolved is worth doing.
最近の変更はHexedHeroが行いました; 2013年2月22日 9時27分
@Stephen - Added
I'd like to see a screenshot of the "TC took a geyser while my troops were on it" problem. Simply because some people don't understand the range your units have to be to hold that contested zone.
Soüp 2013年2月22日 10時13分 
A couple things to add:
- Some menu options currently only respond to mouse clicks and not the controller button or keyboard keys shown on the screen
- Some people are getting horzontal lines on the ground in game where there are no shadows
t4rd 2013年2月22日 11時01分 
Might just be me seeing as I haven't seen this mentioned once, but I'm having a LOT of trouble with solos in general. There's a huge gap between the time the notes are displayed and the time the game expects you to hit them. Not only that, but the amount of desync seems to change every time I try to do a solo.
FPS lag during a brutal victory screen, doesn't always happen, so I'm not actually sure if it was fixed in the latest build or not.
I've seen that when playing as Ironheade against Tainted Coil. Can anyone confirm if that's the only situation where it happens?
Here is a big one: My games are not saving to my career history record. I've played between 40 and 50 games, yet I'm still sitting with a 7-0 record.
最近の変更はKor of Memoryが行いました; 2013年2月22日 11時42分
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