Don't Starve
Trading Cards
Willing to trade just about any card in my BP for a Willow, Wendy or Wilson card. Send me a trade request.
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Показані коментарі 18 із 8
Цитата допису AF2 | Stale_Milk:
Willing to trade just about any card in my BP for a Willow, Wendy or Wilson card. Send me a trade request.
psst use trade forum
Trading Cards are used to create badges for your profile, which helps you raise your Steam level.
really need a wilson card please i will trade three summer sale cards for wilson
I currently need a wilson and a wendy card. Im wiling to trade just about any other card from another game such as TF2, Left 4 dead, portal and many more. Send me a friend request
Trading a Wilson card for another Dont Starve - Card!!!
Автор останньої редакції: Aku; 20 лип. 2013 о 20:32
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Показані коментарі 18 із 8
На сторінку: 1530 50

Опубліковано: 19 лип. 2013 о 13:25
Дописів: 8