Don't Starve
Is it possible to despawn hounds?
Hey guys, is there any way to despawn the hounds?

Back in April someone mentioned the "c_despawn(AllPlayers[number])" command and I was wondering if it was possible to use this to somehow despawn all existing hounds in the game.

The situation is that my wife and I set it to “none” on “hound attacks” but keep getting jumped! I simply can’t explain it…
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... why would you want to despawn hounds? just kill them. they aren't hard to kill.
If I want to then I want to.. that was not the question of the OP. Please don't try to derail my post.
You can't despawn every hound in the world with a single command, but this is about as hard as killing them, you need to have your mouse on them when you press enter to this command:
Oh, okay. Thank you.
Hounds help a lot though. They give you tons of monster meat if you lead them to beefalos. You can use monster meat to befriend pigs and lead them to the same beefalos which will net you with a lot of regular meat and some pig skin. You can make hambats and great food with them. Conversely you can use those monster meats to give to a bird and trade the eggs for gold. They're part of the ecosystem, If anything removing them might make it harder or slower to progress IMO.
The Militant Penguin Front の投稿を引用:
If I want to then I want to.. that was not the question of the OP. Please don't try to derail my post.
Preach! Some people need to learn how to stay on topic.
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