Once Human

Once Human

xSnowFlakes Jun 10, 2024 @ 2:19pm
Once human crashes and restarts my pc!
Okay i have no idea whats wrong with this game and or where i can get help or some info, i was in cbt and i had same problem at first when i login in a server, while i was in the loading screen my pc restarts, like no blue screen or any error nothing just a basic restart, and i was trying to fix it for days and somehow making it in a minimum small screen helped and after i could just play in normal size with max graphic everything was fine, now that the game is in obt i tried again and i have the same shty issues as before basicly i am loading in the world and my pc is restarting without any error etc but this time no graphic change or window size nothing helps, i am just lost for words bcs this is the first game that i have this issue with and its not like the game is that hard that my pc cant take it my cpu gets to like 40% of use and gpu around 50, and ram about 7gb use while i have 16 so i rlly dont understand what to do, if someone has same problem and knows how to fix it plss tell me i rlly wanna play it but i have no idea how to fix it, i tried to update my drivers (even tried old drivers) i search in the pc error history or whatever it called but the restarts where without any error, i tried to change directx etc i rlly dont know what to do more x-x some pls help 😭
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Showing 1-15 of 55 comments
Kashra Fall Jun 10, 2024 @ 2:26pm 
If you're crashing at the start, it's likely because of shader compilation, which requires a hefty amount of hardware/resource use and power draw, after which, it requires about 80% less. If you're crashing in the game, as in just running around the world? The problem can be caused by numerous amounts of things.

However, if you're PC is restarting? PSU (Power supply unit.) or GPU overheating would be the main cause I'd suspect.

Other outliers could be outdated drivers, or overclocks not playing nice.
Last edited by Kashra Fall; Jun 10, 2024 @ 2:27pm
Simbia Jun 10, 2024 @ 5:55pm 
Still got the same issue for hours and done all.
Mark Dyson Jun 11, 2024 @ 2:55am 
+++ Unexpected kernel mode trap
xSnowFlakes Jun 11, 2024 @ 11:35am 
Originally posted by Kashra Fall:
If you're crashing at the start, it's likely because of shader compilation, which requires a hefty amount of hardware/resource use and power draw, after which, it requires about 80% less. If you're crashing in the game, as in just running around the world? The problem can be caused by numerous amounts of things.

However, if you're PC is restarting? PSU (Power supply unit.) or GPU overheating would be the main cause I'd suspect.

Other outliers could be outdated drivers, or overclocks not playing nice.

Well i already updated all my drivers (even tried the old ones) my cpu is around 40 celsius, and my gpu is 50 celsius they both work around 50%, my pc restarts when i am in the loading screen, but like i said i did play it before so its pretty weird why i cant play it now, but even before i had the same problem and idk why, i tried basicly almost everything at this point and i am just lost x-x, i have no problem with other games, they all run on max graphics just fine and never had i a problem where my pc restarts out of nowhere, my pc: Intel Xeon E5-2670 v3 2.30ghz, GeForce GTX 1070 8gb, 16gb ram, the game was on a ssd and on hdd didnt work on any of them, my pc is not heating up (sadly bcs at least if it was heating up i would know the problem)
Spiritos Jun 11, 2024 @ 4:34pm 
Try looking in event viewer to see what the crash errors are.
Rogue Jun 11, 2024 @ 5:12pm 
Hard reset = pc hardware problems.

Google on how to diagnostic your PC hardware, temp, memory sticks, stress test, power supply unit and even using USB storage or devices. Especially you are using hardware more than a decade old. Stuff rots even electronics.
Last edited by Rogue; Jun 11, 2024 @ 5:14pm
If you played Helldivers 2, it might've killed your SSD like it killed mine and several other people's.
xSnowFlakes Jun 12, 2024 @ 10:32am 
Originally posted by Rogue:
Hard reset = pc hardware problems.

Google on how to diagnostic your PC hardware, temp, memory sticks, stress test, power supply unit and even using USB storage or devices. Especially you are using hardware more than a decade old. Stuff rots even electronics.

My guy, the game has system requirements, my pc is passing the minimal requirement and the recommended one, also my pc is not that old but okay :'),
its just weird that i can play ark ascended, while i dont meet the system requirements, and lets be real here ark was never known as "good optimised game",

i tierd to set the game on my hdd on another ssd on another nvme ssd m2 or whatever thats called, i did a tress test,
i checked if my pc would heat up or whatever but again no my pc doesnt come anywhere close to 70 grade celsius (158Fahrenheit) it not going higher than 50% of my cpu and gpu use,

i play bunch of other games that are lets be real here much worse and harder on my pc than this game,
i even tried to block some of the thread on my cpu bcs i though maybe the game doesnt like if there are much thread,

even a friend that builds pc's and is pretty good with working with them tried a bunch of stuf but it just doesnt work,
its pretty painfull to see people playing on a much much MUCH older pc's, and i just cant join them, while they cant play around 40% games i play (the new ones ofc),

and its just weird why at some point i could just play fine on max graphic but now i cant even join a server, again i tried to even look into the event viewer it doesnt say anything,
i even blocked so my pc wont restart if there is an error but i guess this game doesnt care...

I also asked in dc, and got to know that there are a few people with same problem but almost everyone has other pc components so i just have no idea,
but i hope someone fixed this issue and will be fine with telling how ^-^
DEDloc_© Jun 12, 2024 @ 10:44am 
Originally posted by xSnowFlakes:
Originally posted by Rogue:
Hard reset = pc hardware problems.

Google on how to diagnostic your PC hardware, temp, memory sticks, stress test, power supply unit and even using USB storage or devices. Especially you are using hardware more than a decade old. Stuff rots even electronics.

My guy, the game has system requirements, my pc is passing the minimal requirement and the recommended one, also my pc is not that old but okay :'),
its just weird that i can play ark ascended, while i dont meet the system requirements, and lets be real here ark was never known as "good optimised game",

i tierd to set the game on my hdd on another ssd on another nvme ssd m2 or whatever thats called, i did a tress test,
i checked if my pc would heat up or whatever but again no my pc doesnt come anywhere close to 70 grade celsius (158Fahrenheit) it not going higher than 50% of my cpu and gpu use,

i play bunch of other games that are lets be real here much worse and harder on my pc than this game,
i even tried to block some of the thread on my cpu bcs i though maybe the game doesnt like if there are much thread,

even a friend that builds pc's and is pretty good with working with them tried a bunch of stuf but it just doesnt work,
its pretty painfull to see people playing on a much much MUCH older pc's, and i just cant join them, while they cant play around 40% games i play (the new ones ofc),

and its just weird why at some point i could just play fine on max graphic but now i cant even join a server, again i tried to even look into the event viewer it doesnt say anything,
i even blocked so my pc wont restart if there is an error but i guess this game doesnt care...

I also asked in dc, and got to know that there are a few people with same problem but almost everyone has other pc components so i just have no idea,
but i hope someone fixed this issue and will be fine with telling how ^-^

It does make sense why you would feel this way. Nevertheless, he's correct. A hard reset such as you describe can only be caused by faulty or failing hardware. I understand that all other games work, this one is just creating the conditions by which your hardware fault emerges. Other games work differently and tax the system at different times for different reasons, so that's simply not anything to go on.
The game by itself isn't even capable of producing a hard reset. It's definitely hardware related.
It might even be just installation errors. Before you test anything, you could try removing and re-seating your video card and ram chips. I've seen this happen with a video card I myself installed and I was "so sure" I did it right the first time. So it doesn't hurt to check.
Neyreyan_Youtube Jun 12, 2024 @ 11:08am 
Same for me as well but aparently its caused by using the ingame frame limit. Set it to unlimited wich should make things easier to handle but then your gpu will be used at almost 100% wich i am not sure if its good or bad
Modda Jun 12, 2024 @ 12:30pm 
Originally posted by xSnowFlakes:
Okay i have no idea whats wrong with this game and or where i can get help or some info, i was in cbt and i had same problem at first when i login in a server, while i was in the loading screen my pc restarts, like no blue screen or any error nothing just a basic restart, and i was trying to fix it for days and somehow making it in a minimum small screen helped and after i could just play in normal size with max graphic everything was fine, now that the game is in obt i tried again and i have the same shty issues as before basicly i am loading in the world and my pc is restarting without any error etc but this time no graphic change or window size nothing helps, i am just lost for words bcs this is the first game that i have this issue with and its not like the game is that hard that my pc cant take it my cpu gets to like 40% of use and gpu around 50, and ram about 7gb use while i have 16 so i rlly dont understand what to do, if someone has same problem and knows how to fix it plss tell me i rlly wanna play it but i have no idea how to fix it, i tried to update my drivers (even tried old drivers) i search in the pc error history or whatever it called but the restarts where without any error, i tried to change directx etc i rlly dont know what to do more x-x some pls help 😭

Game causes your PC to shut off?

I would /sfc scan( in your command prompt) now to see if any corrupted files on your PC if that comes back fine then
run anti virus if that comes back fine

It could be:
Your power supply is failing(is it dying, is it undervolting?, does it need to be cleaned?)

CPU/GPU Overheating could be(just because you might have a new card you can destroy it pretty quick and easily i see this all the time) i.e. utilisation is over %90 I see people burn out their cards all the time because they don't know about that. If your over 80% in gpu utilisation turn down your frame rates in games that helps tremendously.

Graphics Driver Issue (new drivers came out recently, if could be conflicting with you right now roll back to previous driver maybe)

Loose Hardware Connections

BIOS Needs an Update

Your motherboard can be failing or not handle the load your doing and shuts off. This was happening to me few months back my pc was randomly restarting or shutting off when playing umm what game was it umm oh yea Helldivers 2 ended up upgrading motherboard and my pc doesn't shut off randomly anymore. I had to upgrade cpu had to newer gen when i upgraded the board. I looked it up my previous board meh one but prone to crash while gaming, doing other stuff etc. I'm not saying it's your motherboard but in my case it was.

and there's more possibilities to the list goes on

We need more info and specs

Originally posted by Neyreyan_Youtube:
Same for me as well but aparently its caused by using the ingame frame limit. Set it to unlimited wich should make things easier to handle but then your gpu will be used at almost 100% wich i am not sure if its good or bad

That's bad don't do that, if your utilisation is over say 85% your burning your card out and fast. Set your frames to 30 or 60 or 120 play around with and go to task manager see how much down utilisation goes down after each frame change and your pc, gpu will run smoother and see much cooler your pc will be.
Last edited by Modda; Jun 12, 2024 @ 12:31pm
an actual pigeon Jun 12, 2024 @ 12:52pm 
My gf was experiencing this and this is what I did to fix it. It has been working so far and she was able to make it past the character creator without a PC reboot.

"Okay, for those having issues with PC crashing or restarting completely, I verified the game files, then used Nvidia Control Panel to set the game's frame cap to 60 and in game set it to unlimited, also lowered vegetation detail to low. Not sure what helped, but was able to make it past character creator this time. Hope this helps someone else!"
Poisonslash Jun 12, 2024 @ 1:01pm 
Originally posted by Modda 🠉🠊🠋🠋🠋:
Originally posted by xSnowFlakes:
Okay i have no idea whats wrong with this game and or where i can get help or some info, i was in cbt and i had same problem at first when i login in a server, while i was in the loading screen my pc restarts, like no blue screen or any error nothing just a basic restart, and i was trying to fix it for days and somehow making it in a minimum small screen helped and after i could just play in normal size with max graphic everything was fine, now that the game is in obt i tried again and i have the same shty issues as before basicly i am loading in the world and my pc is restarting without any error etc but this time no graphic change or window size nothing helps, i am just lost for words bcs this is the first game that i have this issue with and its not like the game is that hard that my pc cant take it my cpu gets to like 40% of use and gpu around 50, and ram about 7gb use while i have 16 so i rlly dont understand what to do, if someone has same problem and knows how to fix it plss tell me i rlly wanna play it but i have no idea how to fix it, i tried to update my drivers (even tried old drivers) i search in the pc error history or whatever it called but the restarts where without any error, i tried to change directx etc i rlly dont know what to do more x-x some pls help 😭

Game causes your PC to shut off?

I would /sfc scan( in your command prompt) now to see if any corrupted files on your PC if that comes back fine then
run anti virus if that comes back fine

It could be:
Your power supply is failing(is it dying, is it undervolting?, does it need to be cleaned?)

CPU/GPU Overheating could be(just because you might have a new card you can destroy it pretty quick and easily i see this all the time) i.e. utilisation is over %90 I see people burn out their cards all the time because they don't know about that. If your over 80% in gpu utilisation turn down your frame rates in games that helps tremendously.

Graphics Driver Issue (new drivers came out recently, if could be conflicting with you right now roll back to previous driver maybe)

Loose Hardware Connections

BIOS Needs an Update

Your motherboard can be failing or not handle the load your doing and shuts off. This was happening to me few months back my pc was randomly restarting or shutting off when playing umm what game was it umm oh yea Helldivers 2 ended up upgrading motherboard and my pc doesn't shut off randomly anymore. I had to upgrade cpu had to newer gen when i upgraded the board. I looked it up my previous board meh one but prone to crash while gaming, doing other stuff etc. I'm not saying it's your motherboard but in my case it was.

and there's more possibilities to the list goes on

We need more info and specs

Originally posted by Neyreyan_Youtube:
Same for me as well but aparently its caused by using the ingame frame limit. Set it to unlimited wich should make things easier to handle but then your gpu will be used at almost 100% wich i am not sure if its good or bad

That's bad don't do that, if your utilisation is over say 85% your burning your card out and fast. Set your frames to 30 or 60 or 120 play around with and go to task manager see how much down utilisation goes down after each frame change and your pc, gpu will run smoother and see much cooler your pc will be.

Idk who told you this but it's completely false. When gaming you SHOULD be aiming for 100% GPU utilisation, GPUs are literally designed to work like that and means your GPU is properly doing it's job by utilising it's resources.

The only time you should have low GPU utilisation is when playing older games (or if the game is poorly optimised) , if your graphics settings are too low and/or if you are bottle necked by your CPU. When graphics settings are too low, or a bottleneck is present you will experience higher CPU usage.

The things you want to avoid are high CPU usage and high temperature.
Last edited by Poisonslash; Jun 12, 2024 @ 1:04pm
Modda Jun 12, 2024 @ 1:53pm 
Originally posted by Poisonslash:
Originally posted by Modda 🠉🠊🠋🠋🠋:

Game causes your PC to shut off?

I would /sfc scan( in your command prompt) now to see if any corrupted files on your PC if that comes back fine then
run anti virus if that comes back fine

It could be:
Your power supply is failing(is it dying, is it undervolting?, does it need to be cleaned?)

CPU/GPU Overheating could be(just because you might have a new card you can destroy it pretty quick and easily i see this all the time) i.e. utilisation is over %90 I see people burn out their cards all the time because they don't know about that. If your over 80% in gpu utilisation turn down your frame rates in games that helps tremendously.

Graphics Driver Issue (new drivers came out recently, if could be conflicting with you right now roll back to previous driver maybe)

Loose Hardware Connections

BIOS Needs an Update

Your motherboard can be failing or not handle the load your doing and shuts off. This was happening to me few months back my pc was randomly restarting or shutting off when playing umm what game was it umm oh yea Helldivers 2 ended up upgrading motherboard and my pc doesn't shut off randomly anymore. I had to upgrade cpu had to newer gen when i upgraded the board. I looked it up my previous board meh one but prone to crash while gaming, doing other stuff etc. I'm not saying it's your motherboard but in my case it was.

and there's more possibilities to the list goes on

We need more info and specs

That's bad don't do that, if your utilisation is over say 85% your burning your card out and fast. Set your frames to 30 or 60 or 120 play around with and go to task manager see how much down utilisation goes down after each frame change and your pc, gpu will run smoother and see much cooler your pc will be.

Idk who told you this but it's completely false. When gaming you SHOULD be aiming for 100% GPU utilisation, GPUs are literally designed to work like that and means your GPU is properly doing it's job by utilising it's resources.

The only time you should have low GPU utilisation is when playing older games (or if the game is poorly optimised) , if your graphics settings are too low and/or if you are bottle necked by your CPU. When graphics settings are too low, or a bottleneck is present you will experience higher CPU usage.

The things you want to avoid are high CPU usage and high temperature.
^ This guy will burn out your card within 1-2 years saying it's fine to run on 85% and up and more utilisation

Yea well what your saying is tru but not always right and you know that. It's not always for older games so many games coming out now game runs likes ♥♥♥♥ and people have nice PC's that are complaining with these issues so many people I've told to try that end's up running smoother for them. It's nice when you don't have your GPU running at almost %100 workload utilisation you know it will burn your card out faster. It is an easy fix for alot of people with low to high end PC's.

Last edited by Modda; Jun 12, 2024 @ 1:54pm
guska Jun 12, 2024 @ 2:31pm 
Originally posted by Modda 🠉🠊🠋🠋🠋:
^ This guy will burn out your card within 1-2 years saying it's fine to run on 85% and up and more utilisation

Yea well what your saying is tru but not always right and you know that. It's not always for older games so many games coming out now game runs likes ♥♥♥♥ and people have nice PC's that are complaining with these issues so many people I've told to try that end's up running smoother for them. It's nice when you don't have your GPU running at almost %100 workload utilisation you know it will burn your card out faster. It is an easy fix for alot of people with low to high end PC's.

This is just misinformation. You are not going to burn a card out running it at high utilisation unless you've disabled the safeties and are cooking it.
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Showing 1-15 of 55 comments
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Date Posted: Jun 10, 2024 @ 2:19pm
Posts: 55