Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single Player

A book about demons - MILD SPOILERS! DO NOT OPEN!
I am most interested about what have you decided to do with Xana after reading this tome.

For those who are wondering, it's the book found in the "houses" hanging from the coast, most precisely in the last one before activating the elevator. This scroll tells about the reasons that pull demons in this world, and ends explicitly warning the reader to not trust the whispers of the Succubi, because they lead to ruin. The demon consume the host, which in turn becomes an empty shell, a new body for the demon itself.

Do you think that Xana is special?
Автор останньої редакції: Hariwulf; 30 трав. 2016 о 16:51
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its been a while since i played it but it felt like Xana did have honest feelings for the main character. after all he wasnt some nobody
The warnings of the book would be true to regular humans. If it wasn't 100% propaganda. Sareth however isn't just a regular human. The demons are his family :D
Ignoring the post by the obvious troll atheist, it's likely just fluff added in for the sake of High Fantasy stuff. Ubisoft got the rights to Might and Magic and completly redid the series to fit their makeshift world so that it could essentially be used to compete with a pre-existing market. By happenstance, Dark Messiah became a result. For all we know, the flavor text could be true and Xana might eventually try to eat her way through Sareth's soul and permanently possess his body. Given that Xana previously was a human soul this could be the case (learned via wiki). Alternatively Sareth could very well be immune since he too is demon spawn, and Xana's only purpose is to act as the voice in the player's head that helps guide him along the way, like the person in the radio in a traditional cut n' paste FPS...

Or it could be just flavor text, and we're all reading too much into it. I think I prefer that explanation.
Автор останньої редакції: Kerian Halcyon; 19 черв. 2016 о 3:14
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:
Ignoring the post by the obvious troll atheist, it's likely just fluff added in for the sake of High Fantasy stuff. Ubisoft got the rights to Might and Magic and completly redid the series to fit their makeshift world so that it could essentially be used to compete with a pre-existing market. By happenstance, Dark Messiah became a result. For all we know, the flavor text could be true and Xana might eventually try to eat her way through Sareth's soul and permanently possess his body. Given that Xana previously was a human soul this could be the case (learned via wiki). Alternatively Sareth could very well be immune since he too is demon spawn, and Xana's only purpose is to act as the voice in the player's head that helps guide him along the way, like the person in the radio in a traditional cut n' paste FPS...

Or it could be just flavor text, and we're all reading too much into it. I think I prefer that explanation.

Yeah, I am 50/50 too with the interpretation. Besides, I always stick with Xana, just cannot resist her begging for love, and I like to think she is honest in that.
Цитата допису Hariwulf:
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:
Ignoring the post by the obvious troll atheist, it's likely just fluff added in for the sake of High Fantasy stuff. Ubisoft got the rights to Might and Magic and completly redid the series to fit their makeshift world so that it could essentially be used to compete with a pre-existing market. By happenstance, Dark Messiah became a result. For all we know, the flavor text could be true and Xana might eventually try to eat her way through Sareth's soul and permanently possess his body. Given that Xana previously was a human soul this could be the case (learned via wiki). Alternatively Sareth could very well be immune since he too is demon spawn, and Xana's only purpose is to act as the voice in the player's head that helps guide him along the way, like the person in the radio in a traditional cut n' paste FPS...

Or it could be just flavor text, and we're all reading too much into it. I think I prefer that explanation.

Yeah, I am 50/50 too with the interpretation. Besides, I always stick with Xana, just cannot resist her begging for love, and I like to think she is honest in that.

Honestly both Xana and Leanna raise red flags for me. It might just be the way the voice actresses sell the dialogue, but somehow I walked away by the end believing that both of them intended to just use me for their own ends.
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:
Цитата допису Hariwulf:

Yeah, I am 50/50 too with the interpretation. Besides, I always stick with Xana, just cannot resist her begging for love, and I like to think she is honest in that.

Honestly both Xana and Leanna raise red flags for me. It might just be the way the voice actresses sell the dialogue, but somehow I walked away by the end believing that both of them intended to just use me for their own ends.

Most probable thing. Indeed.
To me it boiled up yo a simple "I like Xana". But yes, both are trying to pull you on a side.
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:
obvious troll atheist,

Want to bet the entirety of your posessions and riches that I can prove my words bible in hand? No, I'm not atheist, it is very rude of you to come and spew falsehoods about a person that simply gives his 5 cents.
And for the record, the greek word Daimon/demonos, is the antecessor of the current word demon, look up what it means.

And before you try to avoid the topic: Watch the magic happen: Jeremiah 8:8 states the law that was to be in the bible was changed with malicious intent.

Oh wow, it surely was an atheist troll and not an actual believer commenting on knowledge of different eras and how word meanings get corrupted to mean different things according to the interests of evil people.
Автор останньої редакції: Desasosiego; 24 черв. 2016 о 15:56
Цитата допису Envoy of Satan:
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:
obvious troll atheist,

Want to bet the entirety of your posessions and riches that I can prove my words bible in hand? No, I'm not atheist, it is very rude of you to come and spew falsehoods about a person that simply gives his 5 cents.
And for the record, the greek word Daimon/demonos, is the antecessor of the current word demon, look up what it means.

And before you try to avoid the topic: Watch the magic happen: Jeremiah 8:8 states the law that was to be in the bible was changed with malicious intent.

Oh wow, it surely was an atheist troll and not an actual believer commenting on knowledge of different eras and how word meanings get corrupted to mean different things according to the interests of evil people.

My apologies. The biggest flaw of internet communication shall always be assumption. Usually when someone points out the beliefs of ancient eras it's an atheist or anti-Christian using it to take modern beliefs out of context in order to ruin our image.

In any case though, I disagree with your statement above. Various individuals in power in religions have been known to slander and lie in order to get what they want, yes, but more often than not many older faiths have a very fine line between what is Faith and what is Occult. We wouldn't have whole books on demonology written by various Christian Monks and holy writers if all we were doing was simply inventing monsters by borrowing traits of gods of different religions in order to heighten our own self-image (which is, of course, a popular modern opinion on the origin of our concept of the Devil, a conglomeration of a middle-eastern deity (Satan being Shaitan), the Roman/Greek god Neptune/Poseidon, and Pan, the god of the wild).
Цитата допису Envoy of Satan:
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:
obvious troll atheist,

Want to bet the entirety of your posessions and riches that I can prove my words bible in hand? No, I'm not atheist, it is very rude of you to come and spew falsehoods about a person that simply gives his 5 cents.
And for the record, the greek word Daimon/demonos, is the antecessor of the current word demon, look up what it means.

And before you try to avoid the topic: Watch the magic happen: Jeremiah 8:8 states the law that was to be in the bible was changed with malicious intent.

Oh wow, it surely was an atheist troll and not an actual believer commenting on knowledge of different eras and how word meanings get corrupted to mean different things according to the interests of evil people.

Actually... The "demons" of the Bible are the "pagan" gods of ancient times, before the Bible was invented and written, before it forcefully converted million of people with torture and death. Ancient gods were honored looong before Jesus birth, and long before the Judeo Christianity. Call it love...

Also, just for cronicles' sake, "pagan" was a roman word to identify Christians in ancient times, 'cos they were "coming from the countriside" (that's actually the meaning of the word).
I do not have a Bible, but many books of history. Lucky me, I guess...

That said, my topic was about the Videogame.
Автор останньої редакції: Hariwulf; 24 черв. 2016 о 17:25
Цитата допису Hariwulf:
Цитата допису Envoy of Satan:

Want to bet the entirety of your posessions and riches that I can prove my words bible in hand? No, I'm not atheist, it is very rude of you to come and spew falsehoods about a person that simply gives his 5 cents.
And for the record, the greek word Daimon/demonos, is the antecessor of the current word demon, look up what it means.

And before you try to avoid the topic: Watch the magic happen: Jeremiah 8:8 states the law that was to be in the bible was changed with malicious intent.

Oh wow, it surely was an atheist troll and not an actual believer commenting on knowledge of different eras and how word meanings get corrupted to mean different things according to the interests of evil people.

Actually... The "demons" of the Bible are the "pagan" gods of ancient times, before the Bible was invented and written, before it forcefully converted million of people with torture and death. Ancient gods were honored looong before Jesus birth, and long before the Judeo Christianity. Call it love...

Also, just for cronicles' sake, "pagan" was a roman word to identify Christians in ancient times, 'cos they were "coming from the countriside" (that's actually the meaning of the word).
I do not have a Bible, but many books of history. Lucky me, I guess...

That said, my topic was about the Videogame.

"forcefully converted millions of people with torture and death"

Early Christians had to deal with torture and death on a regular basis before Constantine declared Catholicism, the edited version of the-then Christianity, as Rome's state faith. Christians had to deal with being tortured and murdered with their bodies put up on display by public officials. Kids killed each other on the streets because one of them was Christian and the others followed Roman paganism. The millions of Christians converted weren't converted via blood or death until long after Rome fell, and even then it was only a small few that lived in the backwaters of Europe and were set upon by fanatical knight orders, such as the Knights of the Teutonic Order, and by that time Christianity hit its darkest days when Popes began vying for power as politicians under the command of the papal states rather than being holy men. (Oh, and let's not even talk about the early Moorish invasions of southwestern Europe. Nobody ever talks about the Battle of Tours or the conquest of Spain when chatting about how 'peaceful' Islam is compared to Christianity).

Besides which, I think that calling pagan gods as demons is an accurate description. The Judeo-Christian god advocates peace (and often fails) to a species that's bred for combat and war, while the gods of pagans demanded blood sacrifice and for people to be burned alive in giant wicker effiges. Or in the case of Egypt, where the ceremonial laying of animals and where your head of state was considered a god in human form was considered normal. Or in the case of Greece, where the gods only exist to toy with humanity for their own amusement, supposedly causing an entire real-world war (Trojan Wars) and conflict that may very well have spawned the post-Bronze Age dark period.

That said, your topic strayed way away from the video game from the get go, and also derailed this conversation.
From a pure game perspective, and this should 100% end the discussion.
*Arguing about the evil of demons in a game where you are a demon -and not the usual regular kind- and can tell for yourself if you have been evil or not*
There's also another very funny thing going on
*Arguing against the full literal text of the bible to defend that you are showing us the way of the bible by ignoring what the bible actually says*
Автор останньої редакції: Desasosiego; 25 черв. 2016 о 2:18
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:
Цитата допису Hariwulf:

Actually... The "demons" of the Bible are the "pagan" gods of ancient times, before the Bible was invented and written, before it forcefully converted million of people with torture and death. Ancient gods were honored looong before Jesus birth, and long before the Judeo Christianity. Call it love...

Also, just for cronicles' sake, "pagan" was a roman word to identify Christians in ancient times, 'cos they were "coming from the countriside" (that's actually the meaning of the word).
I do not have a Bible, but many books of history. Lucky me, I guess...

That said, my topic was about the Videogame.

"forcefully converted millions of people with torture and death"

Early Christians had to deal with torture and death on a regular basis before Constantine declared Catholicism, the edited version of the-then Christianity, as Rome's state faith. Christians had to deal with being tortured and murdered with their bodies put up on display by public officials. Kids killed each other on the streets because one of them was Christian and the others followed Roman paganism. The millions of Christians converted weren't converted via blood or death until long after Rome fell, and even then it was only a small few that lived in the backwaters of Europe and were set upon by fanatical knight orders, such as the Knights of the Teutonic Order, and by that time Christianity hit its darkest days when Popes began vying for power as politicians under the command of the papal states rather than being holy men. (Oh, and let's not even talk about the early Moorish invasions of southwestern Europe. Nobody ever talks about the Battle of Tours or the conquest of Spain when chatting about how 'peaceful' Islam is compared to Christianity).

Besides which, I think that calling pagan gods as demons is an accurate description. The Judeo-Christian god advocates peace (and often fails) to a species that's bred for combat and war, while the gods of pagans demanded blood sacrifice and for people to be burned alive in giant wicker effiges. Or in the case of Egypt, where the ceremonial laying of animals and where your head of state was considered a god in human form was considered normal. Or in the case of Greece, where the gods only exist to toy with humanity for their own amusement, supposedly causing an entire real-world war (Trojan Wars) and conflict that may very well have spawned the post-Bronze Age dark period.

That said, your topic strayed way away from the video game from the get go, and also derailed this conversation.

Bullocks, the topic is about what players choose after reading an IN GAME BOOK.
Цитата допису Hariwulf:
Bullocks, the topic is about what players choose after reading an IN GAME BOOK.

This is the most annoying part of the whole idea of this post, you have spent the whole game being a demonic messiah and you now care about what a book claims about you instead of deciding for yourself how your behaviour is.
Цитата допису Hariwulf:
Цитата допису Kerian Halcyon:

"forcefully converted millions of people with torture and death"

Early Christians had to deal with torture and death on a regular basis before Constantine declared Catholicism, the edited version of the-then Christianity, as Rome's state faith. Christians had to deal with being tortured and murdered with their bodies put up on display by public officials. Kids killed each other on the streets because one of them was Christian and the others followed Roman paganism. The millions of Christians converted weren't converted via blood or death until long after Rome fell, and even then it was only a small few that lived in the backwaters of Europe and were set upon by fanatical knight orders, such as the Knights of the Teutonic Order, and by that time Christianity hit its darkest days when Popes began vying for power as politicians under the command of the papal states rather than being holy men. (Oh, and let's not even talk about the early Moorish invasions of southwestern Europe. Nobody ever talks about the Battle of Tours or the conquest of Spain when chatting about how 'peaceful' Islam is compared to Christianity).

Besides which, I think that calling pagan gods as demons is an accurate description. The Judeo-Christian god advocates peace (and often fails) to a species that's bred for combat and war, while the gods of pagans demanded blood sacrifice and for people to be burned alive in giant wicker effiges. Or in the case of Egypt, where the ceremonial laying of animals and where your head of state was considered a god in human form was considered normal. Or in the case of Greece, where the gods only exist to toy with humanity for their own amusement, supposedly causing an entire real-world war (Trojan Wars) and conflict that may very well have spawned the post-Bronze Age dark period.

That said, your topic strayed way away from the video game from the get go, and also derailed this conversation.

Bullocks, the topic is about what players choose after reading an IN GAME BOOK.

Yeah, and you chose to bring in real-world religion and perspectives into it, including a video referencing your point of view. If that's not reading too much into a friggin game whose source material was shoddily made due to Ubisoft's acquisition of a new IP that they wanted to use to make money with, then I don't know what is. It definitely detracted from the subject matter at hand, and only succeeded in making you look like a pompous ass as a result.

And, on that note, I'm pretty much done with this derailed conversation.
We should develop a habit of making threads about videogame characters that are ourselves questioning if we are good or evil instead of freaking looking at our actions because of what an ingame book says and get pretty butthurt if anyone tells us that just like irl, people who write books don't have why to be truthful and that you should develop your own ideas as the game character you are talking about is actually YOU.
Btw, you should get all offended and buttflustered, that surely will make me regret my choice, instead of having me laugh my ass at you.
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