Tin Hearts

Tin Hearts

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WIREDMichael  [developer] May 26, 2023 @ 9:15am
Key Binds: A Guide To Changing Them
Today's patch includes the ability to change keybinds! The following is a temporary system while the team works on a permanent in-game UI! We want to get this functionality into your hands as soon as possible, but a good UI takes time.

A new key rebinding file can be found at the following file location (next to the game’s save files):
%USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/Rogue Sun/Tin Hearts/PlayerProfiles/<64BitSteamID>/KeyboardMap.json

Inside that document, players will find many pairs of actions and keybindings (currently limited to single keyboard buttons - this will be expanded upon soon!). To change keys, players must change the “KeyCode” field to their desired remapping. For example, if a player wants to change the “Move Forward” key to the letter ‘Z’, the mapping pair should read:
{ "ActionName": "Move Forward", "KeyCode": "Z" },

Some additional notes:
  • If the game is open while this file is changed, the game will need to be restarted to apply these changes.
  • If this file is corrupt (i.e. not formatted correctly), the keybinds will reset to their default values, so make sure you take a backup!
  • You can also use Alt+Movement keys to change the rotation of blocks, instead of the Z, X, and C buttons!
  • If you later wish to return your keybinds to their default values, simply delete the KeyboardMap.json file.

If you have any trouble with this remapping process, please reply to this thread and we’ll be on hand to help!

Below is a full list of eligible keys. Please note that the numbers displayed next to the text are a code that can be used as a replacement for the written word. To remap to the number buttons, players should use the “Alpha0” through “Alpha9” words displayed below.
None = 0 Backspace = 8 Tab = 9 Clear = 12 Return = 13 Pause = 19 Escape = 27 Space = 32 Exclaim = 33 DoubleQuote = 34 Hash = 35 Dollar = 36 Ampersand = 38 Quote = 39 LeftParen = 40 RightParen = 41 Asterisk = 42 Plus = 43 Comma = 44 Minus = 45 Period = 46 Slash = 47 Alpha0 = 48 Alpha1 = 49 Alpha2 = 50 Alpha3 = 51 Alpha4 = 52 Alpha5 = 53 Alpha6 = 54 Alpha7 = 55 Alpha8 = 56 Alpha9 = 57 Colon = 58 Semicolon = 59 Less = 60 Equals = 61 Greater = 62 Question = 63 At = 64 LeftBracket = 91 Backslash = 92 RightBracket = 93 Caret = 94 Underscore = 95 BackQuote = 96 A = 97 B = 98 C = 99 D = 100 E = 101 F = 102 G = 103 H = 104 I = 105 J = 106 K = 107 L = 108 M = 109 N = 110 O = 111 P = 112 Q = 113 R = 114 S = 115 T = 116 U = 117 V = 118 W = 119 X = 120 Y = 121 Z = 122 Delete = 127 Keypad0 = 256 Keypad1 = 257 Keypad2 = 258 Keypad3 = 259 Keypad4 = 260 Keypad5 = 261 Keypad6 = 262 Keypad7 = 263 Keypad8 = 264 Keypad9 = 265 KeypadPeriod = 266 KeypadDivide = 267 KeypadMultiply = 268 KeypadMinus = 269 KeypadPlus = 270 KeypadEnter = 271 KeypadEquals = 272 UpArrow = 273 DownArrow = 274 RightArrow = 275 LeftArrow = 276 Insert = 277 Home = 278 End = 279 PageUp = 280 PageDown = 281 F1 = 282 F2 = 283 F3 = 284 F4 = 285 F5 = 286 F6 = 287 F7 = 288 F8 = 289 F9 = 290 F10 = 291 F11 = 292 F12 = 293 F13 = 294 F14 = 295 F15 = 296 Numlock = 300 CapsLock = 301 ScrollLock = 302 RightShift = 303 LeftShift = 304 RightControl = 305 LeftControl = 306 RightAlt = 307 LeftAlt = 308 RightCommand = 309 LeftCommand = 310 LeftWindows = 311 RightWindows = 312 AltGr = 313 Help = 315 Print = 316 SysReq = 317 Break = 318 Menu = 319
Last edited by WIREDMichael; May 26, 2023 @ 9:17am
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
adeilt Jan 3 @ 11:42am 
Thanks for providing a way to remap keys!

"Rotate Right" does not seem to be working with the R key. The KeyboardMap.json file I'm currently using is here: https://github.com/adeilt/esdf/blob/master/TinHearts/KeyboardMap.json

Using W for "Rotate Left" works and the other keys I've tested seem ok, but R paired with "Rotate Right" isn't working.
well thank for the post but i does not work. I've tried using the letter and after that the codes provided here, but when starting the game i'm still lock with the default controls :(
Hope the remap function will comme soon, in the meantime i'll uninstall the game and put it in my "to play later" list.
What about changing VR keybinds? Hitting the left menu button brings up the game's menu, not the steam vr menu, so I don't see a way to remap them.
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