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TheOrigin 4 sept. 2023 à 15h15
🚀⭐ Feedback after 60+ hours early access [wall of text]⭐🚀
Hello everyone,

after more than 60 hours of play, I would like to share my experiences, impressions and suggestions for the game. I myself have been a gamer since the 1980s and have played almost everything that can be found on the market to this day. Mostly strategy, RPG and sandbox titles. When it comes to games, I'm more of a loner/explorer type with a penchant for crafting. So Starfield came at just the right time to go on an exploration tour - one thing should be said in advance - after more than 60 hours of play I'm just warming up. Just like the game keeps opening up new possibilities for me.

I'm currently level 23 with a background of "Homesteader" and the traits "Introverted" and "Wanted". My skills are currently in technology: flying (4/4), targeting systems (1/4), security (1/4), boost pack training (1/4), shield systems (4/4), spaceship design (2/4) . And in Research: Geology (3/4), Research Methods (1/4), Analysis (2/4), Scanning (2/4), Outpost Engineering (3/4). Because I'm a roleplayer, my character specializes in research, mining, exploration, and outpost building - and that's how he plays. No combat skills or anything. I didn't even begin to play the main campaign, but I did join the Vanguards, UC and Freestar and did a few money-making missions.

So much for the background - let's now come to my experiences.


As a long-term gambler and gamer, I naturally have adequate hardware that has never let me down and currently hardly needs an upgrade. Here, however, I actually reached my limits with Starfield, although I can also play games like StarCitizen with full details without any problems. Since I'm using a widescreen with 3440x1440 (21:9), I naturally try to play natively on this resolution. In short - I had my problems with that - not to mention streaming. I'm actually hoping for a number of optimizations from Bethesda here.

I noticed while playing the game that there were stutters and interruptions when you had downloads running in the background - I wasn't aware that Starfield was "always on". Especially not as a single player game? Maybe someone can get to the bottom of it...

I've only had two out of the blue crashes so far, but thanks to the autosave feature, that wasn't a big deal. Overall, the game runs very stable on my hardware, which should roughly match medium graphics requirements:

Processor: Intel i7 - 9700K, 8x 3.60 GHz
Cooling: Corsair Hydro Series H100i Pro
Board: MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus
Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Super (8GB GDDR6)
Ram: Corsair DDR4 3000 32GB
HDD: 500GB Samsung SSD 970 Evo Plus
Power: 750 watts Corsair RMx Series
Cooling: 8x Corsair HD120 RGB fans

I encountered two quests which are bugged and not solvable. One is a missing spaceship at the target location and the other one is an already destroyed ship at target location which cant be damaged anymore. We need an option to decline/abort quests.


I'm pretty undemanding when it comes to graphics if the gameplay fits. And even if Starfield's graphics are no longer up to date in one or the other corner, the overall package of atmosphere, details and credible game world still suits me. And when such a self-made freighter takes off into orbit, it looks damn epic! Likewise the weather effects, effects in the biomes, the level of detail in equipment, technology, buildings or just the credibility that you are in a "real" environment with physical laws here.

What I noticed: Bethesda works an awful lot with color filters. These are probably meant to add to the atmosphere - but when you're walking from room to room in your outpost and the screen changes color from blue to red, there's something wrong with that. Here you should give the player the option and make filters switchable.

However, what I really like and what also benefits my role as an in-game photographer are the many setting options for screenshots. And you can imagine my surprise when I suddenly saw my own selfie on one of the loading screens! Absolutely brilliant and great feature!

In general, I like the graphic style in the NASA punk design very much and it also comes across as atmospherically grandiose! Kudos also to the level and art designers for the individual POIs and cities/landing zones, these are all believable and unique.
Dernière modification de TheOrigin; 4 sept. 2023 à 17h34
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Starfield has its charm from the NASA punk setting and clearly trumps with hand-made POI. It's just wonderful when you find the American flag on the moon (Luna) or the remains of past civilizations on the "old" earth. But these areas are always limited, I would guess at 5x5km². It takes about 20 minutes to walk from one end of the map to the other. Everything within this map is randomly generated and reloaded with EVERY game. So there are almost an infinite number of raw materials, since each area around the landing zone is newly generated and filled - depending on which perks you have. For example, I've found a 4-star resource, but I can't mine it (at least I haven't discovered a way yet). In short - the more perks you invest in exploration, the more lucrative it becomes.

The POI are also placed randomly on the map - so it happened that I had two more landing zones next to my own landing zone and was able to hijack pirate ships on the ground there - or there were 3 POI directly in my area. However, in a few cases there was nothing to be found within a 2km radius, neither POI nor raw materials.

You can not only explore the planet's surface, but should also scan the system, the planets and moons in advance to learn about their composition and raw materials. The same applies here: The more perks - the better raw materials you will find. If you visit a planet again later and now have more perk points, e.g. in geology, you can update the surface with a new scan! This was especially important to me as I wanted to build my own bases for crafting items.

It has happened to me twice in the 60 hours of play that I have found identical outposts (including the same perk collection booklets). Time will tell how long it takes to see all POIs at least once.

Material aquisition

Raw materials can be found in many different forms. Organically as plants or from animals, inorganic from resource nodes on the planet's surface or metal deposits, or through the use of mining techniques when building bases. As with the items, there is a level system from simple, rare, epic and legendary - although I haven't been able to mine 4-star raw materials yet. The cutter doesn't seem to work here?!

If you specialize in it, it can be lucrative because there really is an abundance of raw materials. There are also pieces of equipment which, for example, halve the weight of raw materials, if you are lucky you have this perk on your head and suit and can carry incredible amounts.

I would generally like to see a clearer declaration for the raw materials, e.g. metal, liquid, gas, so that you also know which container you need when building a base. So this is mostly trial and error. Curiously, this doesn't matter in your own inventory or the inventory of the spaceship, everything is thrown together here. It would be easy, for example, to attach a liquid or gas canister in the inventory or when building a spaceship. That would be logical and consistent considering that this is enforced during base building.

Another way to mine resources is to mine asteroids with the spaceship. Here I would have wished for dedicated mining lasers that increase the yield of asteroids, autocollect and also an icon during scanning that shows me on which planets there are asteroid fields and with which raw materials to expect! So it is a random search for both the asteroids and the raw materials.


The base construction in Starfield is very reminiscent of that of Fallout. First of all – I was a bit disappointed here. Here's why. Like almost everything in Starfield, the building possibilities are dependent on perks - if you upgrade a perk, you must first complete a challenge to unlock the next one. In this case you have to build "various base modules". Unfortunately, nowhere is it explained what they are. It is therefore trial and error announced and thus waste of raw materials to find them. I'm currently rank 3 at 47/50 and I've built EVERYTHING I can currently build at least once. As it turned out, there are still hydrophonic farms, but I need "botany" for that, so it's a matter of waiting and collecting skill points.

What I completely miss when building a base: A kind of base plate or grid that I can define myself. Buildings snap to a grid, but you can't turn it off or change it. And sometimes you can't place buildings for no apparent reason, you only get the message "Construction area blocked". Very frustrating. The construction of the landing platforms could also have been solved much more elegantly. Instead of having to place huge concrete blocks in the landscape, you would have modular, i.e. a landing pad on which up to 3 (or more) terminals with outgoing connections (link or interlink) can then be built.This would save space.

And space is indeed an issue! Of course you can build almost 48 outposts with all perks, but I want to be able to build EVERYTHING in my home base. So I'm currently already close to the building limits. Why is everything so reduced and limited? Why is it a radial boundary instead of an angular one? Why can certain objects/buildings only be built three or six times like base defenses? For example, there are no showcases in which you can "present" space suits with helmets and jetpacks, for example. The only option here: mannequins but they are limited to six?! Likewise, you can only build 3 robots for the base, but there are at least 7 pieces. Lots of things just aren't thought through. For example, there is no bookshelf (like in Skyrim) to collect books, even though there are bookshelf models like in Akila City Sinclaires bookstore, you also get decorative bookshelfs on tier 3 basebuilding, but they are not usable. There are stands for the slades that you can collect, but these are bugged and sometimes cannot be filled.

If you want to produce something in the base, you quickly reach your limits. Because containers have no display of the materials they contain, and there are no signs that you can write on yourself. It is also not possible to set how much of a type of raw material should be kept in stock for a factory - in case of doubt, the entire storage space is occupied by one raw material, although two would be necessary.

The entire delivery system with platform links and interlinks is also bugged. Outposts are not displayed at all, the incoming and outgoing flows of goods are not correct or there is simply no freighter. Also, cargo platforms must always be linked in pairs, but you can only build 3 pieces per base. This just doesn't make sense when I have at least 8 or more outposts that want to supply my main base. Why isn't it possible for my Interlink landing pad to have more than one incoming connection?! The spaceships could land at intervals, one after the other.

I would like to be able to manually delete explored landing sites, because I have often had up to 3 in the vicinity of my base, but especially when I have built my own landing platform, my spaceship is still regularly 400-600m outside of the base, although a landing platform exists! Also, these natural landing spots "pollute" the surface of my planet with icons and cut away vital resource nodes in the vicinity.

Another important point for me. Please make ALL raw materials that are in the radius of the base available for the construction of new buildings/items/research. Nothing is more annoying than having to run to the container for aluminum, you get 20 pieces, because otherwise you would be overloaded, go back to the research terminal and find out that there are still 2 pieces missing, although there are over 300 pieces in the warehouse around the corner and 200 in the spaceship inventory pieces are available… This leads to the next point, please provide us with a summary of all items in your possession and where they are stored. I was looking for 2 pieces of xenon for a very long time and I almost went mad, only to later see by chance that they were in my companion's inventory.

Please Bethesda here a lot needs to be done to make something like automated logistics even possible!
Dernière modification de TheOrigin; 4 sept. 2023 à 18h20

Your spaceship in Starfield is like a second character. The point is - basically you get from A to B with it and it doesn't necessarily require skill point investment. But as soon as you want to do one or the other space fight, you quickly realize that you can't get any further here. Only after I equipped my ship with class B parts and brought ship shields to level 4 could I really compete in space and go on a targeted pirate hunt. Since have the trait "sought", bounty hunters are constantly after me, and they are invariably stronger than me.

I spent about 3-4 hours in the spaceship editor. At the beginning only in New Atlantis, later on other planets and later only in my base. What I didn't know is that there are many more parts and manufacturers if you target other spaceports. In your own base you have ALL already discovered available at once. These are current for me: Deimos, Nova Galactic, Stroud Eklund, Taiyo Astroneering and Hope Tech but there are a few more. I'm not going to list the general module names for engines, shields, etc. here. But there are also some special modules only available from certain vendors (e.g. cargo scanner suppression in TheKey) or as a reward for missions.

In general, the ship editor is quite ok, it could be a bit faster in terms of rotation, movement, reaction time, etc. But what really bothers me are the clipping problems with some parts or the message "A module is not connected". Please color this module in red or make it selectable by clicking on the error message. I once searched for the "broken" part for over half an hour and ended up having to cancel the entire build (250k+). This is very frustrating. I would also like more freedom in the individual connections of the components. Some attach only to the top or bottom, some to the sides. Why can't you just attach mount or base plate for the structural connection like for weapons - from me also against a slight penalty in the lifepoints. So a connection structure could give -20HP, but I can build the part where I want. Just a suggestion.

It should also be clearly explained to the player what the differences between ship classes A, B and C are! At the same time, there should be an automatic filter or parts lists colored red if, for example, a class B reactor is installed, but you are trying to attach a class C weapon. This shouldn't even be possible, it should be greyed out! The synergies between perks and available parts should just be clearer.

In general one can say about the ship classes:
Class A - fast, low firepower, low cargo, high boost
Class B - normal speed, moderate firepower and cargo, moderate boost
Class C - slow speed, high firepower, very high cargo, slow boost

What I really like are the different art styles of the individual manufacturers. And if you've ever stood in a HopeTech 3x3 cargohold and compared it to Nova Galactic's cramped cabin, you'll know what I mean.

In summary, it can be said that the spaceship editor is a good basis, but still has a lot of potential for improvement.


What is a role-playing game about? Exactly - your character. And here Bethesda has outdone itself again. I can't understand all the hype about pronouns on the Internet either, because ultimately you only come into contact with them once, namely during character creation, and not after that. At least in my 60 hours of play I haven't come across an NPC that would have spoken to me as he/she or whatever. Is also completely irrelevant for the role-playing aspect and has no gameplay influence.

But what actually has an enormous influence is the “background” you choose. Because decisions and dialogue options actually depend on this and have a real impact on the course of the game. So when creating your character, don't choose the background that gives you the "best" perks, but with which your character should identify, such as with me the base-building homesteader and geologist.

There is practically no maximum level and so our character will eventually have a lot of perks and that is also badly needed. Be it combat, exploration or social skills. Everywhere you need better values. And that's actually a weakness (or strength) of Starfield, depending on how you look at it. The game and your character progress very slowly and the story and possibilities pick up speed very slowly. It's like climbing a funnel backwards, the further you go the more possibilities open up. Here I would have actually wished for a larger specification of perks - maybe 5 instead of 3 starter perks?

What I really like are the individual personalities of the companions, NPCs and enemies. There is clearly a consistent concept here. Be it the bandits, the aliens or the quest givers, everyone behaves plausibly within their set context. Bandits sometimes run away when they realize that they don't have a chance, aliens no longer attack you if they are defeated and NPCs react directly to your presence with spells. It's even happened to me that I'm walking through a city and suddenly I've been given 1200 credits with the note "Good work on Planet XY .. we need more like you!". I didn't even talk to this NPC, I just walked past!

That's what I call a believable, living game world!


Admittedly, I didn't even begin to pursue the main mission because I had set my own goals. But I did the initial tutorial missions on the story, space combat, etc. And they were all well done. I got goosebumps during the Vanguard's history lesson when suddenly the dubbing voice of Chrisjen Avasarala (The Expanse) started to tell the story of the Vanguard's origins. Terrific!

In general, there are a number of Easter eggs in the game, references to real events (e.g. a statue with the face of the south pole of the moon), anecdotes about old Earth, or references to other Bethesda games. For example, instead of bobbleheads like in Fallout, there are snow globes to collect. There is even a separate display for this under character status!

I've played a few missions and I'm really surprised at how many different forms quests come in. Indirect, direct, via mission terminals or from other activities. So I got caught smuggling and this resulted in a quest line that I still have to "fight" on. Suffice it to say - it's going to be epic!

But there is also one point of criticism to be voiced here – I miss the “abysmal evil” options in all dialogue options, e.g. if I want to play a sinister villain. Most dialogue options are already badly "softened". But that's complaining on a high level.

My quest log currently has about 20 open missions and it will probably take me thousands of game hours to complete all available quests in game. But the storytelling is really successful and one of the aspects that will captivate me for the longest time.

Inventory management

What would a Bethesda game be without cramped inventory management? Well it would be a step forward in 2023 and a boon for the player community. This is really the only real point of criticism that drives me crazy. Of course, I realize that thanks to controller and console support, an inventory is needed that can be used with it, but again endlessly long inventory lists?! Seriously?

NoManSky shows how it's done, even with controllers and VR support you can create excellent drag & drop inventories. Please Bethesda COMPLETELY revise this! It's tedious, boring and annoying to have to dig through endless lists of inventories for HOURS because there aren't enough (logical) sorting functions, you have to keep checking which inventory you're actually in (personal, base, ship, companion) and you still end up having too little space.

Please let us reassign the key assignments, because almost all relevant keys are right next to each other on the German keyboard and I don't even remember how many times I accidentally pressed T (transfer everything) instead of R - after I had just cleaned up the inventory. Also let us mark items as "locked" so they are not shuffled around while sorting inventory or sold accidentally at a vendor.


There's a saying, "If you don't have expectations, you won't be disappointed." Some people should take this on board and reconsider their relationship with Bethesda games in general. Because Starfield is a Bethesda game through and through - you can see that on every corner with its strengths and weaknesses.

But anyone who gets involved in this role-playing game will be rewarded with an atmospheric, dense and exciting game sandbox whose potential I don't even dare to estimate at the moment. I haven't played long enough for that and only scratched the surface.

Starfield is an absolute highlight for me personally. Firstly because of the fresh sci-fi setting (Kerbal Space Program 3000h+, NMS 2000h+), the beautiful art style and the many different gameplay mechanics. I'm an old school gamer and probably have different needs, but this new IP brings me back a gaming experience that I've been missing for a long time. I can't describe it exactly, and I don't have time, because I have to get back to my spaceship, there's still a full cargohold of vanadium waiting at Zamka in Alpha Centauri to pick up...


ps: also check out my tips & tricks post over here:
Dernière modification de TheOrigin; 5 sept. 2023 à 0h24
*reserved for updates*
to much text. No way anybody is going to read all of that.
Dernière modification de Viper; 4 sept. 2023 à 15h17
No combat skills sounds super rough. Are you just avoiding the tougher procedural generated POI dungeons completely?
Viper a écrit :
to much text. No way anybody is going to read all of that.

I read the whole thing already.
Mister Burkes a écrit :
No combat skills sounds super rough. Are you just avoiding the tougher procedural generated POI dungeons completely?

No of course i do all the POIs. Had no problems whatsoever doing them. I find good weapons, armor etc.

Mister Burkes a écrit :
Viper a écrit :
to much text. No way anybody is going to read all of that.

I read the whole thing already.

Have my gratitude =)
Dernière modification de TheOrigin; 4 sept. 2023 à 15h27
TheOrigin a écrit :
Mister Burkes a écrit :
No combat skills sounds super rough. Are you just avoiding the tougher procedural generated POI dungeons completely?

No of course i do all the POIs. Had no problems whatsoever doing them. I find good weapons, armor etc.

Hm, can I ask what difficulty you're playing on? I had two very rough POI Serpent dungeons in my first 10 hours. I'm playing on Hard.
Mister Burkes a écrit :
Hm, can I ask what difficulty you're playing on? I had two very rough POI Serpent dungeons in my first 10 hours. I'm playing on Hard.

I am playing on normal difficulty. Changed nothing also not using any mods. Yes some of the enemies are bullet sponges, but doable with using of cover. (You lean out of cover if you hold right mouse)

These are my current stats/resistances:
Dernière modification de TheOrigin; 4 sept. 2023 à 15h30
Also, are you building multiple outposts for roleplaying purposes? From a gameplay perspective, I genuinely didn't see the need to build another outpost besides the pseudo tutorialized first one, especially since I had to split my perks between combat and science.
Mister Burkes a écrit :
Also, are you building multiple outposts for roleplaying purposes? From a gameplay perspective, I genuinely didn't see the need to build another outpost besides the pseudo tutorialized first one, especially since I had to split my perks between combat and science.

Yes - i am a homestead - building new worlds! :D

I also have another bug post about it here..
Its not working how i would like - but doable. Also its alot of grind.

My status says i have collected 500+ anorganic resources, built almost 800 objects, created 13 freight links.
Dernière modification de TheOrigin; 4 sept. 2023 à 15h33
Yea, I genuinely think new characters really need to start with WAY more perks. Like entire trees of perks at level 1 should be unlocked so players have access to more mechanics immediately.

I was already bored of the game by the time I could pick a 3rd row perk.
TheOrigin a écrit :
Mister Burkes a écrit :
Hm, can I ask what difficulty you're playing on? I had two very rough POI Serpent dungeons in my first 10 hours. I'm playing on Hard.

I am playing on normal difficulty. Changed nothing also not using any mods. Yes some of the enemies are bullet sponges, but doable with using of cover. (You lean out of cover if you hold right mouse)

These are my current stats/resistances:

Very nice resistances. Yea, I'm not a huge fan of bunkering down in cover and leaning out to take a few shots at a time. That's probably why combat is so frustrating, because I'll outmaneuver the enemy, flank them / circle behind them, but then they'll survive an entire clip fired into their back.
Mister Burkes a écrit :
Very nice resistances.

Yes! This armor was a good find. It also has the perk - get 100 phys & em resistance the lower your health becomes. Its insanely good. My last tough fight was a level 30 elite in some POI.. i did use some medipacks, but made it in the end.

Also pro tip: give your follower at least 1 grenade (dont forget to equip it in their inventory) and they will spam the enemies with it :lunar2019laughingpig: because they have unlimited ammo.
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Posté le 4 sept. 2023 à 15h15
Messages : 38