Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite

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misplacedyank  [developer] Jul 28, 2021 @ 11:15am
Welcome to the eagerly awaited Halo Infinite technical preview! We are looking for feedback on specific areas and have threads dedicated to each one right here on Steam.

This thread is focused on collecting feedback on Bot Slayer. To provide feedback on other aspects of the flight, please use the dedicated threads for each key feedback area:
For bugs or technical issues, please utilize the Halo Insider Support site’s knowledge base and submit tickets as necessary. To reiterate, if you encounter a bug, please submit a ticket via the Halo Insider Support page[aka.ms].

Thank you for participating in this Halo Infinite technical preview, we hope you have fun and please share your thoughts with us below!
Last edited by misplacedyank; Jul 28, 2021 @ 11:23am
Originally posted by Postums:
Hey Friends,

Thank you everyone for stopping in and providing feedback. We are currently navigating through the threads to gather it and at this time are going to lock the threads.

Thank you for taking the time to let us know your thoughts on Halo Infinite's Technical Preview!

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Showing 1-15 of 94 comments
Touki0 Jul 29, 2021 @ 8:27pm 
I feel like the AI should be a bit more difficult to go up against. They're alright, but from my experience it feels like easy-medium difficulty. I'd like to see them capitalize on beat downs from behind, and use different weapon combinations like the power combo. i.e. plasma pistol + magnum / BR. I'd also like to see them pick up the power ups, and use other power weapons on the map with accuracy. It'd be nice if they teamed up to match their shots on one person when engaging.


The new map came out and bot difficulty has been far better than before. Some things I didn't like is how the Gravity Hammer doesn't send enemies flying like it used to. The bulldog doesn't perform as well as the old shotgun so I hope the old one makes a return.

Overall the bot slayer in terms of AI has improved, and gameplay is solid.
Last edited by Touki0; Jul 30, 2021 @ 4:38pm
fink Jul 29, 2021 @ 8:40pm 
Originally posted by BakaStep:
I feel like the AI should be a bit more difficult to go up against. They're alright, but from my experience it feels like easy-medium difficulty. I'd like to see them capitalize on beat downs from behind, and use different weapon combinations like the power combo. i.e. plasma pistol + magnum / BR. I'd also like to see them pick up the power ups, and use other power weapons on the map with accuracy. It'd be nice if they teamed up to match their shots on one person when engaging.
I believe 343 said that they're adding more difficulties over time. Marine difficulty is one of the easier ones.
Tophat_Dynamite Jul 29, 2021 @ 9:33pm 
I noticed on Bot slayer that it can be really hard to tell if a targets shields have been "popped" because of the aggressive outlining. This is especially noticeable if their shields popped off screen, so they run into view without a clear knowledge if you should be aiming for the head or the body.
SovietAurum Jul 29, 2021 @ 9:36pm 
After trying a couple matches I'd like to drop my opinion here. I like the balance of the sprint, ads, slide, bloom, etc. They are quite slow, which is great for players like myself who typically dislike those features, and they're still in the game to satisfy those who do enjoy those features. The sound and graphical design is all excellent and feels like Halo imo. I think my main issue is that the TTK is too fast, it doesn't feel as strategic as older Halo games, and a lot more speed based. If the TTK could be slowed down Infinite will be an amazing game, right now its just great, at least initially. I'd also say the outlining is a bit over the top, if it could be changed to maybe an indicator above the enemy's head instead of a body outline it'd be a substantial upgrade. I'd also say for the UI, make the medal sizes larger, they don't seem impactful ingame due to how small they show up on the screen, though that may have been addressed since this is an older build. Just one player, but thought I'd drop by, glad to see the game finally coming! :)
Last edited by SovietAurum; Jul 29, 2021 @ 9:38pm
Tophat_Dynamite Jul 29, 2021 @ 9:36pm 
Suggestion: Have the primary fire button perform melee if the player has no weapon equipped. This is the same behaviour as a depleted energy sword or brute hammer, and I don't think there is any other function for primary fire if you have no weapons.
Tophat_Dynamite Jul 29, 2021 @ 9:39pm 
The solid coloring of the Spartan shields feel a bit to "solid", when I expect a bit more "electric" to them.
Tophat_Dynamite Jul 29, 2021 @ 9:52pm 
Time to kill feels a bit too fast, in particular my shields feel like they pop extremely quickly. There was mention of improving player survive-ability, but I'm not really feeling that currently.

The spike grenades seem to really lack spikes when they explode. I expected a lot more nails coming out of it (kind of feels like 4 bananas come flying out currently, 4 very aggressive bananas).

The Needler having the CE melee anim is *chef kiss*. And the music is reeeeally good.

There is also a lot of talk of making the spartan "our" spartan, but I go in game and my spartan starts calling out in a deep south accent. I'm Canadian. Breaks immersion a bit (getting nitpicky here).
Tophat_Dynamite Jul 29, 2021 @ 9:55pm 
The hit markers can feel really distracting. With the bright color feedback of the Spartan shields, and the hit markers on top of it, my center view gets really busy when I would prefer to just see my target. The scale of it can also overtake the view of the Spartan depending on the distance. If there was an option to turn it off, it would be greatly appreciated.
SomeGuyNamedZack Jul 29, 2021 @ 10:06pm 
Been trying to complete the bot round but servers keep crashing, I'm even banned because of it now
DukeVonC Jul 29, 2021 @ 10:11pm 
Can't access a match - I join one, and there's a black screen with 3 dots and then I go back to the menu after a few minutes ):
iFr0z3n Jul 29, 2021 @ 10:12pm 
Bots are always taking the same route on the start of the map, now i'm just prenading where they come from to get easy Quadras.
Sometimes the bot go total "BOT" just standing on their spot to get killed.
tastyjerk Jul 29, 2021 @ 10:23pm 
Anyone else getting less performance than they expected? My game is pretty jittery and lower FPS than I was hoping on a 1660 Super.
SovietAurum Jul 29, 2021 @ 10:41pm 
I'd like to add, the game feels well balanced. Nothing is standing out as too OP. Guns like the skewer seem like a weaker (better balanced) Spartan Laser, and the AR isn't a peashooter like Halo 3, but isn't dominant either. Though, my nitpick is the weapon names are inconsistent and its pretty annoying. Seeing "MA40 Assault Rifle", then "Plasma Pistol". I think the technical names should be removed from the human guns, since it makes them look off compared to older Halo games and inconsistent with the Covenant weapons. No issue with the full name in say menu for lore fans, but ingame it'd look cleaner if they just said "Assualt Rifle" "Sidekick" etc.
SovietAurum Jul 29, 2021 @ 10:44pm 
Originally posted by tastyjerk:
Anyone else getting less performance than they expected? My game is pretty jittery and lower FPS than I was hoping on a 1660 Super.
The game starts with 24fps max, at least mine did. Make sure to change that
JuggerJoshua Jul 29, 2021 @ 10:46pm 
anyone play in pc? with me only stay screen black
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Showing 1-15 of 94 comments
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Date Posted: Jul 28, 2021 @ 11:15am
Posts: 95