Weed Shop 3
Cures don't work
After a plant has finished growing apparently the mite/mold cures cant be used on them making the cures completely pointless. What is the point of the cure when you are forced to buy the anti supplements to even be able to grow a single plant in the first place?
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The cures work while the plant is growing. After growing it's too late, it won't be salvageable by then. My issue though is that it's the same button to apply a cure and to discard the harvest so many times I accidentally discarded it when I wanted to cure it at the very end of the grow
Originally posted by StaffanP:
The cures work while the plant is growing. After growing it's too late, it won't be salvageable by then. My issue though is that it's the same button to apply a cure and to discard the harvest so many times I accidentally discarded it when I wanted to cure it at the very end of the grow
Good to know, Cures=useless they are overpriced and half the time they don't arrive untill the plant is fully grown.
It's a matter of perspective I guess. If you are only growing one or two pots at a time the preventative measures are probably better. Later in the game when you have setups with 8 or 10 pots it's more expensive to put anti-mold/anti-mites cures in all pots instead of just treating the 2 or 3 plants that might get infected.
With regards to arriving, you should order a bigger amount ahead of time and use the cheapest freight option. You can save a lot of money that way.
Later in the game when you have fully trained employees they can not only grow the plants for you but also apply the cures if you give cures to them.
Fabius May 10 @ 11:58am 
I really only found cures useful when you're in the early game. Typically you're in the shop or very close to it so all you have to do is turn around from the counter and you catch it about as soon as the plant has issues.

When you hit the mid-late game and have staff in the backroom, I typically keep a few cures on them just incase something breaks and they need to cure it. But a majority of the work is just prevention through anti-mold/mites or the components on the grow platform.

It's probably been over 10,000 plants since I've used a cure on my main save, so really they have little value. On my newer play through, if I didn't have the cure on-hand, I would just either discard or harvest it slightly early depending on how close to grown it was.
StaffanP May 12 @ 10:23pm 
Once you get to the biggest setups and equipment all you will only get the orange mites because the equipment protects 100% against mold and early mites so I load up my planter guy with tons of cures. You could use the preventatives I guess but I think that's more expensive for large setups. Not that it really matters anymore, I'm at the point where I don't really have anything to spend my money on anymore. I mostly do the Allen stuff now and let the store manage itself.
Jared May 12 @ 11:07pm 
use the 10 second delivery option and make sure to use it when it gets infected not until it's fully grown. they're pretty useful early - mid game.
蔡徐坤 May 13 @ 10:01pm 
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