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BLACKcOPstRIPPa 18 AGO 2023 a las 4:10
Unlock Exotics in open world?
Seeing that the expansion is coming, I kind of want to start a new character in an open world session and do missions etc to level up etc

I don't want to have to do missions and leave and than come back etc (original game design) so my question is, can we unlock exotics etc from those quests without leaving the planet?

Is this something they are adding in expansion, I remember them saying they are working on reducing the amount of times you have to go back to space, and adding the ability to unlock and make good from the station and have it delivered to you etc

Curious if this includes accepting and completing the missions tree.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 26 comentarios
Rocket  [desarrollador] 18 AGO 2023 a las 4:43 
Unlocking Exotics in open world will come with the Hypatia update, due sometime after the expansion (New Frontiers) launch. Unfortunately, timing them both together would have significantly increased testing risks as well as pushing the launch of New Frontiers back to collide with Starfield's launch.
JDaremo Fireheart 18 AGO 2023 a las 5:00 
Heya, Rocket. You got her before I could say the same thing about when it would happen.

Happy to hear you guys are making sure not to rush out updates like some of those triple-a game makers and we are left with a bug-ridden mess.
Keep up the great work.
Bulletforsam 18 AGO 2023 a las 6:07 
Publicado originalmente por Rocket:
Unlocking Exotics in open world will come with the Hypatia update, due sometime after the expansion (New Frontiers) launch. Unfortunately, timing them both together would have significantly increased testing risks as well as pushing the launch of New Frontiers back to collide with Starfield's launch.
I do not understand why the removal of all the risk vs rewards is being removed, and Exotics is at the top of that list. My cohort and I all we play is the missions, because of the risk, (TIME) to get everything. Hard, Hardcore is the best way to play this game. People die on Icarus all the time.
Rocket  [desarrollador] 18 AGO 2023 a las 6:13 
Publicado originalmente por Bulletforsam:
Hard, Hardcore is the best way to play this game. People die on Icarus all the time.
I mean personally, yes, this is how I play ICARUS and also how I play most games. But that's very much my personal way of playing the game, not necessarily what I think allows us to have a successful game.

But, as they say "the customer is always right when it comes to matters of taste". The game has to adjust somewhat to what the market wants, otherwise the game and the studio wouldn't survive.
reanor 18 AGO 2023 a las 12:52 
Do you mean to imply that only a subset of players enjoy challenging situations in survival games? If true, would Elden Ring be so successful? I believe you've struck a perfect balance in the game; there are missions with varying degrees of difficulty and two open world areas: one for those who simply want to bask in the sun, and another for those who enjoy a real challenge. Therefore, your game is currently balanced.

I do not believe dumbing down the game will increase player engagement. Leave the choice as it currently stands. Or add these 'new' options as "options" As you currently have with difficult options, risk equals greater reward. You risk losing players who came to play Icarus to Survive as it was always intended if you alter this well-established mechanic.
Última edición por reanor; 18 AGO 2023 a las 12:54
BLACKcOPstRIPPa 19 AGO 2023 a las 5:55 
Well you have to remember that everyone has different tastes.

I do enjoy a hardcore survival experience from time to time, but it depends on my mood.
Like if Hard Hardcore was the "only" way to play Icarus, I honestly wouldnt play it much at all anymore.

I work over 40 hours a week and have other responsibilities. I think some of the changes, like mission timers only counting down in game was both a gift and a curse.
If it happened based on real life it could make some missing really intense, but it would have to be toggleable, so when I wanna play and don't have tons of time free, I can start a softer core so my character won't die while I'm away doing stuff.

Honestly the missions where okay, I enjoyed it at first but what turned me off to the game was having to rebuild my base over and over.
The open world missions etc, even though honestly I never built the mission board yet, just played this for first time in like 6 months today for an hour. So I wanna do that and see how it goes.

That's my main thing though, I wanna make a new character and start from level 1 and unlock everything in a hard hardcore open world session, to me it sounds like fun. But, I don't want to have to do multiple missions to unlock all the exotics etc first.
If I could start my character, make the mission board let's say and select missions that way to go mine my first exotic unlocking them in the world to be found, I would prefer that.

Than I can play it the way I want😊

Of course how we all play is preference, there isn't a right or wrong way to play, the devs have obviously came to same conclusion since they have made different modes and difficulty selections etc.

I am looking forward to the expansion, gonna get back into it😁

P.S. Was there an updated that added more blueprints per level, I'm level 34 and had like 54 to spend and still had all my old unlocks lol
Not sure if that's a glitch of some sort
zombygunner 19 AGO 2023 a las 6:20 
yes very few imo play the missions because they take to long and are not worth the time imo. i bet most play open world and at regular difficulty and im happy with the future of this game as one of those people
OperationDx 19 AGO 2023 a las 8:00 
I don't understand why you can't have both. If you like the challenge of hard mode missions then play hard mode missions. But for the players who want the open world and also want the content in the mission system. You don't need to lock it off to one way or the other. Why would anyone care if open world players also get access to mission content. No one is forcing anyone to play open world and vise versa. Maybe some don't like the idea that playing in open world only can earn everything in the game. But I don't get that elitist attitude. You want it hard play hard. You want it easy play easy. Games are suppose to be fun.
zombygunner 19 AGO 2023 a las 8:55 
some areas are locked off unless you do certain missions so i agree
ManaWei 19 AGO 2023 a las 9:24 
Personally I LOVE a chill hangout game.. If i want some excitement I'll do the missions if i want a challenge.. otherwise i just hang out in my Open World Game and just chill.. I don't see a reason to narrow the player base, and to be fair there are the missions from the radio.. People have opinions, but people are different, hence different opinions.. better to add the difficulty and stuff as optional to cater for a larger player base.. Devs need to eat too..
Última edición por ManaWei; 19 AGO 2023 a las 9:25
[GA] Slopapotamus 19 AGO 2023 a las 11:11 
Publicado originalmente por Rocket:
Unlocking Exotics in open world will come with the Hypatia update, due sometime after the expansion (New Frontiers) launch. Unfortunately, timing them both together would have significantly increased testing risks as well as pushing the launch of New Frontiers back to collide with Starfield's launch.

As someone who has reached max level in open world(a few times) this would make buying seeds and respec points actually doable. Instead of leaving open world to do 20+ hours of missions to respec 4 points. When you reach 60 you continually unlock blueprints so there isn't even a need for the workshop except seeds and respec points.
Última edición por [GA] Slopapotamus; 19 AGO 2023 a las 11:19
[GA] Slopapotamus 19 AGO 2023 a las 11:18 
Publicado originalmente por Bulletforsam:
Publicado originalmente por Rocket:
Unlocking Exotics in open world will come with the Hypatia update, due sometime after the expansion (New Frontiers) launch. Unfortunately, timing them both together would have significantly increased testing risks as well as pushing the launch of New Frontiers back to collide with Starfield's launch.
I do not understand why the removal of all the risk vs rewards is being removed, and Exotics is at the top of that list. My cohort and I all we play is the missions, because of the risk, (TIME) to get everything. Hard, Hardcore is the best way to play this game. People die on Icarus all the time.

You don't want to unlock content through open world? Then don't play open world. Adding options for people who don't want to play missions doesn't take away from missions.
OperationDx 19 AGO 2023 a las 11:26 
The one thing I like about missions is the background story. If that could somehow be integrated into the open world that would be really cool. You could get chronological missions to fill in the back story.
Raffi 19 AGO 2023 a las 14:24 
Publicado originalmente por reanor:
Do you mean to imply that only a subset of players enjoy challenging situations in survival games? If true, would Elden Ring be so successful? I believe you've struck a perfect balance in the game; there are missions with varying degrees of difficulty and two open world areas: one for those who simply want to bask in the sun, and another for those who enjoy a real challenge. Therefore, your game is currently balanced.

I do not believe dumbing down the game will increase player engagement. Leave the choice as it currently stands. Or add these 'new' options as "options" As you currently have with difficult options, risk equals greater reward. You risk losing players who came to play Icarus to Survive as it was always intended if you alter this well-established mechanic.

A single example of a successful game is not enough evidence to support a generalised claim. There are plenty of easy games that are more successful than Elden Ring. Not stating what is true, just pointing out the flaw in your logic.

Both missions and open world have difficulty settings that would make one easier or harder than the other. Gatekeeping unlocks by mode as if that affects the challenge of the game is bizarre and has nothing to do with Balance.

It's simply about player choice. Why force players to play a certain way instead of giving them the option to play however they like? Even Elden Ring does this with items, mechnics, and paths that make the game easier.
Queltis 19 AGO 2023 a las 21:55 
Publicado originalmente por Bulletforsam:
Publicado originalmente por Rocket:
Unlocking Exotics in open world will come with the Hypatia update, due sometime after the expansion (New Frontiers) launch. Unfortunately, timing them both together would have significantly increased testing risks as well as pushing the launch of New Frontiers back to collide with Starfield's launch.
I do not understand why the removal of all the risk vs rewards is being removed, and Exotics is at the top of that list. My cohort and I all we play is the missions, because of the risk, (TIME) to get everything. Hard, Hardcore is the best way to play this game. People die on Icarus all the time.

I play hard, hardcore exclusively when I do missions, and have to disagree with you about bringing exotics to open world being a problem.

First of all, the risk of losing a mission due to lack of time was removed from the game when the mission timers were altered to play time rather than RL time, as no mission requires more than a couple of hours of play time to accomplish the required goals even on the hardest difficulty.

Secondly, with all the player data now being stored on the PC itself people with no interest in running timed missions are just going to either give themselves the exotics they need to purchase workshop items, or mod the game to access exotics in open world anyway. It is far healthier for the longevity of the game to give them a legitimate means to earn those items in their preferred game mode than it is to cross your arms and demand that they be exclusive to missions when such an exclusivity is no longer possible to enforce.
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Publicado el: 18 AGO 2023 a las 4:10
Mensajes: 26