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why support this?
this was at first an ES exclusive so why are u gonna support the devs right now?
Messaggio originale di NotMcrib:
yup DONT SUPPORT THIS!! If you do all other developers will start taking EGS cash first then a year later come to steam to get even more cash from all the steam sales
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Why shouldn't they? It's a great game, and people love playing great games.
Greed and bribes don't deserve any support enough said.
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yup DONT SUPPORT THIS!! If you do all other developers will start taking EGS cash first then a year later come to steam to get even more cash from all the steam sales
Ultima modifica da NotMcrib; 22 ago 2019, ore 12:38
Let's stop and think about this. The game doesn't get any support on Steam. What's going to happen to the next Supergiant game? Are they going to swear off the Epic Store? Nope. They're going to bring it straight back to the Epic Store because that's where they made the reliable money.

Think about what's sustainable in the long term for the goals you want, not about what helps vindicate grudges.
While I agree that buying it here is the only way to enforce that PC players still prefer this platform over EGS, it is also hard to put a price on community trust. I truly want to support this move of being on this platform but the EA title makes me wary
Messaggio originale di erttheking:
Let's stop and think about this. The game doesn't get any support on Steam. What's going to happen to the next Supergiant game? Are they going to swear off the Epic Store? Nope. They're going to bring it straight back to the Epic Store because that's where they made the reliable money.

Think about what's sustainable in the long term for the goals you want, not about what helps vindicate grudges.

But how can we trust them?

Imagine that we all buy Hades on day 1 and then for the next game BOOM they go again to epicent, how would you feel about that.

Messaggio originale di Wormwood:
While I agree that buying it here is the only way to enforce that PC players still prefer this platform over EGS, it is also hard to put a price on community trust. I truly want to support this move of being on this platform but the EA title makes me wary

If you don't like early access that is fine, just buy it when it reaches 1.0 status.
Messaggio originale di Eisberg:
Why shouldn't they? It's a great game, and people love playing great games.

This. If it comes to Linux, absolutely will buy.
Messaggio originale di Sanity:
I wouldn't care at all. I like games and Supergiant make fantastic ones. Store wars are for people who want to be constantly unhappy and offended by something.

''Store Wars'' are good for consumer when they fight with prices not exclusivity.
Messaggio originale di Tempest:
Messaggio originale di erttheking:
Let's stop and think about this. The game doesn't get any support on Steam. What's going to happen to the next Supergiant game? Are they going to swear off the Epic Store? Nope. They're going to bring it straight back to the Epic Store because that's where they made the reliable money.

Think about what's sustainable in the long term for the goals you want, not about what helps vindicate grudges.

But how can we trust them?

Imagine that we all buy Hades on day 1 and then for the next game BOOM they go again to epicent, how would you feel about that.

I'd feel fairly ♥♥♥♥♥♥. However, when you break it down into raw numbers, it's a case of the game possibly being an ESE again, or the game most certainly being an ESE again. If you go for the boycotting the game on Steam route, you are pushing them back towards Epic's Fortnite money. I fully admit I bought Hades on the Epic Store. It was the only game I bought on the Epic Store.
Because it became clear soon after how aggressive Epic was being. Because my approach now that I have a better handle on the situation is wait the full year for the Epic exclusive deal to run out and then buy the game, or get it on a different platform. Because that sends a much clearer and stronger message. "I will support the game. But not on the Epic Store."

Because you need to remember something. There's a larger picture here, in that Epic is trying to make a power play against Steam. Word recently got out that it isn't letting indie games on the Epic Store unless they are to exlusivity deals (something not enforced on AAA games, the pricks), and that Epic's goal is less about having these indie games, and more about ensuring that Steam doesn't have them. Honestly, boycotting these games when they come out on Steam is more or less what Epic wants, because it's less money going to Steam.

If you want my personal opinion, we need to lean on Steam to offer better deals to compete with Epic...but that probably won't work, considering a recent article revealed that all of Steam is basically being run by ten people, and as we've seen, they seem determined to do as little work as possible.
Messaggio originale di erttheking:
Let's stop and think about this. The game doesn't get any support on Steam. What's going to happen to the next Supergiant game? Are they going to swear off the Epic Store? Nope. They're going to bring it straight back to the Epic Store because that's where they made the reliable money.

Think about what's sustainable in the long term for the goals you want, not about what helps vindicate grudges.

Stop being an idiot they took 1 year to EGS for EGS cash now they come to steam and make good sales that shows that you can do whatever people will still buy it. So more and more new games will come to EGS for 1 year for EGS cash and later come to steam to get all the steam sales. If the sales now flop they just need to know that it was purely because of the EGS deal and thats it. This will show that no matter the game once you take EGS cash you wont be getting all the steam sales after a year whihc you could have gotten if you went with no exclusive deal at the start
"We expect Hades will come to other platforms, including Steam, once Early Access is complete! Thank you for your interest."

Messaggio originale di erttheking:
Messaggio originale di Tempest:

But how can we trust them?

Imagine that we all buy Hades on day 1 and then for the next game BOOM they go again to epicent, how would you feel about that.

I'd feel fairly ♥♥♥♥♥♥. However, when you break it down into raw numbers, it's a case of the game possibly being an ESE again, or the game most certainly being an ESE again. If you go for the boycotting the game on Steam route, you are pushing them back towards Epic's Fortnite money. I fully admit I bought Hades on the Epic Store. It was the only game I bought on the Epic Store.
Because it became clear soon after how aggressive Epic was being. Because my approach now that I have a better handle on the situation is wait the full year for the Epic exclusive deal to run out and then buy the game, or get it on a different platform. Because that sends a much clearer and stronger message. "I will support the game. But not on the Epic Store."

Because you need to remember something. There's a larger picture here, in that Epic is trying to make a power play against Steam. Word recently got out that it isn't letting indie games on the Epic Store unless they are to exlusivity deals (something not enforced on AAA games, the pricks), and that Epic's goal is less about having these indie games, and more about ensuring that Steam doesn't have them. Honestly, boycotting these games when they come out on Steam is more or less what Epic wants, because it's less money going to Steam.

If you want my personal opinion, we need to lean on Steam to offer better deals to compete with Epic...but that probably won't work, considering a recent article revealed that all of Steam is basically being run by ten people, and as we've seen, they seem determined to do as little work as possible.

Oh yeah, if we wait for Steam to move their ...... we are ......., i don't believe on Steam anymore either they are just a big bank account with open doors for any scam devs. but if we compare Steam and epicent it's still like day and night, i truly hate bribes and exclusivity because it doesn't do anything good for us consumer's but what i truly fear the most about epicent is the end of retail stores (better prices for us) and maybe someday monthly fees to play online.
Messaggio originale di Maxchocho44kk:
"We expect Hades will come to other platforms, including Steam, once Early Access is complete! Thank you for your interest."


yet it is still in EA on steam
Messaggio originale di BQB456:
Messaggio originale di Maxchocho44kk:
"We expect Hades will come to other platforms, including Steam, once Early Access is complete! Thank you for your interest."


yet it is still in EA on steam

Something went really wrong and i'm still surprised that epicent allowed this devs to create a Steam page while still on exclusivity contract, the most logical answer is that the sales are a big failure and they need advertising.
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Data di pubblicazione: 22 ago 2019, ore 12:10
Messaggi: 542