Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

Why are you even pre-ordering?
Seriously, just out of curiosity, i'm not gonna judge anyone, its 10 months ahead even...


there doesn't even seem to have any pre-order bonus content, why give your money in advance if you simply just gonna get it day 1 like anyone else? even if it's cd projekt red, doesn't seem worth it.
Ultima modifica da Rodrigo; 9 giu 2019, ore 13:52
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I was already dead set on buying the game. Either on release date or before it.

I'm just getting it out the way now and RED is offering a time limited perk on their website if you order there.
Because CDPR have good devoloper and The Witcher wasnt a bad game either, it will not really change the prize and some people might have money now in this month or another one so they might buy or pre-order it now :)
Because sheep. They're easily fooled. I know right now that nothing that's shown in this fake trailer will exist in the actual game.
Why do you even care how others spend their money ? Why post about it ?
Messaggio originale di KripTed:
Because sheep. They're easily fooled. I know right now that nothing that's shown in this fake trailer will exist in the actual game.

You know that the first video was CGI right?

The second was in-game
a lot are probably preordering before epic weasel their way into making it exclusive, even tho cdprojectred said no epic store
I've got plenty of money to spare at the moment. Next year I might not.

because it's a quality developer unlike any other on the market these days and the only developer I would preorder games from. PERIOD
to show off to someone poor like you mate
There are games that gets stuck in EA for YEARS, here you are preording finished game no EA crap, i see no problem here.
Also no one forces you to.
Ultima modifica da Kelt; 9 giu 2019, ore 13:55
I just preordered cause i have free steam wallet funds right now. I bought it now and i'll forget about it for few months :P
Because Developer needs Money.
Messaggio originale di Vault Boy:
Messaggio originale di KripTed:
Because sheep. They're easily fooled. I know right now that nothing that's shown in this fake trailer will exist in the actual game.

You know that the first video was CGI right?

The second was in-game

There's only one video on the store here and chances are, that's not in game footage. You know why? Cause it's not stated. Also because I doubt they can deliver those type of graphics with that type of game play. The game will be downgraded like Ubisoft upon release. I'll save my money until I see some compelling evidence.
Becouse John Wick!
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Data di pubblicazione: 9 giu 2019, ore 13:49
Messaggi: 95