Death Rally
Warning.... Scram !!!
Warning, i bought this game because i hoped it was a re-make of the old game that holds the same title...

The game will not run with the resulutions that a possible to set it, there is only one valid that works in full screen (i cant remember wich one)...

Multiplayer games tend to bug out even before they start.

I tried to call out to the devs. but they just ignore any attempt to approach them regarding Death-Rally.

Stay away, for your own sake... the game is unplayable, and devs, dont care.
< >
Показані коментарі 115 із 22
Цитата допису snipernext:
works perfect
Go away troll
Did you read the posts i linked ?
This game works perfectly. It's a role model to other games as to how resolution should be handled. I can resize the window by dragging the corners and it's flawless, or I can set it to a fullscreen resolution.
Цитата допису maplesyrupghost:
This game works perfectly. It's a role model to other games as to how resolution should be handled. I can resize the window by dragging the corners and it's flawless, or I can set it to a fullscreen resolution.

Guess you 2 are the lucky ones then, i suggest that you look at the links i posted.
Meh, it's such an easy game I'll probably get to 100% completion in a day or so. Easy achievements! I paid $2 so i'm not expecting the world here. But I have not encountered any issues whatsoever.
maple... If you get 100% in 2 two days, Ill give you 2 free racing games ok?
Цитата допису snipernext:
maple... If you get 100% in 2 two days, Ill give you 2 free racing games ok?

Outrun 2006 will be one of my choices :)

Now it sounds like it's an impossible feat all of a sudden. Broken achievement?
nope... but the last chevoz is Level 42... I stopped at 13 :-)
Автор останньої редакції: [VRC]snipernext; 8 квіт. 2014 о 15:33
Цитата допису snipernext:
nope... but the last chevoz is 42000000 fames... I stopped at 13 :-)

Sounds like I'm going to need to be fed coffee intravenously tonight...
Level 42 = 42000000... you can do it :)
Цитата допису snipernext:
Level 42 = 42000000... you can do it :)

I'll do my best. I hope you're not implying that you made it like 0.0000003% of the way to that achievement lmao. A person would get so sick of the game after awhile. Already it's lifeless after a few hours of the same racing.

BTW you have an awesome racing game collection, you should pick up Crash Time 2 on sale this week :D

< >
Показані коментарі 115 із 22
На сторінку: 1530 50

Опубліковано: 5 квіт. 2014 о 18:52
Дописів: 22