Arma 3
Tanoa FPS fix or boost!
I know this has been out for a bit now but I have ran into a bunch of players still complaining about poor FPS and not knowing about this fix. So I figured I would do my part and post it here so as many people as possible can see it and use it.

Credit goes out to: GingerGod from =ADK=Gaming, if you haven't played on one of their server yet please give them a try, some of the best servers out there!

Also this was a post from the Arma Devs but was posted on the ADK forums by GingerGod which is why I am giving him credit for where I got this from. Enjoy and I hope it helps you!

Ok guys so we have found out that All Maps have been having issues with FPS. Tanoa happens to be one of the hardest hit by this.
We have been searching the BI Forums in hope of finding a solution.

The Following Steps Will download the Latest Performance .EXE from Bohemia Interactive's Dev Dropbox and replaces your existing file to hopefully give you better FPS.

Go the This Website: (Ignore the Popup)

Step 1: Locate the Latest Files by doing the following.
Finding the latest build is easy if you split up the folder name
For example: 162perf3

162 is the ARMA version
"Perf" means "Performance"
3 means its the 3rd version released
You should always download the latest version, 3 is current at the time of this Tutorial but the next would be 4 or 5 or 6 etc.

Step 2: Choose the Correct Download.
The File you want is Called "arma3client_performance_162_#####.7z"
The ##### Part changes with every update but as long as it starts with "arma3client_performance" everything is fine :)
To download from Dropbox click the file then locate the Download Button Top Right then click the Text that says " No, thanks. Continue to download → " then Click Save File- Not Open

Step 3: Extracting The File - You can Skip this and go to Step 4 if you know how to do this
To Extract the file your going to need a program, i would suggest WinRar but others like 7-Zip or Winzip work equally good
if you don’t have one of these, Go Here:
Download one of the top two depending on your Operating System, 32Bit will work on either if you’re not sure.
Install and follow prompts.
Locate the arma 3 performance file you downloaded then Right Click it and Click "Extract to Filenamehere"9+

Step 4: Copying the file and Renaming.

Copy the File to your ARMA 3 Main Folder. Locations vary but generally its in
\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3

Now We need to rename the old file before changing the new one - See below
First change your arma3.exe

Then after change the Performance exe


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Beiträge 115 von 20
In Tanoa right now you have a poor fps with the new update I think that the rendering speed will be increased.

Be patient and wait for the new updates.
TIPPY 26. Aug. 2016 um 2:55 
Nah man this doubled FPS for everyone on the servers
Ursprünglich geschrieben von PTIPPYGaming:
Nah man this doubled FPS for everyone on the servers
What so you get 120fps??
TIPPY 26. Aug. 2016 um 7:10 
No since server performance went down, that meant like it is now people are getting like 20-30fps if they're lucky on decent systems. When they have done this which is from Bohemia directly they are getting more like 40-60fps depending on where they are in the map.

That seems to be the average gain for most people but can vary I'm sure between systems, cards, CPU's, drivers, etc.
TIPPY 26. Aug. 2016 um 7:13 
I have a EVGA 980 SC 4gb and was originally during the beta test of Tanoa getting a strong 60-70fps. Then all the sudden when released to the public and an update happened everyone went down to aprox. 25 in cities and 30 in traders and everyone left the servers upset, pissed off at Bohemia. At this point with the temp. fix or whatever you wanna call it I am maybe 10fps away from what i had previously on good days? I still have a few issues but its much much better than it was after Patch day.
TIPPY 26. Aug. 2016 um 7:14 
Have a look yourself at the forum posts of people getting better FPS and the original post I'm pulling from:
ADK game servers are all gay. They ban you for being good and killing their members. Ive been banned from 3 battlefield 4 ADK servers and 2 Arma 3 servers by butt hurt ADK members who dont know how to lose like an adult. Avoid their servers or risk losing all your work because they ban those with skill more than their own so they get easy kills on servers.
I downloaded number 17 is that okay since it appears to be the newest ?
OGYates_ 26. Aug. 2016 um 15:02 
*cough* millions of trees and grass *cough* dumbass *cough*
Vin. 26. Aug. 2016 um 15:17 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von TFE EclipseSoul:
*cough* millions of trees and grass *cough* dumbass *cough*
Have far less impact than major cities and enterable buildings.....
OGYates_ 26. Aug. 2016 um 15:18 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von ๖ۜ𝓥𝒊𝒏.:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von TFE EclipseSoul:
*cough* millions of trees and grass *cough* dumbass *cough*
Have far less impact than major cities and enterable buildings.....
No, just all 1 million trees and tall grasses and contrasted grass to the ♥♥♥♥ limit XD
Ursprünglich geschrieben von TFE EclipseSoul:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von ๖ۜ𝓥𝒊𝒏.:
Have far less impact than major cities and enterable buildings.....
No, just all 1 million trees and tall grasses and contrasted grass to the ♥♥♥♥ limit XD
its not as bad as you think unless you have a really crappy gpu or badly configed pc!
TIPPY 27. Aug. 2016 um 12:56 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von rememba da name:
ADK game servers are all gay. They ban you for being good and killing their members. Ive been banned from 3 battlefield 4 ADK servers and 2 Arma 3 servers by butt hurt ADK members who dont know how to lose like an adult. Avoid their servers or risk losing all your work because they ban those with skill more than their own so they get easy kills on servers.

So angry lol Why so negative? pretty sure if you were banned which is obvious, then you did something to deserve it. Been playing on their BF3, BF4, Arma 2 and 3 servers for years and never had an issue. If you talk like you do on here that may be a reason? lol

It's pinned on the forum btw, even the first topic on the top.
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Geschrieben am: 26. Aug. 2016 um 1:30
Beiträge: 20