3 DIC 2021 a las 3:11 p. m.
Ostranauts Early Access Roadmap
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Rosen Ritter 3 DIC 2021 a las 5:17 p. m. 
I'm curious what stuff was cut, and if any of it might be added in the future as an expansion of sorts.
Beeps! 4 DIC 2021 a las 3:02 a. m. 
I love how you guys lay out the plans like this, an developer to player communications as always here, and it feel soo GOOd n' Tasty Mmmhmhmh! Thanks ya'll! :squirtyay: :cozyspaceengineersc:
Joshu  [desarrollador] 4 DIC 2021 a las 3:10 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Rosen Ritter:
I'm curious what stuff was cut, and if any of it might be added in the future as an expansion of sorts.

Honestly depends what you mean by "cut". There are tons of things we as devs discuss but dont get actually put in the final game, we're talking and world building in our dev chat every weekday, so tons of ideas come up and get bounced around, but we can only actually work on so much haha!

In terms of things we've discussed publicly I think this roadmap hits basically the entire of the old FAQ and choices people could vote for last time. The one exception being people could've voted for Zero-G but now it wont be in the full release. We decided it wasn't part of the MVP for Ostranauts. As in, it could play and feel really good and satisfy players without the need for free-floating Zero-G mechanics.
That said, we're not completely ruling it out post-release.

After launch there will almost certainly be QoL/bugfix patches. How much we add beyond that is entirely based on how well the game sells.
If it sells well at launch then we can afford to spend some time putting in extra features and building out the world. So there'll probably be Zero-G in a 1.1 or similar named patch!
<eUK> DR OCTAGON 4 DIC 2021 a las 7:53 a. m. 
great work as always guys. i think it would be nice to see a quarterly video on Dan's channel where you guys highlight features and discuss the dev process. i find these very enjoyable. i also have loved the Ostracon content and i feel the lore will be a major component in the game (just like Neo Scav). I hope there will be more opportunities in the future for public contributions to the Ostracon / body of lore. I have 50 + hours in game so far , but am torn as to weather or not to play more or less through the dev cycle so not to give away 'plot points'. i was a late adopter with Neo Scavenger and it was (and still is) an amazing immersive world to be a part of. i am glad that interplanetary travel will be late in the cycle , as that will be a nice surprise and invigorate the gameplay for EA testers. Hope you guys are happy and healthy.
Silluin / Naerydan 4 DIC 2021 a las 8:00 a. m. 
Very excited. Best of luck for you guys.
Punished_Hap9787 4 DIC 2021 a las 10:15 a. m. 
God I hope (I believe it's a reference) the "Lucky Number 13" is a reference to the short film within Love Death Robots "Lucky 13" But keep up the great work guys. Been loving the game so far!
Beetledjuice 4 DIC 2021 a las 12:51 p. m. 
Ooooh yeeah, I *can't* wait for ship-to-ship comms and combat. I wonder what epic UI you guys got planned for that.

Publicado originalmente por Punished_Hap9787:
God I hope (I believe it's a reference) the "Lucky Number 13" is a reference to the short film within Love Death Robots "Lucky 13" But keep up the great work guys. Been loving the game so far!

The short is conceptualized around the superstition about 13, like there is no 13th row of seats in planes. They skip it and go from 12 to 14.
I don't think it's a direct reference, but rather, they draw from the same thing. I could always be wrong though.
Última edición por Beetledjuice; 4 DIC 2021 a las 12:52 p. m.
stalinui 5 DIC 2021 a las 1:18 a. m. 
Russian language?
Assailer 5 DIC 2021 a las 4:50 a. m. 
Started to forget about Ostranuts, I'm glad you guys continue developing this game.
Blue Bottle Games, LLC  [desarrollador] 6 DIC 2021 a las 1:25 p. m. 
Thanks for all the encouragement, folks! Glad to hear you're still looking forward to Ostranauts :)

Re: Russian language, our publisher (Modern Wolf) has agreed to help us with translations when the time is right. Still to early right now, as text is still changing a lot.

Re: Lucky Number 13, it is more a reference to the superstition, as Beetledjuice guessed. Since that is both update x.13 and we have supernatural events as a major feature, we couldn't resist leaning into the superstitions around that "unlucky" number.

HOWEVER, the idea that a ship has some supernatural aura or effects...that feels pretty on target for the vibe of the game :)

Re: Youtube, you're right! We're overdue for both a video and a "fireside chat" type talk about our plans. Lemme let that cook on the back burner a bit!

And I loved the way Ostracon came out, too! I'm totally up for doing another one. Maybe this time done in such a way that we can share it with more people!
suppa 6 DIC 2021 a las 2:52 p. m. 
I wish you all the best. I haven't played much at all since initial version but I will check it out in the next year once there's a world to actually explore, which surprises me. In the initial marketing material leading up to Early Access there was a very rich world but unfortunately up until now its only one station with derelicts around it.

With that said I do have one question: why would you put guns in space? Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. It's extremely dangerous as far as space debris goes.
Última edición por suppa; 6 DIC 2021 a las 2:52 p. m.
Blue Bottle Games, LLC  [desarrollador] 6 DIC 2021 a las 5:37 p. m. 
Thanks for the well wishes!

It's true that there's a ton of lore around the game world, but only a portion of it is in-game so far. A lot of that is due to us wanting to make sure we have our first location working smoothly and feeling complete before we try to tackle another one.

I.e. once the K-Leg region is working as intended, we can start cranking out other locations with similar depth

Oh! And depending on whether you think it's worth a look, the latest version (0.7.x.x) now has a few more stations around K-Leg. Nothing like traveling to another planet yet, but it gives us a chance to try out slightly longer-range travel (an hour or more at 1km/s without fast-forwarding), and gives a few more places to visit.

But yeah, the wider world will be one of the last things to go in as we fill-in content from the center outward.

As for guns, that's a good question! One part of the answer is that I think someone is gonna put guns in space, whether it's legal/safe or not. And as soon as someone does, everyone's going to have to find ways to deal with it.

Another part of the answer is that "gun" doesn't necessarily have to mean traditional terrestrial arms. These might end up being more tailored to the environment. Less lethal rounds, tasers, riot-control type stuff.

Still likely to be some joker with an AK up there, but most people might have more controlled devices.

Lastly, if you think guns are dangerous in space, wait until you see what a person in a torch-drive spaceship can do to a colony :)
Punished_Hap9787 6 DIC 2021 a las 5:50 p. m. 
I would love to point out that Weapons. Any type that contains gunpowder can work well in deep space, They'll also send you flying backwards when in EVA but do what you want with this little bit of info gamers and Happy Salvaging.
deMangler 8 DIC 2021 a las 8:16 a. m. 
Thanks for the roadmap - gives me something to look forward to, while I am enjoying the game as it is.
The thing I am looking forward to most is long distance travel. You have a really interesting model of the solar system there and just being able to attempt to plot orbits and conserve fuel etc would be great. I used to love Martin Schweiger's orbiter-sim.
Thanks for making a great game!
Última edición por deMangler; 8 DIC 2021 a las 8:19 a. m.
Bronizuka 12 DIC 2021 a las 7:35 p. m. 
I was a huge fan of Neo Scavenger and had high hopes for this one but it looks and plays like it did a year ago. There is still no combat or story added to the game. I probably won't be paying attention to these "updates" anymore. Very disappointing.
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