

Apr 21, 2023 @ 4:03pm
Ostranauts Hotfix Patch ( Is Live!
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
mmm nice changes :steamsalty::2016watermelon:
Tulkas Apr 21, 2023 @ 5:54pm 
Wow, lots of work put into tweaking the social/crime stuff. Very well done and thank you!
All my problems with this patch seems to have been adressed nicely. Good job :dslike:
Soondead Apr 22, 2023 @ 5:20am 
After this patch, the officer who boards me and immediately attacks would not relent after I "offered to surrender" but when I "ordered him off ship" he did so. As he left, I was suddenly arrested(!) and given the option to pay a fine or "serve hard time". I chose the latter, then the officer immediately boarded my ship again and proceeded to attack me. It would seem that no matter what I do, the game has me locked into either killing the officer or get killed.

I believe surrendering and either paying a fine or serving time should wipe the slate clean as far as law enforcement is concerned, which it currently does not.
Greghed Apr 22, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
nice i got to check it out soon. Keep up the good work love the detail in your games.
KabukiNixon Apr 25, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
Excellent! Time for more space piracy!

I mean aggressive expansion of material holdings!
Blue Bottle Games, LLC  [developer] Apr 26, 2023 @ 3:00pm 
Originally posted by Soondead:
After this patch, the officer who boards me and immediately attacks would not relent after I "offered to surrender" but when I "ordered him off ship" he did so. As he left, I was suddenly arrested(!) and given the option to pay a fine or "serve hard time". I chose the latter, then the officer immediately boarded my ship again and proceeded to attack me. It would seem that no matter what I do, the game has me locked into either killing the officer or get killed.

I believe surrendering and either paying a fine or serving time should wipe the slate clean as far as law enforcement is concerned, which it currently does not.

Thanks for the heads-up here. There were a few bugs at work in this situation, and we had to restructure the way the AI prioritizes boarding interrogation vs. wanted status, and how those resolve. Plus a bug which prevented AI from accepting player (and only player) surrender.

We have an experimental patch up on Steam public_test now which addresses these and a few other issues. If you decide to give it a shot, we'd love to know if it helps with this (or any other) issues!
Soondead Apr 26, 2023 @ 11:15pm 
Originally posted by Blue Bottle Games, LLC:
We have an experimental patch up on Steam public_test now which addresses these and a few other issues. If you decide to give it a shot, we'd love to know if it helps with this (or any other) issues!

Steam is asking me for a beta access code which I can't seem to find anywhere so I think I'll just wait until next update to avoid confusing myself any further 8-|

UPDATE: Okay, so it looks like I got the public_test after all, it seems I really was confused. I tried again with and although the cop still attacks me after I "serve hard time", presumably because I'm still a "public enemy" (I would have thought the jail time fixed that?) this time around he accepted my second surrender after just wrecking my suit. We got talking and ended up parting as friends.

Not perfect, but most certainly a leap in the right direction.
Last edited by Soondead; Apr 27, 2023 @ 2:40am
Blue Bottle Games, LLC  [developer] Apr 27, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
Hmm. Still seems weird. That "public enemy" condition is indeed supposed to go away after that encounter where you serve time/pay the fine.

Although, the bug might be elsewhere. E.g. generates a reason to attack you other than "public enemy"

Did the cop say "Hey! It's that criminal..." and then attack you? Or "It's that scum?" Those are different cases to the AI.

In any case, as you point out, it's probably an incremental improvement. So it seems worth getting this patch officially out there. And if weirdness persists, we'll tackle that case once we get a bead on it.

As for the beta thing, yeah, it's a bit confusing. Steam will ask you for a password regardless, because it will show you extra stuff in the dropdown based on passwords you've previously submitted. But you aren't obligated to put any password in for non-protected betas like public_test.
Soondead Apr 27, 2023 @ 2:19pm 
Originally posted by Blue Bottle Games, LLC:
Did the cop say "Hey! It's that criminal..." and then attack you? Or "It's that scum?" Those are different cases to the AI.

I just played it again to double-check, and goes like this:

(cop:) "Hey, it's that criminal! Get 'em!"
(cop attacks)
(player action) (character) surrenders to (cop) and prepares to pay for their crimes.
(character) is subdued and vulnerable.
(player action) (I select "serve hard time", then click "Continue")
(cop lands another attack)
(cop:) "Another win for the law"
(character) no long has an outstanding arrest warrant on 0KLG.
(character) no longer is wanted by 0KLG LAs, and is considered a Public Enemy.
(cop:) "Hey, it's that scum! Get 'em!"
(cop lands another attack)
(player action) (character) offers surrender to (cop).
(cop lands another attack)
(cop lands another attack)
(cop) accepts surrender from (character)
(character) is subdued and vulnerable.
(cop) asks (character) if they know why they have been boarded.
At this point, we can finally have a civil conversation.

Originally posted by Blue Bottle Games, LLC:
As for the beta thing, yeah, it's a bit confusing. Steam will ask you for a password regardless, because it will show you extra stuff in the dropdown based on passwords you've previously submitted. But you aren't obligated to put any password in for non-protected betas like public_test.

When searching the forums I found exactly 0.00 other users with the same problem so I consider this a stupid error on my part.
Blue Bottle Games, LLC  [developer] Apr 27, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
Ok, that's starting to make some sense. Not necessarily how we want things to work! But it might be working as it is designed. (Warts and all.)

Judging by that record of events, it sounds like you were simultaneously a public enemy, a faction enemy of that cop (or cops in general), and were targeted for inspection by that cop. And all 3 warrant the cop doing something to the target at differing priorities.

So the cop attacks a known threat (public enemy) as highest priority, and when that is resolved via surrender, falls back on either faction-fighting or questioning (both have same priority for AI, and it's a bit of a toss-up which comes first).

And whichever of those resolves first, it goes to the other.

We should probably see if there's some logical way to deal with a target that has all of these states at once, so it doesn't feel like an endless train of punishment. I'll log a task to look into that.

I'm also unsure why they landed one hit between the first surrender and the "Hey, scum!" If the hit came after, that's fine. But it'd be weird for them to still be in combat mode between a surrender and initiating a "scum" fight.

Thanks for following-up with that info, though! This was super helpful in tuning the AI bugs down a bit.
Soondead Apr 28, 2023 @ 1:35am 
Originally posted by Blue Bottle Games, LLC:
Thanks for following-up with that info, though! This was super helpful in tuning the AI bugs down a bit.

Just glad to be able to help :-D
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