Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Aegrim 4/jul./2015 às 10:16
Error Messge: Method not found: 'PathManager.FindPathPosition'...etc etc
Anyone else getting this error message? It just pops up whenever I enable the mod after I load a game, and if I close it it pops up again and again forever.

Method not found: 'PathManager.FindPathPosition'. [System.MissingMethodException]

No details
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'PathManager.FindPathPosition'.
at CSL_Traffic.BusTransportLineAI.SimulationStep (UInt16 segmentID, .NetSegment& data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at NetManager.SimulationStepImpl (Int32 subStep) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SimulationManagerBase`2[Manager,Properties].SimulationStep (Int32 subStep) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at NetManager.ISimulationManager.SimulationStep (Int32 subStep) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SimulationManager.SimulationStep () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SimulationManager.SimulationThread () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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Hofftari 4/jul./2015 às 10:37 
I'm getting it as soon as I try to put up a bus stop or start a subway line. I've tried everything from disabling the mod to enabling ghost mode and to enable/disable the different features of the addon and all the possible combinations for these, yet I just cannot build any public transport line.
Lil Dikki 4/jul./2015 às 10:57 
enable ghost mode , that should help.
groenroos 4/jul./2015 às 12:38 
I get this immediately and infinitely when I load a game up (heavy use of bus lane avenues). It was tricky to even leave the game when the barrage of error messages was endless. I'm guessing the 1.1.1b update broke it.
wuTz 4/jul./2015 às 14:31 
Just got that message trying to set up a train line.

It appears when I am hovering over the second station...
mrshow 4/jul./2015 às 15:14 
it happens when you have public transport lines. I can't load my cities without this error, and in the new cities it will work until I try to place bus or subway lines.

somehow this functionality is broken from the update... but I don't know if we are the minority or the majority.
John Kennington 4/jul./2015 às 15:19 
Definitely in the majority. The mod doesn't work with the latest update.
zhenghan1994 4/jul./2015 às 15:23 
If you operate a new map without any public transportation, the bug wouldn't appear, but If you set up a train/bus/metro line in the map, as you try to connect two stations, this error must appear.
Probe1 4/jul./2015 às 17:56 
Same here. Put a bus line down, error came up.
TinTin 6 4/jul./2015 às 18:37 
so there's no solution yet?
wrheckz 4/jul./2015 às 22:35 
having same problem with this -.-
heathtech 4/jul./2015 às 22:43 
This is very easy to fix if you know any C#. If not, you can download my modified version here:

Extract the contents of the zip file (basically just modified .cs files) into the path %localappdata%\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods such that the path reads something like ...\Mods\CSL-Traffic\Source\*.cs.

Launch the game. When you look at the mods list in the content manager, you'll see two Traffic++ mods listed - turn the old one off and turn the one with the description ending with "fix by heathtech" on.

To summarize the fix if you do know C#, CO added another bool called "requireConnect" to the FindPathPosition method just after the "allowUnderground" parameter, making the code in its current Workshop form break. I also had to change all references of NetInfo.LaneType.Cargo to say ((NetInfo.LaneType)((byte)16)) since the enum value got lost apparently. Make these changes yourself if you don't trust the download link.
christian_B 5/jul./2015 às 1:04 
Escrito originalmente por heathtech:
This is very easy to fix if you know any C#. If not, you can download my modified version here:

Extract the contents of the zip file (basically just modified .cs files) into the path %localappdata%\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods such that the path reads something like ...\Mods\CSL-Traffic\Source\*.cs.

Launch the game. When you look at the mods list in the content manager, you'll see two Traffic++ mods listed - turn the old one off and turn the one with the description ending with "fix by heathtech" on.

To summarize the fix if you do know C#, CO added another bool called "requireConnect" to the FindPathPosition method just after the "allowUnderground" parameter, making the code in its current Workshop form break. I also had to change all references of NetInfo.LaneType.Cargo to say ((NetInfo.LaneType)((byte)16)) since the enum value got lost apparently. Make these changes yourself if you don't trust the download link.

You are the hero of the Day ;)

Confirmed Working!!
Does NOT work for me.
It just pops up some debug error messages about not used variables on startup, and after that the mods panel is broken, because the mods options button isnt fixed. So i cant turn off and on mods anymore.
christian_B 5/jul./2015 às 3:49 
The mod panel works fine for me, you just need to press F5 to reload the list!
Vimes 5/jul./2015 às 4:46 
Escrito originalmente por SG Locutus of Borg:
Does NOT work for me.
It just pops up some debug error messages about not used variables on startup, and after that the mods panel is broken, because the mods options button isnt fixed. So i cant turn off and on mods anymore.


Not sure what I'm doing wrong...?
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