Dota 2
The Swift Pathfinder
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Christian "ChiZ" Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures
Maxime "MaxOfS2D" Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video
Melinda "Melgramn" Gramnaes - Loading screen

Get a full view of the set in the Marmoset 3D Preview:
Inhalte (8)
Swift Pathfinder's Hat
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen Get a full view of the set in the Marmoset 3D Preview!...
Swift Pathfinder's Coat
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen Get a full view of the set in the Marmoset 3D Preview!...
Swift Pathfinder's Cape
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen Get a full view of the set in the Marmoset 3D Preview!...
Swift Pathfinder's Bow
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen Get a full view of the set in the Marmoset 3D Preview!...
Swift Pathfinder's Quiver
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen Get a full view of the set in the Marmoset 3D Preview!...
Swift Pathfinder - Loading Screen
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen Get a full view of the set in the Marmoset 3D Preview!...
Swift Pathfinder's Hat - V2
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen...
Swift Pathfinder - Loading Screen - V2
Erstellt von ChiZ
@ChiZWorkshop - Christian Gramnaes - Concept, models and textures @MaxOfS2D - Maxime Lebled - Rigging, LODs, promo material and video @Melgramn - Melinda Gramnaes - Loading screen...
In 1 Kollektion von ChiZ
ChiZ's Workshop
21 Inhalte