Dota 2
High Priest of Dezun

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Dazzle was born in tribe of Dezun acolytes. No one expected him be be any special among his kind. Many made fun of him because despite his young age Dazzle decided to take final ritual - a ritual so dangerous and unpredictable that many of Dezun's followers didn't survive it. It was a time when his tribe was divided and there was none that could lead young adepts. After decision to pass the trial Dazzle left his village for many years. An unexpected deed indeed as acolytes were prepared by the elders whom they served years before the trial. Most thought he died in the wilderness, others found weird patterns in jungle. Hunters saw light and heard strange noises as they were sneaking through the jungle.

None suspected that one day Dazzle would return to his Village, silently, solemnly, refusing to pay tribute to the elders. He simply stood on the ceremonial ground, silently drawing runes and circles on its sacred earth. With the last stroke of the pattern he looked up from his work for the first time since he arrived in the village. Flames erupted from the ground and consumed Dazzle, flames the like of which have never seen before. They cast darkness - not light - on the primitive huts nearby. The Fire blotted out the sun and the stars for a day and a night. As a new morning dawned Dazzle reappeared in the dying flame's ashes. Hours in this world equal years in Nothl Realm, forged in the flames by none other than Dezun himself Dazzle became Highest Priest of his order. One who will unite the tribe. One who will bring darkness into hearts of his enemies.
Items (7)
Dezun Headdress
Created by Konras Headdress of Highest Priest. Handcrafted by Dazzle during his exile and bound to his body by ritual flames. Dazzle was born in a tribe of Dezun acolytes. No one ex...
Dezun Guard
Created by Konras As opposed to the Nothl realm the dangers of this world are of a more physical nature - and Dazzle is prepared for them. Dazzle was born in a tribe of Dezun acolyt...
Dezun Bonds
Created by Konras Set of charms, runes and relics gathered by Dazzle during the years of his exile in wilderness Dazzle was born in a tribe of Dezun acolytes. No one expected him be...
Dezun Robe
Created by Konras Battle robe of Highest Priest. Unlike other elders Dazzle lead his people directly on the battlefield. Dazzle was born in a tribe of Dezun acolytes. No one expecte...
Scepter of Duality
Created by Konras Staff made from a twisted tree that can be found only in Nothl Realm. Dazzle was born in a tribe of Dezun acolytes. No one expected him be be any special among his...
High Priest of Dezun Loadingscreen
Created by Konras Dazzle was born in a tribe of Dezun acolytes. No one expected him be be any special among his kind. Many made fun of him because despite his young age Dazzle decided to take final ritual - a rit...
Umbral Spark
Created by Automedic Umbral Spark features a complete particle overhaul for Dazzle, changing the visuals of every single one of his abilities including a projectile and a staff glow. This overhaul was created in collaboration with Konras and is s...