Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

Crea y descarga nuevas mazmorras, objetos, monstruos y entornos
Usa el Dungeon Editor para crear nuevas aventuras y desafíos para otros jugadores. ¡Llena tu mazmorra con puzles, trampas e incluso objetos, monstruos y entornos totalmente nuevos con sonidos y gráficos personalizados! Haz clic aquí para saber más.
Vatticwave 6 JUL 2013 a las 5:38 a. m.
How to make monsters no-attacking/moving?
HI!! im new to this editor thing of this game.

I've finished the game twice and stuff, so, suddenly i've seen the editor like something interesting.

I just want to use an idle skeleton in the test window of the editor to test some things, but i don't know how to make him not move or attack me :S. I look at the AI bracket but there is only "guard" and "default"

Plz tell me!!! :3
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Mostrando 1-2 de 2 comentarios
Malekeeth 1 6 JUL 2013 a las 6:40 a. m. 
You will need to make a custom monster using the cloneMonster function and give him a sight = 0 attribute and use an onDamage hook so you can hit him and he still won't move.

In your dungeon folder there is a .dat file (which is the dungeon info) and a mod_assets folder. Open that folder and you will find a folder called scripts, open that and look for a lua file named monsters, open that file and type in the following,

name = "blindskeleton",
baseObject = "skeleton_warrior",
sight = 0,
onDamage = function()
return false

Then save the file and reload your level in the editor and you should see a blindskeleton listed in your item list. Be sure to type it in exactly as it shows, pay attention to capital letter and comma's.

You can also do this with other monsters, just change the name and the baseObject.
Vatticwave 6 JUL 2013 a las 7:03 a. m. 
Oh, it works!! :D thank you!!
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