Don't Starve
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ChairmanPotato 28 ENE 2014 a las 5:14 p. m.
Weopon mod idea
I don't know how to make mods so i am asking the comunity to make a bow mod. I imagine that it has been requested numerous times but i think a bow mod could really make the game better i have some recomendenations on how to ballance it and how to craft it. Please message me if you see this mod or can make it, it would be highly apreciated.
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Mostrando 1-6 de 6 comentarios
RazzberryBoat 1 28 ENE 2014 a las 5:36 p. m. 
I'm planning to make a gun mod for this game, but still need to study more about the game scripts.

I think gun and bow could be similar to implement and somewhat interesting for the game :D
ChairmanPotato 28 ENE 2014 a las 5:37 p. m. 
Great if you get it up and running i will certainly download it and spread the word what kind of guns were thinking
RazzberryBoat 1 28 ENE 2014 a las 5:47 p. m. 
I'll try to make a shotgun first.
ChairmanPotato 28 ENE 2014 a las 5:51 p. m. 
cool that was what i figured you would make are you going to give it crafable amuniton or make it have durability. i think that maybe gunpowder and rocks or flint could be used in the making of the shells
ChairmanPotato 28 ENE 2014 a las 5:54 p. m. 
i personally would perfer you to have to craft the shells. have you started the mod production yet?
RazzberryBoat 1 28 ENE 2014 a las 6:14 p. m. 
Not yet, right now I only have a plan. I really don't have much free time recently T_T

- external ammunition (craftable shell)
-a shotgun (with or without durability, depends)
-but still, have to make sure it's possible to make an external ammunition
-damage depends on how far you shoot

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Publicado el: 28 ENE 2014 a las 5:14 p. m.
Mensajes: 6