Don't Starve

Don't Starve

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Buat dan unggah mod baru untuk menambah karakter, item, dan mekanisme game baru ke Don't Starve. Temukan cara baru untuk bertahan hidup di belantara, atau buat tantangan baru untukmu dan semuanya. Klik di sini untuk pelajari lebih lanjut dan mulai berkarya!
Weopon mod idea
I don't know how to make mods so i am asking the comunity to make a bow mod. I imagine that it has been requested numerous times but i think a bow mod could really make the game better i have some recomendenations on how to ballance it and how to craft it. Please message me if you see this mod or can make it, it would be highly apreciated.
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I'm planning to make a gun mod for this game, but still need to study more about the game scripts.

I think gun and bow could be similar to implement and somewhat interesting for the game :D
Great if you get it up and running i will certainly download it and spread the word what kind of guns were thinking
I'll try to make a shotgun first.
cool that was what i figured you would make are you going to give it crafable amuniton or make it have durability. i think that maybe gunpowder and rocks or flint could be used in the making of the shells
i personally would perfer you to have to craft the shells. have you started the mod production yet?
Not yet, right now I only have a plan. I really don't have much free time recently T_T

- external ammunition (craftable shell)
-a shotgun (with or without durability, depends)
-but still, have to make sure it's possible to make an external ammunition
-damage depends on how far you shoot

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Tanggal Diposting: 28 Jan 2014 @ 5:14pm
Postingan: 6