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Heroes: Witch Doctor
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Relics of Ribbi'tar
Collection by Mig
Collection for the relics of Ribbi'tar set!
Arsenal of Champions
Collection by mrpresident
The Arsenal of Champions Chest, produced by Evil Geniuses. Created by mrpresident, The Horse Strangler, Terra.Cotta, and CiDDi.
Treasure of the Captivating Song
Collection by MetaPhage
Treasure of the Captivating Song consist of six sets. Designed for 6 top casters and commentators. Sheever ODPixel Shane Wagamama LuminousInverse PyrionFlax
Black Magic
Collection by JovaGrof
The Plague Doctor
Collection by Hadidjah
The sight of the plague doctor has never been a welcome one, but perhaps least of all on the battlefield. There the less scrupulous and less beholden the pariticulars of a doctor's role find their calling, healing their own and inflicting all manner of mal
Vexxing Voodoo
Collection by Threepgood!
From the darkest reaches of Arktura, Zharvakko the Witch Doctor appears with a collection of crude Voodoo Dolls resembling foes both past and present. Though sometimes considered practitioner of healing magics don't be soothed by Zharvakko's cries when tor
Stormcrow's Spirit
Collection by Farfarer
Legendary tales are told of the near-mythical stormcrows. Giant, powerful and reclusive, they reside atop inaccessible mountain peaks, hidden from the world by constant dark clouds. Their rare sightings are warnings of devastating storms following close be
ECL - Staff of Exorcism
Collection by Meshroom
The Devilish Doctor
Collection by Mr Sheen
The Witch Doctor now consumed by darkness, steer clear of the Devilish Doctor.
The Saharian Tuareg
Collection by Patosh
From the saharian land, has come the "Walking fountain" after commiting the crime of sorcery and being rejected from the Tuareg tribe. To expiate his mistake and retrieve his honor, he decided to give a service and become a support when needed...
Remains of the Tropical Arachnid
Collection by Dempalicious
A journey through a dark tropical forest is not an easy quest. Fighting creatures living there might give you scars for life. Though if you survive, the powers will lie within you waiting to get out.
The Doctor's Many-faced Menagerie
Collection by MetaPhage
Witch Doctoring ain't easy. Still, who is Witch Doctor going to complain to? It's tough finding new friends when you smell like a man whose pockets are stuffed with dead goblins and rotten Bloobloo fruit, so the only way to make new to MAKE n
Twilight's Rest
Collection by Han
Primeval Doctor of the wicked Bones
Collection by Celths
Keen Workshop
Collection by Cache Creations
This is a collection of all the work created by Keen Workshop. Follow our Twitter and Facebook for upcoming projects and giveaways If you have questions or want
Treasure of the Living Tomb [Treasure Chest]
Collection by Sith Happens.
LiveWorkshop & Star Ladder have partnered up to bring you 6 Hero Bundles for Star Ladder season XII, including a full Sniper set!!! Browse through the bundles and discover all new mutiple items per hero, spell effects, hero effects, animations and neat lil
Garmets of Baron La Croix
Collection by MLG Dota 2: Alpha
The Garmets of Baron La Croix, as worn by Witch Doctor along with Loading Screens and a Death Ward!
Mystic Ramifications Set
Collection by Boonta
The Mystic Ramifications set for Witch Doctor.
Father of the Fungal Forest
Collection by Hunter https://media.giphy.c
Father of Spirits
Collection by Hunter https://media.giphy.
Spore gardener [TI8]
Collection by Dr.Robo
Tiki, The First Man
Collection by Gerre
An ancient legend tells of Tiki, the first man to be created. Whether the Witch Doctor is a direct descendant or the first man himself remains a mystery... Or he simply likes masks a lot. Polycount thread:
Death Prophet
Collection by yousoko
Collection by Louis Aran
Voodoo Queen Set
Collection by andyk125
Voodoo Queen set This set is actually from a old concept 6 months ago, but never took the time to finish it untill now. Also unfortunatly it's still not possible to add a costum summon (ward) in the imported again. The set contains a total of 6 items, incl
Voodoo Harvest
Collection by Jub (ง°ل͜°)ง
Teller of the Auspice
Collection by MisaMisa
When wandering in the land, Zharvakko fashioned himself to appeal to the local tradition. 扎瓦克在大陆上游荡时,他按照当地的风俗为自己打造了一套接地气的行头。
Ornaments of Akwas Valley
Collection by Tdank
One of the greatest challenges presented to Zharvakko was the crossing of Akwas Valley. A deep crevasse blocking his passage towards the great sea. These ornaments chronicle his journey through the rotting valley and some of the vile denizens encountered w
Collection of Aghanim's Scepters
Collection by LeviathansLust
This collection of Aghanim's Scepters is not my own work but instead various other artists. I simply just gather them up into one nice package for everyone else to check out.
Collection by Jigglypuff
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