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Heroes: Slark
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Showing 1-30 of 726 entries
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Treasure of the Captivating Song
Collection by MetaPhage
Treasure of the Captivating Song consist of six sets. Designed for 6 top casters and commentators. Sheever ODPixel Shane Wagamama LuminousInverse PyrionFlax
Dark Reef Escape
Collection by Petar
DARK REEF ESCAPE - Team Empire Slark Set Concept, design and promo: Petar Ivanček Modelling and textures: Davor Ladavac VIdeo: Blablatron Support: Gamersbook --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anuxi’s Treasure of the Shaper Divine Chest
Collection by Anuxi♥
A collection of all the One off items I made for various heroes in the month of March now all available in game in the "Anuxi’s Treasure of the Shaper Divine Chest"
Treasure of the Ancient Legacy
Collection by Sebastian
Buried for a millenia, the Treasure of the Ancient Legacy errupts from the ground seeking those who are worthy enough to wield weapons of untold power. It's visage radiates with resolve of countless heroes that fell searching for its contents
Underworld Slayer
Collection by Oni
"Alone is best but sometimes you need mates. Worse comes to worst, you can always eat em." Slark set for the Pro Player Trixi from Fnatic! :D Thanks for your support!
Essence Thief
Collection by Dr.Robo
Set in collaboration with portal Comes with 2 styles! Green and Yellow
Slark - The Ocean Conqueror Set
Collection by Meshroom
Hi, this is my first set hope you guys like it! Here is a little concept of doing this set: Slark was an audacious burglar. In order to prove himself the ability, he sneaked into Poseidon's palace and stole his armor, the Ocean Conqueror. He was fascinated
Trenchstalker Set
Collection by Don Don
Slark has been through the roughest waters in the sea, and now he's come out of the deepest trenches equipped to be more fierce and fearsome than ever before.
Slark's Diver Armor
Collection by mariowiechec
After a small while in battle Slark realized that wearing fish does not offer much protection against a blade. Looking for an alternative he remembered that when in prison, Slark sometimes saw Keen help out with the construction of the walls. He stalked Ke
Starladder Steampunk Slark Bundle
Collection by
Contains Slark item set, LoadingScreen, ward and "cute" courier and HUD!
Fish Collector
Collection by andyk125
Fish Collector Set for Slark This set Contains the folliwing items: Fish Collector Arms Fish Collector Back Armor Fish Collector Lantarn Head Fish Collector Shoulder Armor Fish Collector Sword
The Bone Bandit
Collection by Joshimon
Scraps scavenged from outer areas of Dark Reef, Slark used the remains of a fishy to disguise himself as the Bone Bandit. Any feedback please let me know and thanks for viewing! Thanks for the feature Dota Cinema! -
Warden's Private Collection
Collection by K-Pax
Slark stole the warden's private collection when he broke out of prison If you want know what i am working on. you can follow my tumblr.any suggestion is welcome =]
Dark Pact set
Collection by BIOLOG
Dark Pact set. Stay out of my way and maybe you won't get hurt, but I doubt it.
Harboured Assassin
Collection by Hawf
Those who fish the oceans to death will only bring it upon themselves.
Deep Sea Scoundrel
Collection by Willypup
The Deep Sea Scoundrel set for Slark. Made in collaboration with NEXON.
Shivshell Crawler
Collection by Zipfinator
Modeling - Kiefen 'Zipfinator' Zipf | Concepting, Texturing, Promotional Art - Brea 'Fudgie Wudgie' Foster |
Silent Killer Set
Collection by CTaKaH_MoJIoKa
Threepgood's Call to Arms Fall items
Collection by Threepgood!
Some items I made for the Fall Call to arms
Keen Workshop
Collection by Cache Creations
This is a collection of all the work created by Keen Workshop. Follow our Twitter and Facebook for upcoming projects and giveaways If you have questions or want
Deep Sea Dragoon - Slark
Collection by keinhangia
Our new set for Slark, hope you like it! Concept & Texture: Keinhangia 3D: Attasik
Aquired Armaments of the Dark Reef Thirteenth
Collection by Swagneto
The Aquired Armaments of the Dark Reef Thirteenth His escape from Dark Reef has become legend to those in the big drink. Down in the depths where sunlight is scarce and the sound of a blade piercing armor is heard for many fathoms around, one creature stil
Shadow of The Dark Reef
Collection by Keanhotshine
Ninja suit for slark.With abyssal blade in his hand ,sange and yasha on the back. Hope you like it!
Abyssal Slark
Collection by TARANTINE
Abyssal Slark is a mysterious creature that inhabits the depths of the ocean. He is a legend among marine beings, known for his cunning and survival skills. Born from a solitary egg in a dark and deep crevice, Slark had to fight to survive from the beginni
Death Prophet
Collection by yousoko
Collection by Louis Aran
Fisherman's End
Collection by RocketAlex
New cosmetic items set for Slark. We appreciate your support!
WePlay T-shirt Collection #1
Collection by WePlayShop
T-shirt with your favourite DotA 2 hero picture. You may ask, how is it different from the hundreds or thousands of others, which can be purchased anywhere? Our T-shirts are made by hand-striped picture, making each T-shirt unique, and even “three-dimensio
Collection of Aghanim's Scepters
Collection by LeviathansLust
This collection of Aghanim's Scepters is not my own work but instead various other artists. I simply just gather them up into one nice package for everyone else to check out.
Slark Set: Aquatic Wanderer
Collection by Jigglypuff
Wandering under the water, Slark assembled with stones and animal's shell to make his new set.
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