Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Menelusuri: Koleksi
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Community Item Update Collection
Koleksi dari ned_ballad
"Pretty much every place you give the community a chance to change the game, they'll do it, and they'll probably do a better job than you would" - Valve at GDC The focus of this collection is community contributors updating their own items. Ultimately this
The TF2 Correction Collection
Koleksi dari Ego
This Collection sets out to fix every clipping issue, bug, glitch, and improve TF2 as much as we can.
Sargent Lucoshi's Junkyard of Improviment
Koleksi dari Lucoshi
We know that improviment on TF2 is awesome but every single improviment i find i will add on this collection because i love improviment.
Bugfixes and Improvements
Koleksi dari Dick Bitchwhistle
No new items, but simply some improvements and changes to items already in the game.
Fixes and Improvements
Koleksi dari The Real Steel
Just a basic collection of fixes and improvements of items already in-game.
Koleksi dari DogScout
ghosts collection is awsome
Per halaman: 9 18 30