Portal 2
Test Chamber D007
댓글 25
Petutski 2014년 7월 8일 오후 8시 26분 
Very unique!
jam.lab1 2013년 7월 25일 오후 6시 02분 
A little strange but fun and not to hard.
mikemoody 2013년 2월 4일 오전 10시 18분 
Thanks for a straight forward puzzle. After seeing where the cube was coming from it was all over then. Thanks again for the play time.
stormsend 2012년 10월 26일 오후 4시 08분 
Had fun killing turrets then on to solving the puzzle. Didn't notice the first time around that a cube was falling. Took a couple attempts but after I got it the rest was easy. I liked the cube trick and the laser ending. Thanks. See ya round the workshop.
Drakulo  [작성자] 2012년 10월 20일 오전 6시 04분 
Thanks :-)
Metzger Ben | GER 2012년 10월 20일 오전 3시 47분 
.sheridan .vespo 2012년 9월 25일 오전 5시 06분 
The puzzle here wasnt all that hard, it was simply hidden between walls and switches. The design is much better than in all previous maps, and I did in fact like, that you could move around so freely.
VinLAURiA 2012년 9월 8일 오후 4시 28분 
O-ho, I see you're starting to get ambitious with your puzzles now. Very well done here. The first cube dropper in that hole turned out to make the cube always fall into the moat if you're not there to catch it. Not entirly sure if that's intentional, but it was consistent so I assume it was. The way the cubes themselves were used, however, turned out to be very clever with the switching. The amount of white panels afforded a freedom that still kept the players having to find the real solution and the turret elimination was actually pretty fun.

I had advised you before about the draw errors when using laser/bridges and glass panels together, but here is a good example of them being a necessity in order to alert players to the node within the box and the fact that to solve the puzzle, players really can't be staring at the panels while the laser's on so it's unlikely they'll notice. Now that's using your noodle.
LPChip 2012년 9월 3일 오전 4시 28분 
Ah. Makes sense now.
Drakulo  [작성자] 2012년 9월 2일 오후 4시 03분 
Hello LPChip. After searching in the room I got it! In fact you need to activate 3 things : the two laser catchers AND the cube button (I forgot about that). There was a mistake in wirering. The classic way to solve the problem make you get a cube on this one so most player did not notice.

I modified the wirering to ease understanding. Thank you for triggering this problem! :)
LPChip 2012년 9월 2일 오후 2시 24분 
I saw the 2, but not the third which is labelled by an x, and I've searched everywhere to find it.
Drakulo  [작성자] 2012년 9월 2일 오후 2시 15분 
Hello LPChip. The elements opening the exit door are the laser things. One on the wall, the other on the ground. They're not hidden or something. And by the way, connections are shown for these two elements. Take a deeper look at the exit ;-)
LPChip 2012년 9월 2일 오후 1시 17분 
Although this map has some good puzzle elements in it, I thumbed it down because I couldn't find the button with the x that is required for the exit door. When I actually tried to open the door by just using the other two, then I found out the X automatically went on too. I must surely have been going back and forth in the map for more than 15 minutes. That is a bad thing.
Apollo9898 2012년 8월 31일 오전 7시 00분 
excellent work
Geneosis 2012년 8월 31일 오전 4시 58분 
Once again : nice and easy puzzle ;) Always need to observe a moment find what to do, but not too much so that it's still enjoyable to play ^^
Kleibärto 2012년 8월 28일 오후 12시 55분 
verry, verry nice chamber - thanx
- |UKMD|.Titos Funeral. 2012년 8월 28일 오전 10시 30분 
these are getting better and better
Infidellic 2012년 8월 26일 오후 2시 48분 
Nice premise, however you *must* fix the gaps around the portal disruptor field thing at the beginning. Allowed for portals to easily be shot down the sides and hence easily destroying sentries.
Chiscringle 2012년 8월 25일 오후 5시 49분 
Took me a moment to realize where everything was, but then it went pretty well.
1980 2012년 8월 25일 오후 3시 51분 
well designed and very enjoyable puzzle ;)
drew 2012년 8월 25일 오전 11시 50분 
Frustrating but eventually did make it out in time!
Mr Fraggle (UK) 2012년 8월 25일 오전 6시 49분 
Sorry did not like it at all.
mausilibaer 2012년 8월 25일 오전 4시 26분 
Very nice map. Thanks
Lt. Zipper 2012년 8월 23일 오전 1시 39분 
nice job.
Wizulus 2012년 8월 19일 오후 1시 34분 
Good work! The boys in the lab tell me there's actually 3 ways to solve the laser relay puzzle, but only one that lets you get to the exit in time. That's genius chamber design right there. Subscribe to my favorites for more chambers like yours, and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! These chambers don't design themselves.