Portal 2
Mind Bend 2: Bridge
16 comentarii
LittleNinja 17 aug. 2020 la 11:18 
Gets error while downloading
Ultimaximus 3 dec. 2015 la 14:05 
I can't download this either
stormsend 4 sept. 2014 la 2:01 
Really wanted to play this but I keep getting an error when loading.
shade++ 1 mart. 2013 la 2:11 
Nicely done. Wonky physics xD
mood3rd 2 sept. 2012 la 13:41 
good map
did not take long to get to exit, door closed.
2nd try: set up cubes, open door, where have my cubes gone ?
3rd try: set cubes up, activate piston, remove portal, so cubes don't go back through.
fired wrong portal, my bad.
4th try: set cubes up, activate piston, remove portal, so cubes don't go back through.
then press exit door button.
timing off, lost cubes.
5th try: as 4th, but timing good, walked across cubes to exit.

light bridge not needed, but with not many elements, no problem, eventualy.
thumbs up.
please try my map, rate & comment:
Mr Vapour Waterhandle 25 aug. 2012 la 3:27 
Yeah, I didn't use the light bridge either. This is so retarded and so awesome, though. For some reason, sometimes the 'cube bridge' literally explodes apart when I have it set up, but deactivate the funnel/light bridge . So I went across, but was too busy laughing when the exit door closed, thought I was stuck for a bit, but I wasn't. Nice map.
Geneosis 25 iun. 2012 la 12:59 
OMG, I can't believe someone else thought about that too! I tried this mechanism in some crash-test map, but didn't find a vay to make it work without some failing after a moment ^^" Really good job for this map ;)

PS : Didn't use the light bridge...
Luna Nocturna 16 iun. 2012 la 15:17 
Clever, very clever, this gives me and probably other people ideas as well. Great job!
zivi7 23 mai 2012 la 9:19 
Great idea. On my try, the cubes went flying around to all sides when the tension was gone again. No crashes here.
.sheridan .vespo 23 mai 2012 la 5:12 
The solution is so obvious, but so creative. Keep up the good work!
Toothy 20 mai 2012 la 23:51 
Unique stuff. I love them!
whypinto 18 mai 2012 la 21:06 
This one is giving the physics engine a workout. Very none traditional puzzle you have, but also extremely satisfying and simple to perform. Thanks for sharing!

My one room puzzles for your approval: http://goo.gl/Uovul
Pax 17 mai 2012 la 13:11 
VirtualBlackFox 14 mai 2012 la 22:42 
Solved in 2 tries and without crashes for me, very original map.
XLR8br 10 mai 2012 la 19:44 
I managed but crashed my game twice.
smoke  [autor] 10 mai 2012 la 3:05