The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Коментарів: 1 716
BadKarma 26 трав. 2023 о 17:11 
It does seems to work without any issues. Thanks a bunch for your reply.
Enai Siaion  [автор] 23 трав. 2023 о 11:50 
Not on Steam - most people moved to the Nexus by now.
BadKarma 22 трав. 2023 о 16:31 
A long shot, but is there a compatibility patch for Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim on Steam?
Buddy 8 трав. 2023 о 9:10 
Can you teach me how to do particle effects similar to the spells in this mod? Or link me to some software that does such?
Enai Siaion  [автор] 27 квіт. 2023 о 11:34 
Why not just use Odin.
Lunatic Heretic 21 квіт. 2023 о 19:03 
Anyway thanks for making this mod, loved it for years and many builds.
Lunatic Heretic 21 квіт. 2023 о 19:03 
Since i have played about 500 hours with this mod, and i use it with ordinator perks, i have some suggestions, poison magic both enchants for aura damage like a cloak and stacking poison cloak spell and poison runes. Stackable dot spells like burn over time, electrify over time, frozen over time. wind/force spells both alteration and destruction. I also use a mod that adds some deadly creatures to the game, 2 of them drop unique spells, one is a expert illusion or alteration based physical damage projectile spell and the other is a triple icicle spell.
Lunatic Heretic 21 квіт. 2023 о 18:58 
I use this mod everytime i create new characters to play with new mods, however, this time i want to role play an argonian poison master, and ideally i wanted to take the enchanted effect from the ebony mail and apply it to all pieces, but cant find a mod for it, however the midas magic mod does include a poison cloak spell, so im gonna test out this character with midas.
Tolmet 21 груд. 2022 о 19:38 
>6 years of obsessively stalking this mod
First off I'm not stalking, and second I'm glad you remembered our anniversary.
Sometimes you have to be persistent to get the changes you want.
guppy738 20 груд. 2022 о 11:59 
Great mod! I was trying Windrunner today and the speed increase and fall protection was working, but the running through the sky part was not. Trying to change load order to see if it helps...
Enai Siaion  [автор] 17 груд. 2022 о 16:35 
I see you did not refute my points about the slow. I'm glad you accepted that I'm right, and it only took you 6 years of obsessively stalking this mod.
Tolmet 17 груд. 2022 о 14:59 
"You know literally nothing about the game"

Yeah okay pal, I've played it more than you have.
Enai Siaion  [автор] 15 груд. 2022 о 11:23 
No, because the Steam Workshop is broken.
05-032 Mendicant Bias 14 груд. 2022 о 15:50 
Is this the same version available on Nexus?
pingin 7 трав. 2022 о 19:18 
This mod is honestly one of the best made for this game. I find it mindblowing how this level of content and polish is included in a mod on the steam workshop (ik its on nexus too).

Illusion alone has so many interesting spells that completely change the way one plays a mage.
Enai Siaion  [автор] 24 квіт. 2022 о 6:28 
1/ Frost slow is broken in vanilla because it has no effect until the target stops to attack and then starts moving again, by which time the 3 second duration has almost run out. Odin fixes this.

2/ Frost slow is broken in vanilla because it stops working entirely when it scales above 100%, ie. when you dual cast (x2.2 = 110%) or use fortify destruction potions and perks. By not allowing frost to scale, By not allowing frost to scale, Odin ensures dual cast frost spells slow by 50% instead of 0.

You know literally nothing about the game and having to delete your constant grating spam gets old. Leave.
Tolmet 23 квіт. 2022 о 15:45 
>Odin locks frost slow to 50% at all magnitudes.

So after all my complaints, you nerf frost instead of buff it.
Enai Siaion  [автор] 21 квіт. 2022 о 3:12 
@Hollow Tim: It doesn't change XP gains.
Chilla 3 квіт. 2022 о 19:42 
Having a hard time figuring out where to go in the college to start the ritual quests
Hollow Tim 31 берез. 2022 о 16:20 
Does this mod prevent Magic skills from leveling or something? Because I haven't gotten a single level in any of them after playing a new game for several hours.
Or is it just Skyrim being the broken game it always is?
JeeKnee 30 січ. 2022 о 15:21 
Gravi sphere is so hype dude
Enai Siaion  [автор] 14 листоп. 2021 о 6:05 
This mod does not change vanilla spells.

Frost was always supposed to slow you by 50% (or more based on spell magnitude bonuses). This is how Skyrim works, though the fact that it scales with magnitude is dumb and can make it incredibly strong.

My magic overhaul (as opposed to spell pack) Odin locks frost slow to 50% at all magnitudes.
loud shitting 12 листоп. 2021 о 11:50 
im getting permanently stunned when im hit with frost. idk if its supposed to slow but if so it slows me so much i cant move at all. as a melee character its essentially a one hit kill because i cant get to the mage casting the spell.
McDanaldMan 3 верес. 2021 о 19:02 
Why have you been ignoring us?
Why have you deleted his post?
What about the ice?
When will you give the community answers? We want them.
These are the questions, and yet we're still here waiting.
wildflower 15 лип. 2021 о 18:34 
"I think the community wants an answer" bro you're in the comments of a 5 year old mod for a 10 year old game get a job you clown
Enai Siaion  [автор] 14 лип. 2021 о 10:34 
The fact that there are too many frost immunes is not the problem of frost spells. I repeatedly told you this is the domain of either enemy overhauls or perk mods, and both of my perk mods fix the issue. Instead, you ignored me and botted the same post 500 times.
Tolmet 13 лип. 2021 о 15:42 
But what about the ice? Removing my comment won't make me stop asking for a buff. it's been close to 4 or 5 years now. and I think the community wants an answer.
Enai Siaion  [автор] 12 лип. 2021 о 12:59 
@ThatJungleGaren It's out on the Nexus: Odin.
Augustus 2 лип. 2021 о 9:42 
What armour is the cat totem summon wearing
wildflower 24 черв. 2021 о 11:01 
Fingers of the Mountain is back and I'm having a nostalgia trip. Thank you
ThatJungleGaren 23 січ. 2021 о 16:31 
enai, could you message me when thats ready please?
Enai Siaion  [автор] 15 груд. 2020 о 14:59 
I'm working on a new mod that only includes the spells people actually want.
Gothic Glimmer 14 груд. 2020 о 22:05 
Other than the backup merchant disappearing every other play through the mod isnt bad although admittedly I only ever use 1 of the new spells... Deep Storage.
JohnJSal 30 листоп. 2020 о 13:27 
I would recommend getting a separate mod that controls which souls go into which soul gems. It's extremely useful.
KAL 29 листоп. 2020 о 6:56 
This is a great mod, very happy with it so far, highly recommend, but I think I found a bug, maybe Enai Siaion can help with?

Every enemy I kill now automatically fills a soul stone, even after restarting the game, sleeping multiple nights, and playing for quite a few hours. Unless it's a bug with Skyrim, I think something is up with Soul Cloak, maybe the timer is set too high, or never set to turn off for some reason.

At first it was convenient, but now I'm accidentally catching common souls in my grand stones, etc.

Any ideas how I can get out of this situation and untoggle catching souls? Thanks!
Wake up 26 жовт. 2020 о 17:27 
Just uninstall the mod
Enai Siaion  [автор] 26 верес. 2020 о 16:24 
Grats, you are the first out of 236K users who noticed that the mod crashes on load. 👏
Dz-Sama 26 верес. 2020 о 13:02 
Game crashes upon lauching because of this mod, what should I do.. :C
JohnJSal 10 верес. 2020 о 12:30 
Longstride, Ocato's Recital, Spell Twine, Deep Storage, many others = amazing
I Darkstar X 10 верес. 2020 о 11:45 
Enai Siaion  [автор] 10 верес. 2020 о 11:35 
Game: is called Skyrim

Also game: is set on the ground!
I Darkstar X 8 верес. 2020 о 20:54 
Mod: Is called apocalypse

Also mod: Our spells are balanced!
Enai Siaion  [автор] 26 серп. 2020 о 11:19 
I don't know what the "mini laser" is. There is certainly no mini laser spell in this mod.
Bluhme 26 серп. 2020 о 10:29 
Am i the only one that has a problem with the mini laser? When i hit any living thing my scream turn black. The longer i am hitting the person the longer the black screen
Enai Siaion  [автор] 21 серп. 2020 о 9:56 
No, because this mod is too popular to cause a conflict with follower frameworks.

Obedience in Triumvirate does this, though.
Casey Thomas McCullen 19 серп. 2020 о 17:29 
It would be nice if Enslave the Weak made people actual followers instead of just thrall like fighters. Being able to change equipment and give commands and such.
JohnJSal 11 серп. 2020 о 19:51 
Is it possible to get the water walking add-on for the Workshop version? I tried the Nexus add-on, but it caused the game to crash, I assume because it needs the Nexus version of the main mod itself.
eriksback 25 черв. 2020 о 18:06 
ah, I appreciate the clarification. And you're right. Loot Magnet triggered my memory. Thanks!
Enai Siaion  [автор] 25 черв. 2020 о 3:33 
It never did that. You may confuse it for Loot Magnet, which loots bodies in an area - including those with invalid or corrupted items like dwarven ballistas, transferring the problem to your own inventory. That's why it was removed, but it's in the legacy chest, which you can spawn with the console.
eriksback 21 черв. 2020 о 22:51 
Did the locate object spell change recently? I haven't played in 3+ years. But it's junk now. I swore i used to use it to find equipment on bodies (always lose track of them), but now it only sees equipment laying out on the ground. It is useless for looting bodies now.