Portal 2

Portal 2

Disorder and Confusion
28 kommentarer
jandlml 11. mars 2020 kl. 20.24 
easier than i thought it would be.
stormsend  [skaper] 7. jan. 2014 kl. 22.38 
Thank you. That is the intended solution. The other button is a safety. I believe, if you liked this one, you'll like Houston We Have A Problem.
Andi 7. jan. 2014 kl. 15.18 
Excellent chamber. It had me thinking a few times. I’m not sure if I solved this chamber as intended. I didn’t use the second to last button (marked it a moon). I jumped on the cube and grabbed it quick when I entered the excursion funnel and rode it to the exit.
Bayram 14. sep. 2013 kl. 6.28 
Straightforward (not confusing at all), well put together (not disordered at all) and enjoyable, thumbs up! I did not find it at all difficult. The last move ( getting yourself and the cube over the wall ) was not something I've met before and was therefore interesting.
stormsend  [skaper] 22. juli 2013 kl. 1.13 
Thanks Andi. Edited those unnecessary panels out and made the light bridge required I think.
Andi 21. juli 2013 kl. 20.54 
Nice job, I enjoyed this chamber but I don't think I solved it the way it was intended. I didn't use any of the panels or the light bridge in the second section. The laser puzzle in the first room had me thinking for awhile.
kimist108 4. juni 2013 kl. 11.20 
Yea me.
stormsend  [skaper] 5. mai 2013 kl. 4.01 
Very good my friend. You ran it in less time than me. Great. Why don't you try your hand at making maps?
GraveNoX 5. mai 2013 kl. 3.32 
As its name, this was confusing, solve it in 15 minutes: http://youtu.be/qKyvUkefan0 and rerun in 1.5 minutes http://youtu.be/QRkYq28SSLc
Zoraya 2. mai 2013 kl. 12.32 
Finished it now. Wasn´t as hard as i thougt.
The part between the second and the last room threw me off for a moment, couldn´t remember it, i suppose you changed some elements here?
Anyway, i liked this map very much, very well done!
Zoraya 2. mai 2013 kl. 10.21 
Thanks, stormsend and toncica. I tried to jump together with the cube, but failed.
I´ll try it again although i am not sure if i can figure out how to do it.
stormsend  [skaper] 1. mai 2013 kl. 9.13 
Did not know that would happen. Thanks.
toncica 1. mai 2013 kl. 5.59 
Throwing the cube while jumping would be a bit dangerous, it can be done without jumping, and without using the light bridge and the flip panel with the square symbol. In the last room there is a trap situation. When you let go of the cube early and let yourself slide into the door frame the funnel won't let you escape anymore. http://youtu.be/IydaNfdXbAM
stormsend  [skaper] 1. mai 2013 kl. 0.57 
Have you played either one of the two maps I mentioned in the description above? There is a special move used in the final chamber that I learned from toncica. Hint: You and the cube must go at the same time. If you need more help, please let me know.
Zoraya 30. apr. 2013 kl. 15.45 
This puzzle was really good.
I especially liked the logic of the second room puzzle.
But the last part got me stumped.
Either me or the cube getting ahead with the tractor beam ...
I'm afraid that i can´t finish the last part until i will get a hint.
mood3rd 22. apr. 2013 kl. 15.18 
read how I throw the cube, in previous comments.
then it is a matter of timing.
glass or grating, from the cieling will stop them throwing the cube.
the fizzler I walk/jump on could be moved, if item limit does not allow glass or grating.
but you could try just adding the glass or grating 1st.
hope this helps.
stormsend  [skaper] 22. apr. 2013 kl. 15.00 
Thank you mood3rd and Myr (MC) for all the testing. The map is a lot better now.
stormsend  [skaper] 22. apr. 2013 kl. 14.59 
I have to agree about Myr (MC). You've been practicing cause I can't throw that cube down there. I'll give it a little thought and maybe see what I can come up with. I'm right at the limit but maybe I can still do something.
mood3rd 22. apr. 2013 kl. 13.03 
just re-tested again.
view of where to go, from 2nd chamber, much better :)
to me exit area, now perfect :)
Myr (MC) mentions throwing the cube.
I had originaly tried that & failed.
this time I succeded.
I stood where the cube spawns, grabed it.
walk backwards towards rim of fizzler (light bridge side).
jumped & turned at the same time.
then time the release of cube right, while doing this
& the cube safely reaches the lower light bridge area.
& you land on the fizzler rim, where it connects to the wall.
I would stop this being possible if I were you.
though I don't know if you could stop Myr (MC) .
I think he has super powers, after what he did on my map :)
mood3rd 22. apr. 2013 kl. 12.25 
I think it may be steam's servers,
because after testing your map yesterday.
all (which their are many) of the maps in my list disappeared.
& it told me to test my connection.
I did & my connection (which I have intermittant problems with) was working perfectly,
at the time.
I presume sunday would be a very busy time for steams servers.
as most people don't have work or school.
stormsend  [skaper] 22. apr. 2013 kl. 0.56 
I don't know what valve is up to but this last edit was harder to complete than building the whole map. I completed it yesterday and tried to publish several times. Kept getting error message. I figured their computers were busy or maybe they were doing some kind of upgrade so I quit. This morning there were thirteen copies of the same map. A new one with no comments attatched. Same name and the old one was still there. After a lot of deleting with my fingers crossed, I republished and it worked. I incorporated your suggestions. Thanks a lot.
mood3rd 21. apr. 2013 kl. 12.05 
3rd test:
2nd chamber
the glass above the graiting is partialy helpfull.
but at a certain angle, the 2 light strips are invisible.
& I still can't make out if it goes anywhere, on looking alone.
3rd chamber
exit area much better.
if the player is in the area with the exit door button.
then does not realise they can jump off the cube, into the funel.
they may use the panel, to go back to funel placement.
although I deliberately tried this & successfully jumped into the funel.
from the top of the pedestal button.
the player may think they are trapped.
one sollution would be instead of the reverse polarity.
have the pedestal button re-spawn the cube.
not so high, that it bounces off the graiting.

hope this helps, again :)
stormsend  [skaper] 21. apr. 2013 kl. 2.06 
Second edit done. I thank you both for helping me find the problems with this one. Cake will be served at the exit this time.
daloboy 20. apr. 2013 kl. 22.34 
Hi again stormsend. Enjoyed the added portal tile between r1 and r2! I liked the added twist in the small room between r2 and r3 with the light bridge to lift yourself . And now I had to thing to get the cube on the next button in r2. I still can trap myself in the 1x1 behind the grating in r2, if I accidentely fire the 2 portals there while in it without the cube on the button to access the flipped panels . Was still fun!
mood3rd 20. apr. 2013 kl. 17.35 
their are 2 ways to the exit & 1 way to trap yourself.
you can fling & fire a portal next to the button in the exit area.
then walk through with the cube.
or flint to cube & go to funel with cube.
stand on the cube, jump & grab the cube,
which takes you & the cube to the exit & button.
if by the funel, you send the cube ahead, you are trapped.
if you remove a section of grating, allowing the player to go back to the portable floor area.
problem solved.

hope you find this helpful :)
mood3rd 20. apr. 2013 kl. 17.04 
just played.
good map.
all works.
the only problem I had, was not knowing what I was trying to do,
in the goo/fizzler chamber.
but eventualy spotted the higher area in the grating.
I had done averything by then.
but did not realise where I had to go, for a while.
perhaps make more visible with glass, if other people have the same problem ?
could be just me, as tired at the moment ?
took 2 reflectors to the (ahh) fizzler :)
stormsend  [skaper] 20. apr. 2013 kl. 15.23 
Thank you daloboy. I've done some editing. I believe I've addressed the three problems you identified for me. Please resubscribe at your liesure.
daloboy 20. apr. 2013 kl. 14.13 
Had fun! Got stuck between timed floor door and ceiling 3 times! But always F6 to the rescue! I got trapped in the small portable area behind the grating in room no 2 did not put the cube on button for flipped panels to portal to and did not use the button near the cube in same room. If you update it, will be glad to re-test!