Portal 2
jelly factory #3
16 comentários
Juwie  [autor] 1 mar. 2015 às 7:49 
if you have a blob of gell it'll automatically just use the faith plates, as long as its not too high from falling nor if its too fast from another faith plate.
UmbraNightDragon 1 mar. 2015 às 6:31 
How did you get the gel to bounce on the plates?
lotion 22 dez. 2014 às 17:52 
verry good
Juwie  [autor] 8 abr. 2013 às 7:35 
i know it fails sometimes, but that is just becouse the jells are not really ment to go on faithplates and that is why it sometimes f*cks up
TBJ 8 abr. 2013 às 7:31 
Fun; but not perfect. I've tried three times and the chain fails sometimes, ever so slightly.
Jebediah Clang 8 abr. 2013 às 3:20 
Haha that was such cool timing. It went flawless :D
Juwie  [autor] 7 abr. 2013 às 4:12 
i'll make a new one maybe next week or the week after that... and i'm not like valve i do things in time... if they are not for school :/
Moon Moon ♥ 7 abr. 2013 às 4:11 
yes, but more maps would make more fun. (these maps are awsome)
Juwie  [autor] 7 abr. 2013 às 4:06 
i also have a jelly factory and a jelly factory #2. you can enjoy that too
Moon Moon ♥ 7 abr. 2013 às 3:34 
please make more. this was really cool
Juwie  [autor] 7 abr. 2013 às 2:28 
@shitassm this isn't a puzzle this is a faithplate chain and that 1 portal you can shoot becouse the other portal is automaticly in a other place
@companion Cube i don't know what the problem is becouse for me i just bounce around and end up in the end
@wildgoosespeeder becouse i can :D
wildgoosespeeder 6 abr. 2013 às 21:09 
Magpie 6 abr. 2013 às 14:52 
The chamber looks wonderful and it feels great to bounce around :) But there seems to be a problem because you don't end up in the right place in the end.
blinkpen 6 abr. 2013 às 14:46 
Thumbs up for unusualness. But not much of a puzzle here. Not to mention, you have to luck out to get to the exit. Everything is automatic and doesnt seem to work right. Why was I given a portal gun when I never used it? And it only shot one portal. Where was the other? Not sure what you were trying to accomplish here.
Juwie  [autor] 5 abr. 2013 às 5:20 
for this one i used beemod, its a really cool mod that is really helpfull for these kinds of chambers.
but jelly factory and jellyfactory #2 were made just by timing it correctly... that was a lot of work
Jaguar1965 4 abr. 2013 às 18:03 
How you do dis?