Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Showing 1-10 of 14 entries
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Update: Sep 19, 2017 @ 9:18am

- Players now crit and healthboost when exiting the Hell area instead of just ubercharge
- Increased slightly RED team respawn time on the last area
- Fixed the coffin music playing to the next round from previous one
- Fixed monoculus sometimes getting stuck to certain location near its spawn area
- Fixed players sometimes getting stuck to other players in Hell area
- Adjusted preferred nav-path for Merasmus in order for him to prevent going into RED final base

Update: Sep 19, 2017 @ 6:53am

- Test release

Update: Oct 30, 2016 @ 10:54am

- Fixed exploit where you could get under the map near BLU starting area
- Fixed exploit where you could get out of the map near graveyard
- Fixed exploit where you could enter RED base as BLU
- Fixed some skeletons running into lava when there are no enemies in Hell
- Fixed medieval tiny spell & other merasmus voice spells for lasting too long for some players
- Fixed big ghost getting stuck when map ends
- Fixed a spot where players could get stuck if entering it under tiny spell
- Fixed another case of non-solid pumpkin
- Tuned respawn time for RED team at last area

Update: Oct 23, 2016 @ 3:43am

- Fixed exploit where you could enter BLU 2nd forward base
- Fixed skulls tooths in hell being non-solid
- Fixed hell coffin tune & tiny spell song sometimes playing to the next round from previous round
- Fixed some players dropping into hells lava in rare cases
- Fixed big pumpkin in RED 2nd base being non-solid

Update: Oct 17, 2016 @ 3:39pm

- Fixed many potential out-of-the-map exploits that could be accessed with certain spell
- Fixed some clipping issues
- Fixed merasmus saying certain spell double times
- Fixed ground detail brushes to be more fitting
- Tuned lighting in some areas of the map to more lit
- Tuned some textures in last RED base

Update: Oct 14, 2016 @ 1:31pm

- Changed spell "dance" to "jarate"
- Changed fake burn spell to "melee spell" (dont' laugh please)
- Randomized merasmus introduction spell
- Fixed hidden merasmus soundloop
- Fixed few prop fade issues
- Fixed monoculus not getting stunned when players exit the portal area
- Fixed one ghost not going on through it's path
- Fixed skeleton bots not being able to go through some windows
- Fixed some props fade distances
- Fixed blu spawn hidden spellbook being disabled at start
- Fixed issue where merasmus was going to hiding into unreachable area

Update: Sep 26, 2016 @ 2:31pm

- Added one more spell for meramus to use: dance
- Altered the earthquaking, steaming hurt spell to occur more consistently, no more shakes if it doesn't hit near you
- Fixed some players not receiving invulnerable boost in Hell
- Fixed potential exploit getting out of the map using spells
- Fixed players keeping hearing Hell sounds inside the actual map when returning from Hell
- Fixed some Hell effects not playing and removed some non needed ones
- Fixed some texture errors in Hell area
- Moved the sky circle to over the clocktower
- Enhanced some spawnrooms with additional halloween props

Update: Sep 25, 2016 @ 6:50am

- Fixed merasmus skeleton spell not working if triggered for the second time
- Removed some effects from spells that do not affect players directly
- Added more spells for merasmus to use: Speed, Critboost and Fire (always fails to cast it)
- Added merasmus as cameo - if a lot of time passes after cp4 is captured and game stalemates, merasmus will arrive to finish players around last area. But instead, you can finish him too!
- Fixed some odd looking, misplaced textures
- Altered the way to get into hell. Coffins now open at random time near last area
- Continued the halloweening of the map by changing some areas to more halloweeny like
- Improved bot navigation, bots no longer get stuck in some places and drop down faster from platforms

Update: Sep 23, 2016 @ 9:09pm

- Touched up the ground area between starting point and 4cp area to look more realistic
- Added sky lights and doomy effect upon point capture
- Added different fogs at the main world and to the hell area, now hell is more spooky!
- Added clocktower to show that there is a bell in the map
- Fixed bells ringing too fast at last area
- Fixed BLU 2nd spawn door being able to open by RED (thanks J3pp3)
- Fixed possible issue getting stuck when players get teleported to hell through coffins
- Updated screenshots regarding hell area

Update: Sep 23, 2016 @ 6:20am

- Fixed BLU 2nd spawn closing down completely when 3rd point is captured. You can now exit any door.
- Fixed several cases of overlapping brushes (blinking walls)
- Fixed Hell area skeletons dropping into the lava on 1st area
- Fixed players getting critbootst in Hell without teleporting into the main battlegrounds
- Adjusted some ammo box sizes and repositioned some in a bit different locations
- Removed experiment of "changing bridges" in hell
- Added a lot of halloween-style decorations all over the map
- Touched up house between cp 2 and cp3for halloween!
- Touched up big house around cp 4 for halloween!
- Touched up blu 1st, 2nd and 3rd spawn more for halloween!
- Tweaked merasmus talk lines a bit as well as spell timings
- Other fixes and adjustments that i cannot remember to list