Don't Starve

Don't Starve

Ocen: 39
Slurper Herd
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26 sierpnia 2013 o 1:44
13 kwietnia 2015 o 7:13
Listy zmian: 8 ( zobacz )

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Slurper Herd

Slurpers now respawn, like with Beefallos you need to have at least one Slurper alive to get more Slurpers

Every 4 days new Slurper will spawn, max herd size is 6 Slurpers.
Komentarzy: 23
couchcactus 28 marca o 14:36 
i slurped a slurper
PierogiMan 27 kwietnia 2017 o 5:40 
I was thinkin that i would be cool if you could make a mod in which the ancient guardian respawns and ornate chests in the labyrinth get refilled
Clockwork_Ghost 1 lutego 2015 o 17:59 
whould be cool if ther was a way to ame them
checkerd 16 maja 2014 o 12:59 
Do they multiply when player is outside/in cave?
Brook 29 kwietnia 2014 o 19:36 
@Jack the Awsome One They drop their pelts and light bulbs. The issue is, that they don't respawn, meaning the you'll probably end up having one Belt of Hunger per world, meaning you have to take careful care of it.
Ginkofishin 29 kwietnia 2014 o 13:13 
This is a cool idea but slightly scary you should add a nerf to their attack radius.
Parboleum Loyce 11 marca 2014 o 1:20 
What are slurpers good for, apart from sluper pelt, i don't understand.
[GAW] *Insert Funny Name Here* 12 października 2013 o 10:14 
slupers are bad things. look it up
[GAW] *Insert Funny Name Here* 12 października 2013 o 10:12 
love it
DuckyFangs 15 września 2013 o 14:03 