ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Beginner's Luck (Spawn Protection)
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27. apr. 2018 kl. 17.53
29. apr. 2018 kl. 20.00
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Beginner's Luck (Spawn Protection)

I 3 samlinger av GyozaGuy
Mods for GyozaGuy's Server
12 gjenstander
AvatARK Extinction
6 gjenstander
Dino Derps
11 gjenstander
Mod ID

Provides basic spawn protection that is automatically given to players when they respawn or log in. By default, the mod simply prevents dinos from noticing you are around, but they will still attack if you attack them first. A config option is available for server owners to set the mod to prevent all damage, including environmental/fall damage.

The default protection time is 30 seconds, but this can be adjusted using good ol' config options!

Config Options
The config options available for this mod are:
ProtectionTime (float) - default: 30.0 - how many seconds to protect the player for
PreventAllDamage (true/false) - default: false - whether or not to prevent all damage (environmental, fall, etc...)

To use these config settings, place them in GameUserSettings.ini under the "[BeginnersLuck]" section, like so:

[BeginnersLuck] ProtectionTime=45.0 PreventAllDamage=True

Can't this be exploited?
Yep, absolutely!

Why did you name this "Beginner's Luck" instead of "Spawn Protection Turbo Ultra 5000X"?
I ask myself that every night.

Do you recommend using this on PvP servers?
I don't care what you do with it. But no.

Why did you make this?
Because I wanted to and couldn't find a similar mod already on the workshop. Granted, the search feature doesn't work well, but still.

Why does the ProtectionTime config option use a float instead of an integer?

Actually it's because I was considering changing the value to represent minutes, but figured seconds make more sense and didn't want to adjust the graph. Plus the function that uses this value wants a float anyway. But now you can set protection for 0.5 seconds! Neato!

Why doesn't the buff show the countdown?
Because changing the buff timer from a config setting doesn't seem to actually affect the visible timer, only how long the buff stays active. I'm doing nothing to hide it, it just doesn't show up.
5 kommentarer
JJKK 3. juli 2018 kl. 2.03 
hi,great mod.thank you!

can you consider to make a mod:
we need a mod to protect new player who just join server:
online protection
offlien protection

it will become a very popular mod,many players liek could reference these mod:
JJKK 3. juli 2018 kl. 2.01 
hi,sir,good mod.
can it protect dino and structure within setting time?
Akashi 25. mai 2018 kl. 14.49 
I cant change the timer on it. Only gives me around 20 seconds. I even tried copying your example command
GyozaGuy  [skaper] 29. apr. 2018 kl. 16.12 
Glad you like it!
Solgato 29. apr. 2018 kl. 15.36 
This is brilliant!