7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

즐겨찾기 해제
"Thanks to youtubers Games4kickz, Rongo the Bold and Bearded Bob, I survived to see the sun rise on day 29."
댓글 3
Kickz 2015년 3월 29일 오후 7시 14분 
Thanks for sharing the link.
Amazing how things change in only a few month :)

Keep on killing those Zombies :)
RongoTheBold 2015년 1월 4일 오후 12시 52분 
They wants your bacon and eggs!
McHaggis  [작성자] 2014년 12월 27일 오전 11시 29분 
I was hunted from sundown until 6:49 though. I don't know why. I am playing nomad and the only options I changed were fast looting and crafting.