Contraption Maker

Contraption Maker

26 人が評価
Save the twins!
Level Type: Puzzle
30.114 KB
2015年11月14日 18時18分
2015年11月15日 14時54分
9 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Save the twins!

ShinDigPig 作成の 1 件のコレクション
ShinDigPig's Contraption Maker Puzzles
12 アイテム
The Tim twins are in danger of getting crushed! Stop this from happening with lasers, and feed the cat while you're at it.
2 件のコメント
wildgoosespeeder 2017年1月20日 19時15分 
The best way I can fix this puzzle overall is to make sure that the twins stay awake for a certain duration instead of being knocked out after the contraption completes. This is where the "delay" feature of goal setting would come in handy. Time how long it takes for the wrecking balls to KO the twins from the start of the simulation. Take that number, round up, and add 1-3 seconds (or more if you prefer but don't go too long or it will feel the puzzle never completes). Make sure to mention they need to stay awake for x amount of seconds in the description. Also the balloons are exposed to lasers so make sure they can't be popped. Also the device part of the lasers make good shields so be careful of that.
wildgoosespeeder 2017年1月20日 19時15分 
Twins saved with just a blue laser and laser splitter. I had just enough coord to be able to do just that from the outlets below. For this particular exploit, make sure that there is enough obstruction where I can't do that anymore where the length of it is greater than the maximum coord length.