Dota 2
Bangles of the Wildkin's Blessing
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Heroes: Enchantress
Slots: Arms
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
Special: Polycount
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2.202 MB
3 nov. 2012 à 20h04
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Dans 1 collection faite par Anuxi♥
Blessings of the Wildkin
5 objets
Bangles from the Blessings of the Wildkin set I created for the DOTA 2 Polycount competition.

The wildkin, who Aiushtha had fought hard to protect, wanted to reward her for her bravery. They empowered her with the spirit of their great Wildkin Chief; Hootooroo Greenwing, transforming her armor and filling her heart with his strength. She wears his spirit proudly in continued defence of the wild forests of the world.

You can view the process of this set on the Polycount forums: