This War of Mine

This War of Mine

91 beoordelingen
Door Lәoи « en 1 bijdrager(s)
Hola! esta guia es para ayudar a sacar el logro de Exodus, ya que no tiene mucho que lo sacaron y no hay muchas guias que te puedan ayudar,puede llegar a ser un poco dificil pero vale la pena.

This guide is to help to get the Exodus achievement, due to it's recent release and that there aren't many guides that can help you, it may be a little bit hard, but it's worth it.
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Buenos para empezar, lo puedes hacer en una partida personalizada o en una partida normal, pero en una partida normal es menos probable que te toque el Puerto esto ya dependera de cada una de las personas para sacar este logro y algunos tips. ES IMPORTANTE HACER PARTIDA PERSONALIZADA SI QUIERES HACERLO RAPIDO Y QUE TENGAS TIEMPO SUFICIENTE PARA PODER HACERLO, YA QUE ES UN POCO LARGO

(Yo pongo 80 dias de Conflicto para que me des los 20 lugares que pueda visitar, opcional junto con los personajes)

Si estas en una partida personalizada lo mas recomendable es llevar a los siguientes personajes:
  • Bruno Chef
  • Marin Constructor
  • Marko Scanvenger
  • Katia Regateadora

Con ellos puedes hacer sustentable en cuestion de tiempo ya que como cada uno tiene sus habilidades es mas facil sobrevivir los primeros dias y concentrarse en hacer el logro, Marko es super importante ya que el puede encontrar el doble de items y con esto Katia puede cambiarlos con los traders.

Pasando a lo mas importante los DIAMANTES O JOYAS, para poder escapar necesitas 8 Diamantes los cuales son dificiles de conseguir aqui les dejo las siguientes localizaciones de los diamantes y los lugares que necesitas tener marcados para conseguir estos SUPER IMPORTANTE SELECCIONAR LOS SIGUIENTES:
  • -En la primera Casa: (La otra casa con patio no contiene el diamante ojo con esto)
  • -Casa Decrepita: aqui necesitas llevar un pedazo de carne crudo o simplemente un tomate a la indigente para que te enseñe el lugar secreto donde esta
  • -Paso del Francotirador: solo necesitas ayudar al hombre herido y te abrira las puertas como recompensa al ayudarlo a llegar con su bebe
  • -Hotel: esta escondida en una habitacion es super importante llevar Crowbar o Lockpick
  • -Escuela Abandonada: aqui necesitas la sierra esta detras de unos de los tubos (para esto es Marin los costos para crear la sierra son minimos y puede ser mas rapido el proceso)
  • -Gasolineria destrozada: en el sotano esta junto a una nota y como la anterior tambien necesitas una sierra
  • -Plaza Central: este es un poco dificil ya que tienes que pasar a el edificio cerrado y si intentas entrar a la fuerza, la gente te marcara como hostil y ya no podras volver a ese lugar, para esto tienes que esperar a que todos se distraigan y puedas entrar *OJO* dentro hay un guardia que a veces sale a fumar calcula el tiempo para poder bajar y salir, para que no te "BETEN" del lugar de trade, si logaste pasar la recompensa seran 3 DIAMANTES y otros items *Es recomendable llevar Lockpick y Pala ya que estos los necesitaras para poder agarrar los diamantes* TIP: ESTE HAY QUE HACERLO CUANDO YA TENGAS LA MAYORIA DE LOS DIAMANTES Y TENGAS LO SUFICIENTE PARA SER SUSTENTABLE POR LO MENOS 9 DIAS ESTO SE EXPLICA MAS ADELANTE.
  • -Chale en Ruinas: aqui te pueden tocar dos cosas, 1.- puede tocarte la pareja esta es facil de matar ya que solo necesitas un cuchillo, 2.- que sean soldados desertores esto es mas complicado y necesitas paciencia para matar de uno a uno *ojo si estas en partida personalizada escoge la primera opcion sencillo y facil* aqui el diamante esta en el 2 piso y para conseguirlo necesitas una sierra.
  • -Casa tranquila: en este lugar es facil y sencillo, la señora grande o viejita tiene los diamantes, si eres un alma cruel lo haras sin piedad ya que si los dejas morir por enfermedad no te daran nada y esto habra sido una perdida de tiempo si consiges matarla lo cual es super facil ella tiene 2 DIAMANTES en su cadaver.
  • ACTUALIZACION Aeropuerto: Gracias a el usuario Hyrenapth me a informado que hay diamantes en el aeropuerto,hay solo 2 diamantes debajo de la cama, para esto necesitas armas y municion para matar a los guardias que vigilan ese lugar, para llegar tienes ir la final del aeropuerto.

(El mapa con las zonas que recomiendo)

Una vez conseguido los 8-9 diamantes dependiendo de lo que hayas hecho, es tiempo de ir al muelle o puerto como lo quieras ver, aqui entraras en el barco siguiendo hasta el fondo encontraras a Karl (no recuerdo bien su nombre pero empieza con K) el te explicara que tiene un barco lo suficientemente grande como para toda tu "FAMILIA" pero que te va costar mucho hacer que los guardias hagan la vista gorda, y que si estas interesado el ira a buscarte en unos dias como un Trader algo parecido como Franko el trader que va cada 3 dias, Bueno Karl te ira a la casa EN 2-3 DIAS hay que ser paciente.

Una vez que llego a la casa, te dira que hablo con sus amigos y que haran la vista gorda, pero costara carito, es aqui cuando entran ya necesitas tener a la mano los diamantes y no hay que visitar el puerto antes SI NO EL PLAN FALLA CARIÑO, bueno una vez entregandole los diamantes hay que esperar 2-3 DIAS DE NUEVO para esto como repeti antes ya hay que ser sustentables si solo te la quieres pasar en la casa *PARA ESTO ERA TENER COMIDA POR LOS MENOS PARA 9 DIAS*.

Una vez pasado los 3 dias despues de haberle entregado los diamantes, vendra a buscarnos diciendonos que es AHORA O NUNCA es aqui cuando aceptes, AHORA YA TIENES EL LOGRO Y TE SALDRA LO SIGUIENTE:

Junto con el Epilogo:

Se podria decir que este es el Final Bueno, espero haberlos ayudado con las ubicaciones de los diamantes y como hacerlo, esto minimo les toma de 1-2 dias si saben suministrar bien sus cosas, cualquier duda en los comentarios :)

*Es mi primera guia asi que no puede ser la mas bonita de todas pero al menos lo intento y ser un poco breve si ven un error diganmelo y de ante mano gracias*

Alright, first, you can do it in a custom game or a normal game, but in a normal game is less likely that you can get the Port, this will depend on each person and how they want to get this achievement. MAKE A CUSTOM MATCH, IT'S VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO DO IT QUICKLY AND HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE IT, BECAUSE THE PROCESS IT'S A LITTLE BIT LONG

(I put 80 days of Conflict so that I of the 20 places that can visit, optional. Screenshot in Spanish)
Here are some tips.

If you are in a custom match, I recommend you to go with these characters:
-Chef Bruno
-Builder Marin
-Scavenger Marko
-Bargaining Skills Katia

With them you can be sustainable very fastly, due to their abilities, it's easier to survive the first days and concentrate in making the achievement. Marko is very important because he can find the twice as many objects and with this, Katia can change them with the traders.

Moving on to the most important thing, the DIAMONDS OR JEWELS, in order to scape you need 8 Diamonds which are difficult to get. Here I leave you these locations of the Diamonds, and the places you need to mark in order to get them. SUPER IMPORTANT, SELECT THE FOLLOWING ONES:

  • -In the first House: (The other house with yard doesn't contain the diamond, careful with this).
  • -Decrepit House: Here you need to bring with you a piece of raw meat or just a tomato to the indigent and she'll lead you to the place where you can find it.
  • -Sniper Pass: You just have to help the wounded man and he'll open the doors as reward of helping him to get to his baby.
  • -Hotel: It's hidden in one room, it's very important to bring a Crowbar or a Lockpick.
  • -Abandoned School: Here you need the saw that's behind of one of the pipes (That's why Marin, the costs of creating the saw are minimal and the process can be faster).
  • -Shattered Gas Station: In the basement, is next to a note and as the previous one you need a saw.
  • -Central Plaza: This one is a little bit harder since you have to pass the closed bulding and if you try to enter by the force, the people will see you as hostile and you won't be able to come back. For this, you need to wait for everyone to get distracted and then you can come in *WARNING*, inside, there's a guard that sometimes go out to smoke, calculate thte time in order to go down and get out, so that they don't ban you from the trade place. If you made it through the reward will be 3 DIAMONDS and other items *I recommend to you to carry Lockpick and a Shovel because you will need them to be able to grab the Diamonds* TIP: THIS MUST BE DONE WHEN YOU HAVE MOST OF THE DIAMONDS AND YOU HAVE ENOUGH TO BE SUSTAINABLE FOR AT LEAST 9 DAYS, THIS WILL BE EXPLAINED LATER.
  • -Chalet in Ruins: Here you can get two things, 1.- The couple that's easy to kill because you only need a knife, 2.- Soldiers, this is more complicated and you need patience to kill one by one. *If you're in a custom match choose the first option, simple and easy* here, the diamond is in the second floor and you need a saw to get it.
  • -Quiet House: Here's pretty simple, the old granny is the one who has the diamonds, If you are a cruel soul you'll do it without mercy, because if you let them die of illness they will not give you anything and this will have been a waste of time, if you can kill her, and it's very easy, she has 2 DIAMONDS on her body.
  • UPDATE Airport: Thanks to the user Hyrenapth that informed me about the diamonds that are located on the airport, they are 2 diamonds under the bed, for this you'll need weapons and ammo to kill the guards that are guarding the place, in order to get in ther you must get into the end of the airport.

    (The places that I recommend. SCREENSHOT IN SPANISH )
    Once you get the 8-9 diamonds, depending on what you've done, it's time to go to the dock or port, however you wanna see it, here you'll enter into the boat and going all the way to the end you'll find Karl (I don't remember his name very well, but his name starts with K) He will explain to you that he has a boat big enough for all your "familiy" but it'll cost a lot to bribe the guards, and if you're interested he'll visit you in some days as a Trader, something like Franko the Trader that goes every 3 days, Karl will look for you in your house in 2-3 DAYS, so be patient.


    Once he arives to your home, he will tell you that he talked to his friends and that they will turn a blind eye, but it will cost a lot, here's when you need to have the diamonds and give them to him, you must not visit the Port, otherwise the plan will FAIL, once you give him the diamonds you must wait 2-3 days AGAIN, (That's why you have to be sustainable if you want to stay in your home these days) *THAT'S WHY THE FOOD FOR 9 DAYS*.

    (SCREENSHOT IN SPANISH, ENGLISH: I've talked with my friend on the other side, he has everything done, we can take you out of here in some days. But the travel isn't free, you need to pay to make "distractions", in order to make the sargent doesn't follow you, ok, you have anything of value?)

    Once the 3 days have passed since you gave him the diamonds, he will come and tell us is NOW OR NEVER, here's where you accept, NOW YOU HAVE THE ACHIEVEMENT AND THIS WILL APPEAR TO YOU:

    (SCREENSHOT IN SPANISH, ENGLISH: Now everything is done, we will go to the Port and, when the night falls, my friend will make the reflector "fails" in the other side, then we will sneak out quietly. Are you ready?)

    (SCREENSHOT IS IN SPANISH) (ENGLISH: The boat arrived into a safe shore)

    Finishing this escape you'll have "THE GOOD END"


    and well, that would be everything, I hope this guide helped you to get the achievement and if you have any other doubt or cuestion leave it in the comments, and good luck! :3

    *It's my first guide so it isn't the fanciest one, but at least I tried it and it's a little bit short tho. If you see any error or mistake please let me know. Thanks in advance.*

    For translating the guide into English:
    Paul von Hindeburg [SS]
    Dumb Mokuo
35 opmerkingen
Lәoи «  [auteur] 1 dec 2023 om 11:10 
@Alluma Exactly... killing Karl is killing your speedrun to get the "good ending" but hey! atleast you learn from that haha, and I was quite exciting to see someone replying in the comments from this old guide.
I hope this guide was of help to get you the "exodus" archivement. :GhostLoveEyes:
Alluma 1 dec 2023 om 10:39 
Umm so i Killed the guy at the docks cos i though i remembered him dropping diamonds... then i got 9 diamonds togather and read that you need him so disclamer, don't kill karl lol, will save you like 4hrs... :steamsad:
Andrew 28 jun 2020 om 21:15 
el barco es la mejor idea de ganar la partida si solo estas o te queda 1 personaje con vida
Lәoи «  [auteur] 16 jan 2018 om 13:50 
Because if you steal in the Central Plaza the same NPCs that sell things there will no longer want to receive you and they will threaten you with death to practically kill your NPC.
The second question do not experience it but what if I realize that they do not come or activate any secondary event only appears the Mark trader the most advisable is that all your NPCs stay at home for that reason in the guide says to gather all the food to stay more or less than 5-9 days until the boat driver comes and you have the diamonds / jewelry ready
Feynrik 16 jan 2018 om 12:36 
It is a good guide!
two questions you or anyone else mind to answer me;
1 Why wait until having almost all of nesssessary 8 jewels before fetching at Central Plaza plaze?
2 Do all in home characters have to stay put in shelter after paid the ransom sum in those three days of wait?
Lәoи «  [auteur] 17 nov 2017 om 14:53 
FrylockArgento 17 nov 2017 om 8:35 
Si creo una partida personalizada en "baja" y "sin invierno" ¿se puede conseguir igual?
Lәoи «  [auteur] 15 nov 2017 om 15:18 
Yes, no problem m8
Choristis 14 nov 2017 om 22:26 
Thanks because the first time i did it the Girl [Sorry i didn't know] would just keep looking around
Lәoи «  [auteur] 14 nov 2017 om 14:45 
like 30/40 seconds, she is going to show you where is the barrel with the diamond. the only think that you need to do is follow her