Dota 2
Rooster King
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Hey guys,

This is my submission for the Chinese new Year!
i hope you like it:)

Przedmioty (7)
Rooster King - Head
Autor: Confrontation
This is my entry for the Chinese new year!:) (Year of the rooster)...
Rooster King - Offhand
Autor: Confrontation
This is my entry for the Chinese new year!:) (Year of the rooster)...
Rooster King - Shoulder
Autor: Confrontation
This is my entry for the Chinese new year!:) (Year of the rooster)...
Rooster King - Coin
Autor: Confrontation
This is my entry for the Chinese new year!:) (Year of the rooster)...
Rooster King - Weapon
Autor: Confrontation
This is my entry for the Chinese new year!:) (Year of the rooster)...
Rooster King - Belt
Autor: Confrontation
This is my entry for the Chinese new year!:) (Year of the rooster)...
Rooster King - Back
Autor: Confrontation
This is my entry for the Chinese new year!:) (Year of the rooster)...