558 人が評価
A Better ADVENT 2
1.061 GB
2016年11月5日 4時20分
2017年5月20日 4時45分
8 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

A Better ADVENT 2

DerBK 作成の 2 件のコレクション
A Better Modlist #5: ABA2 + Shadow Ops LW
23 アイテム
A Better Modlist #5: ABA2 + Shadow Ops LW, full list including cosmetics
51 アイテム
-- A Better ADVENT 2 --
-- Enemy Overhaul --
-- by DerBK --

-- Full Release 2.05 --



For ABA:WotC go here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1126623381

Find all infos on ABA here: https://derbk.com/abetteradvent/
Find the latest patchnotes here: https://derbk.com/abetteradvent/latest-patchnotes/
Find a LW2 version here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=851424027

A Better ADVENT is an ambitious enemy and AI overhaul, introducing more than 60 new enemies. It focuses on making enemy encounters more exciting by introducing variety through dozens of enemy variants and by completely overhauling the AI. This mod's goal is not just to add more enemies to the game... it strives to be the centerpiece of a modlist, providing not only more enemies, but - as the name of the mod says - "better" enemies that open up new lines of gameplay. To that end, a high priority has been put on making AI changes and improvements, both global (Mimic beacon behaviour, engagement ranges, ...) and local (Snipers stay back, Shotgunners flank, ...).
The mod also improves the way that enemy pods are put together, increasing enemy counts and peppering quest missions with appearances by notable new enemies.
A Better Advent is not only adding some random stuff, it directly improves the core gameplay.

FAIR WARNING: A Better ADVENT is considerably harder than the vanilla game and is designed around a squad of 6-8 soldiers instead of the default 4-6. To learn more about the changes this mod does to enemy squad sizes and mission generation and how you can tweak them, read here: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/793861140/282992646972938696/
To give a pointer towards some recommended mods for an ABA playthrough, i made a post here: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/793861140/282992646985620375/


Check this out, so you don't complain afterwards when you mess up your campaign because you thought it would be a good idea to run this together with LW2: https://derbk.com/abetteradvent/compatibility/


This mod wouldn't exist without several people that helped with their contributions, either directly or by allowing me to pilfer some things from their own mods. Thanks go to:

Atheran, who did many of the changes to visuals. Without him, this mod wouldn’t look even a fraction as good as it does now. Thanks, man.
CMDBob, for the ADVENT weapon models from his “Total ADVENT Weaponry”
Swinka666, for fixing the Firestarter animations
Rayman!, for his Call Reinforcements mod
Klavickus, for the russian translation
Cornelian, for the French translation
ADVENT Avenger, who did some of the Chryssalid AI
Long War Studios, for their Alien Pack, a truly endless source of stuff I shamelessly ripped off
Kobazco, for his Elite Viper mod
xylthixlm, robojumper, Yzaxtol and numerous other modders who helped me out many times when I asked stupid questions on Discord and reddit.


Any modder is allowed to pilfer, re-use or re-upload any of ABAs assets, scripts, doodads and thingamajigs in any way or form that he wants to. This of course doesn't extend to the assets that i took myself from other people like Kobazco's Elite Viper or Long War Studio's Muton Centurion and Drones. When in doubt, just ask.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (30)
2017年4月9日 9時20分
Feedback and praise after my L/I Campaign:)
2017年5月12日 9時38分
Invisible/missing uniform on ADVENT Gunslinger
2022年12月21日 15時16分
Questions about this mod
1,780 件のコメント
Wrath 8月2日 14時18分 
Oh, really?
Why would it not work iwith LWOTC?
Thanks for your answer!
DerBK  [作成者] 8月2日 6時20分 
This is the mod version for pre-WotC XCOM2. For something that works with the current version of the game + DLC check here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1126623381

It will however not work with LWOTC.
Wrath 8月1日 17時09分 
@DerBK also, I see several versions of your mod, is this one the one <I should get?
Wrath 8月1日 17時06分 
Hello! It'es been a while I want to test your mod but Im so comitted in my campaign rigth now (100+ hours on LWOTC with RPGO on legend , and so much work done on my crew..)

Is it safe to add mid - campaign?
Doest it run well with LWOTC?
Is there any mods that you higlhy recommand NOT to play with ABA ?

Thanks for your time and for your work
DerBK  [作成者] 2月21日 0時10分 
The trick with the Sectopod Prime (and other Primes in general) is giving them a distraction to shoot at with their reactions. That can be a mimic beacon, but a hunkered down soldier can draw fire in a similar way. And of course to consider in which order you use your soldiers so you don't end up flanked by the Sectopod moving during your turn.

It is dangerous for sure, but it's supposed to be!
Mao 2月20日 15時30分 
Honestly Love this mod now this might have been something i did to myself yet i still think this is really unbalanced but the Sectopod Prime in my opinion is a little too broken/OP in one match it wiped out my entire squad because i wasn't able to kill it before end of my turn so if i were to give any criticism it would be to de-buff it to a point where it just doesn't kill your entire squad instantly cause it has caused me great pain and suffering and made it so i just had to end a mission because when i met it mission would just end with my whole squad dead
DerBK  [作成者] 2月9日 6時28分 
The mod makes the game more difficult near the end with the introduction of Prime Enemies that will get bonus actions whenever they are hurt. This is to make the endgame more interesting. By that point you should have tier 3 weapons already to deal with them though.

So there is an element to the mod where it increases difficulty at the end, but not necessarily just through pod size numbers.
Teppopups1 2月9日 6時24分 
As of XCOM Wiki the Veteran aim is multiplied by 1.1 while Commander not. But from my feeling it is more like +50% difference, as I already wrote.

I was asking because the base game have so called "reverse difficulty curve", if you do everything right, choose correct strategies, ignore what Bradford says to do :) the game becomes easier later on.

What about this mod as I've seen your post where the pod sizes increase as the game progresses. So if the game will increase difficulty, it's OK I stay on easy, if it becomes easier, I can choose more challenging option at beginning.

So I will not have to quit the campaign and start over just because the game become much more difficult than it was at the beginning.

What to expect?
DerBK  [作成者] 2月9日 5時38分 
Your hit chances don't depend on difficulty except in very few cases where enemies have native defense that scales with difficulty (Vipers, maybe).

As for your dilemma, not sure that anyone can answer this one for you. This is one of the core challenges with modding a game, especially when you use mods from various different creators that were not developed as a package... you have to put together your own difficulty setting and have to find something that works for you. That might take a few tries before you get it right.
Teppopups1 2月9日 4時20分 
Difficulty dilemma!

I'm using these mods to compensate increased difficulty and enemy count, as the mod devs recommended: 1. Larger Starting Squad (6) and 2. Configurable Mission Timers (+8).

My previous attempt on Commander difficulty failed after three missions because it was too difficult, lot of losses, no money, skipped missions, etc. I didn't want to continue this campaign and started a new one on Veteran. And immediately felt that it's too easy - the shot percentages drastically increased from under 50% up to 75%, base Advent trooper health decreased from 4HP +1armor to plain 3HP - one hit with regular rifle. It looks way too easy, but probably will increase later on, I don't know what to expect.

Now I'm thinking what to do - continue with Veteran and expect that the game will become more challenging, or start a new Commander campaign with some more compensations like starting squad 7, additional timers and so?