208 평점
Lokerian's Skaeling Overhaul - Feature Pack (Final) (Outdated - No Longer Supported)
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2016년 10월 1일 오후 4시 16분
2016년 12월 30일 오전 11시 07분
변경 사항 12개 ( 보기 )

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Lokerian's Skaeling Overhaul - Feature Pack (Final) (Outdated - No Longer Supported)

Lokerian님의 1 모음집
Lokerian's mod collection
아이템 13개
Lokerian's Skaeling Overhaul - Feature Pack

Huge Update - Final Version
Check the Change Notes in the steam workshop.
If you like this mod please consider giving it a Thumbs up :D

Hey Folks!

And here i bring you yet another faction overhaul to use with my unlockers! or any of your mods!.

What is this mod:

This mod is a faction overhaul, it changes all the features of the faction in order to usually make them more functional or more unique!

The Mod was made to be used alongside my Lokerian's Modular Unlocker but it can be used with other unlockers, as well as without one.

This mod does NOT Unlock any faction and does not use startpos configs, which means its very compatible with other mods out there as long as they don't touch the Norsca factions or their heroes!.

This can be used without an unlocker to provide a greater challenge when facing the Norse factions.

Mod Overview:

The mod changes are honestly too many to post here but I'll try to place the highlights.

  • New System - Now all the chaos lords may aspire to become champions of one of the Dark Gods, redifining their playstyle.
  • New Items - 8 New Unique items granted for lords as they level up. among them 4 marks of champions.
  • Marks of the Dark Gods - The Gods of Chaos look upon the best of the Norse lords and grant them a Greater mark on their name. Providing them with strength beyond imagining but pick wisely as only 1 may be used at a time!.
  • New lord appearance - No longer a half naked man but a proper warrior on full chaos armor.
  • New buildings - That's right 17 new buildings to mange your available city slots depending on your needs.
  • New Units - Taken from vanilla units alone, you now have access to 8 units from the chaos roster.
  • Reworked Tech tree - Reworked tech tree to fully provide bonuses for the Norse unit roster.
  • New Lord Abilities - 3 Unique abilities have been added to complement the bonuses gained by the original lords.
  • Level 4 Settlement - Norse can access level 4 settlements to unlock end game technologies.
  • Pirates at Sea - Skaeling gain bonuses when traveling on double speed at the sea, but suffer of penalties while traveling on land
  • New Stances - Connected with the above 3 new stances help you manage your armies
  • Reworked Economy - Skaeling economy is heavily based on raiding, Chaos Buildings and other facilities now have upkeep, in order to keep a steady income you will have to keep raiding parties working.
  • Public Order - Properly integrated, Now public order is in your list of priorities. (Outside the chaos wastes)
  • New Skills - Changed & Fixed Skill to fully provide bonuses for the chaos lords.
  • Clean and Compatible - Cleaned files, changed IDs, and many more things were done to maximize compatibility.
  • And so much more...

This mod is compatible with most mods as long as they don't change many Norse features.
This mod is compatible with - tier 4 settlements regardless.
This mod is now fully compatible with - Conquer Anywhere & Diplomatic Options
This mod is compatible with both of my unlockers.

Recommended Mods:

Faction Unlockers:

Known Bugs
The skealing will still take Upkeep Penalties when on Default stance at sea. This is due to limitations of the kit and the lack of ability to add new stances to the game, sadly it can't be fixed. Make sure you go into Double Speed when entering the sea, or enter the sea while on March stance.

I Would like to thank "Crynsos" for his tip on helping me fix the Norse barrack's bug where you could not destroy them.


All my mods are Free and will stay free forever, Shall you wish to support my work and encourage me to release more mods of this kind you are welcome to throw in a donation at the link bellow.

Sincerely Hope you enjoy it, Loke.
인기 토론 모두 보기(2)
2017년 2월 11일 오전 6시 12분
고정됨: Bug Reports
2016년 10월 27일 오후 11시 28분
In regards to Uncivil North Gameplay
Slippery Lil Fish
댓글 207
Quetzalcoatl 2020년 11월 3일 오전 11시 33분 
The mod's broken lad. I tried running it with only your other mods, i tried running it on it's own , it crashes the game 100% of the times . :)
CKlonee 2017년 10월 11일 오전 6시 46분 
Only if he made this for Warhammer 2 -.-
Omnomnomnivore 2017년 9월 29일 오후 3시 34분 
Can anyone load this mod? its causeing a CTD when i launch. The other packs are fine.
Yellow Pikmin 2017년 6월 2일 오후 4시 22분 
Hi Lokerian, I really need to ask you some questions about your mod?

Could you please add me
Cegorach 2017년 3월 6일 오후 10시 33분 
His mods will no longer be updated
-XMT-Von_Carstein 2017년 3월 6일 오전 11시 45분 
I am sory for me stupid question , but in what time can we see update for this mod. For example ,some realities of new patch not supporting- war with Brettonnia at start ,vlad vob carstein in Counts Fraction and some more/ But , thank uoy very much , mr Lokerian , for you nice modifications
Bhelliom 2017년 3월 2일 오후 12시 27분 
Second thing: Will you allow other modders to keep your creations up to date? Not sure how it works but I´ve seen people do this / this happen.
Bhelliom 2017년 3월 2일 오후 12시 26분 
Thanks for your service Lokerian, you have created some amazing things! I had fun playing Skaeling eventhough I got BTFO. o7
Lokerian  [작성자] 2017년 2월 27일 오전 6시 18분 
A Note to all my mod Subscribers: part 1

I have grown short of time to continue developing my mods, also the amount of time required to keep mods working, updated and supported is something i cant afford doing for free anymore, i have other priorities in real life that i must attend and therefor this mods will be over starting from tomorrow.

After all i started my mods to play Bretonnia, and thanks to the amazing community and their support i was brought to do way more than just a Bretonnia mod, sadly its a lot of time, and i have many other responsibilities in real life, which i can't keep merging with the time required from me to make mods and keep them working.
Lokerian  [작성자] 2017년 2월 27일 오전 6시 18분 
A Note to all my mod Subscribers: part 2

Maybe one day i'll be back once all the dlc and updates to the game are over, there at least i know that the time i put into making mods for the game will be limited and that i wont be required to spend so much time updating them over and over.

I like to believe that my mods helped many moders out there for guidance on how to get some specific things done, and i think the variety of content in the workshop has grown to be more diverse and significant, therefor i'll take a step back and join you the players and enjoy the game with what is given.

I want to thank all the community for the long lasting support and i hope you find yourselves to understand where i come from.
