Lokerian's Skaeling Overhaul - Feature Pack (Final) (Outdated - No Longer Supported)
In regards to Uncivil North Gameplay
I'm starting to use your mod with the Uncivilized North mod, and it does seem to spread the benefits of everything quite nicely across the factions. The only (minor) things that are a bit irksome are:

1. since there were so many factions, this resulted in more lords being on the map. When all the lords look like the exalted hero, keeping track of which army is which is and it also gets a bit bland seeing the same 3 models again and again (in addition to the same models being with the actual exalted heroes). While that is a very picky point, I just wanted it to be out there in case someone thinks of some way to jazz it up a bit (maybe throw in some chaos models?).

2. Since the only sorcerer that can be recruited is metal, the magic stuff gets a bit more boring (especially when all 6 factions around you can also only use metal). Maybe adding some magic-using diversity would be quite fun!

3. Since the Uncivilized North mod does not use public order, it overrides it- so settlements will always have 0 public order and 0 public order gain/loss regardless.

4. Still dont really know the full interractions with the bonuses relating to navies and the other factions- am still looking into that.

Sorry for the long post, and honestly these things are purely for improving the playthrough experience. I've really been enjoying both mods quite fondly, and am just on the lookout for making experiences even over the top. Incredible job!! May Sigmar be with you!!

Also, sorry for making this a discussion, I just think it would be nice for other people to potentially add their input :)
Last edited by Slippery Lil Fish; Oct 27, 2016 @ 11:29pm