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16 mai 2012 à 22h45
17 juin 2012 à 12h29
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This was going to be my first map without a goo pit, but then I decided to add a goo pit.
204 commentaires
glenmcd[AUS] 28 déc. 2023 à 10h28 
Wow another awesome chamber from Mevious!! His chambers may look simple but you really need to look hard at the details to solve I find.
vr_escape87 20 déc. 2023 à 17h26 
map has a great flow.
Techowl 18 déc. 2023 à 11h50 
Nice challenge to figure out the sequence to get the cube on it's button from way over there.

- Techowl -
Sophronius 10 nov. 2023 à 10h47 
you really create some great maps!
Stan The Man 9 mars 2022 à 8h06 
A devious one indeed!
Jägermeister 2 mars 2022 à 11h46 
This took me a while.... Thanks for this very clever map!
eons Luna 10 janv. 2022 à 9h37 
Okay, this was one devious puzzle that stumped me so hard that I had to go looking for hints in here, and even then I couldn't make heads or tails of anything at first. Then I thought about it a bit more: flinging? Funnel to hold the cube in place? Took another look at everything, and finally put two and two together.

Big hint: the platform that flips downward when the button is pressed, ostensibly to drop the cube into the funnel, should not be used to drop the cube straight into the funnel going into the button that activates the exit lift, but to another funnel that can hold the cube in place until you get to said lift. How do you get that? Well, take the other hints about flinging onto the screened platform and such, and you should be able to figure it out soon enough.
Joegle 26 sept. 2020 à 10h52 
Very nice puzzle
ALiC3m 10 juin 2020 à 6h40 
You are dear Mevious, my favorite map makers on the workshop !
Barge 27 mars 2020 à 11h20 
Elegant level design and challenge. Nice job! I found a pretty cool alternative solve to this puzzle, check it out!