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Lifetime Stats
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261.019 KB
2016年2月28日 9時45分
2016年7月27日 17時46分
29 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Lifetime Stats

For the WotC version, please go here

Tracks and displays the actions and successes of your soldiers throughout their campaign.
Now you can know for sure whether or not your favorite sniper has truely ever missed!

Q: Why don't I see the stats panel during combat?
A: The stats panel only shows when you hover your mouse over the Hit% of a shot. You can make it always displayed by editing the INI file.

Q: Why is 'But Probably...' in my shot window? Does this modify my chance to hit?
A: That is a fun way to visualize how lucky this soldier is. It is just a visual change and does not impact actual dice rolls. You can disable it via the INI file.

Q: Why doesn't my Armory stats panel line up right like in your screenshot?
A: Known bug with non 16:9 resolutions. I am looking into it but in the meantime you can offset the window to the right or down by editing the INI file. Suggested panelXOffest=320 for 21:9 (Thanks Dem0nK!)

Q: Can I change what is shown in the tactical/armory stats panel?
A: Yes! You can change which stats get shown and the order for both panels in the INI

Q: Where is this magic INI file you speak of so I can edit all of these things?
A: steamapps\workshop\content\268500\634754304\Config\LifetimeStats.ini

Q: Is Lifetime Stats retroactive? Or do I need to start a new campaign?
A: Unfortunately, I can only track stats after you subscribe with the exception of Kills. If you want true lifetime stats this needs to be enabled from the start of the campaign.

Q: What is Lucky% and how do you compute it?
A: It is how often this soldier beats the RNG. See below for the full algorithm with examples.

July 27th
  • Added ability logging so you can see all ability triggers as they occur in the Combat.log file (logAbilities=true in the ini)
  • Removed ScreenListener restrictions to be compatible with mods that override UITacticalHUD and UIArmory_MainMenu (...Long War Studios)
  • Added Spanish Localization

Tracked Data: (can configure order and if they are shown for each panel via INI)
  • Kills - Every kill made by a soldier (not part of mod, already tracked by base game)
  • Shots - Every shot taken by a soldier (includes sword attacks)
  • Hits/Misses - Whether the shot Hit or Missed
  • Hit/Miss Streaks - The current and best Hit and Miss streaks for this soldier
  • Crits - How many shots have Crit
  • Avg Hit % - The average hit chance over all shots taken
  • Avg Crit % - The average crit chance over all shots taken
  • Luck - Luck is computed by comparing Hits to Avg Hit%, see below for more details
  • Tiles Moved - The total number of tiles moved by a soldier
  • Executions - Number of repeater executions
  • Damage - Amount of damage dealt
  • Damage Taken - Amount of damage taken
  • Damage Negated - Amount of damage dealt blocked by armor
  • Damage Absorbed - Amount of damage taken blocked by armor

Tactical Lifetime Stats hover tooltip (or permanent panel via INI tweak)
A new panel has been added to Tactical Combat missions showing all tracked data visible by hovering over the current Hit% of a shot.

Luck Modified ToHit % (can disable in INI)
A new Hit% is now displayed next to the existing Hit% for all shots showing how likely this particular soldier is to hit given the actual hit chance and also their luck.

Armory Stats Screen
A new window located on the soldier screen in the Armory shows the stats of the currently selected soldier

Due to popular demand, here are the algorithms I am using to calculate Luck and 'But Probably...'

Luck = Hits / (AverageHit% * Shots) - 1
If this value is less than zero, I show it as positive but 'Unlucky'
Example: AvgHit% = 80, Hits = 10, Shots = 10
Luck = 10 / (10 * 0.80) = 1.25 - 1 = 0.25 or 25% lucky

'But Probably...' = Hit% * (Luck+1)
Example: Hit% = 70%, Luck = 25%
'But Probably...' = 70 * 1.25 = 87.5


Resolutions other than 16:9 cause the armory window to display incorrectly. You can manually edit the position of the window in the INI file
as a temporary fix.

This mod uses UIScreenListeners and events and overrides no classes.
It listens to UITacticalHUD and UIArmory_MainMenu, if a mod overrides these classes there may be issues
I have yet to find an incompatible mod.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (7)
2017年6月26日 15時17分
Worlds translations
2023年3月5日 18時23分
ピン留め: Bug Reports
2月28日 12時27分
ピン留め: Tracking for Custom Classes / INI Tweaks
363 件のコメント
Aklyon 2021年8月3日 10時41分 
It says it right at the top Ruby, try reading.
Ruby Ririn 2021年7月28日 16時08分 
this mod will mess up your game bad if you install it on WOTC.
prokolyo 2018年12月9日 3時01分 
A-ha, thanks ;)
Dragon32 2018年12月9日 1時56分 
Read the "Tracking for Custom Classes / INI Tweaks" Discussion.
prokolyo 2018年12月8日 22時59分 
One of my most favorite mods! Even hoped that there would be a further way to compare soldiers' stats on the soldier list for example... :(

But I wanted to ask about the hits/misses, do they take in consideration for example psi-soldiers' insanity attacks, or assaults' shots with the arc thrower, or sword attacks for shinobis? Or is it strictly for gun attacks only? Thanks.
Pocky Stomper 2018年5月26日 11時47分 
If you have a 21:9 screen... try this in your config:

;Armory Screen
;Move the Panel Left/Right (negative/positive)
;Move the Panel Down/Up (negative/positive)

;How big the window will be (then it scrolls to show remaining stats)
macelharen 2017年9月5日 3時11分 
uhm...i'm getting mission kills listed for 'kills'...anyone else getting this too?
Zyxpsilon 2017年9月4日 23時39分 
Thanks.. looking forward to installing it later this week. ;)
Kosmo  [作成者] 2017年9月4日 21時40分 
Added a WotC version: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1128399324

Please keep in mind I've barely had time to test it. Please be careful using it in any ironman games. It ...should... be fine though.

I did end up having to change more than I thought to get it all working though so let me know if you run into any issues :)
Lauren Lore 2017年9月3日 22時17分 
Looking forward to this when its updated. One of my favorites