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Display Hit Chance for XCOM and Aliens
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11 febr. 2016 la 18:29
14 febr. 2016 la 16:17
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Display Hit Chance for XCOM and Aliens

After the patch you might have trouble getting this mod (and some others) to run. To fix this, follow these steps (credit to immhotep for finding the solution).

Go to your "My Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config" folder and delete all files inside the folder and the game will rebuild them and that should fix most people's issues. If it still doesn't work post here and I'll see what I can do.

To remove this mod from your game, use this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619141883

When removing the mod MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP ANY SAVES YOU WANT TO USE just in case something goes wrong. For extra safety I'd recommend only removing the mod when the saves are at the Avenger (i.e. not when you're out on a mission).

A small mod that shows the chance to hit with abilities which are normally not displayed (e.g. shows the chance of an overwatch shot to hit). Currently only supports shots but support for mind-control etc. is planned for the future.

Currently the mod works with most (if not all) abilities that can deal direct damage. Creating a version capable of giving you the odds of things like Mind Control landing is probably possible but it looks like it would require me to override a whole bunch of the in-game functions and generally screw with the base classes. I don't really want to do this as it could cause issues with mod compatibility but if there's demand I could look at making a separate version from this mod with those features.

Some settings for the mod can be configured. The settings can be altered by opening the XCOMDisplayHitChance.ini file that you will find in the <Steam install>\SteamApps\workshop\content\268500\621959270\Config folder. The settings that can be changed are:

- Enable/disable the mod (enabled by default)
- Display miss chance instead of hit chance (shows hit chance by default)
- Use the longer descriptions for the chances (just shows the numbers by default)
63 comentarii
-shhfiftyfive 29 oct. 2017 la 6:25 

this mod was a vanilla xcom2 mod available at launch, as a placeholder until "perfect information" was ported over from the previous game post-launch... this mod was redundant after "perfect information" mod surfaced. and that worked with LW2 mod too.. perfect info is the superior mod, if working.

and then WOTC came out, last i checked its attempted to update, but buggy.. might wanna check that out and see if you can dig through the code and create a fix? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1140739830
sebkulu 28 oct. 2017 la 8:55 
Oh, why doesn't it show up in the latest mods page?

Anyway, I tested it right into my ongoing campaign by loading a tactical save that was already using 120+ mods, and everything's fine.
You shouldn't get any trouble if you don't use another mod overriding X2ActionApplyDamageToUnit class.
sebkulu 28 oct. 2017 la 8:53 
sebkulu 28 oct. 2017 la 7:50 
Yup, also, localization done :-)

As I'm french, I did the french Loc., feel free to translate the text to another language ^^

Localized Version Screenshot:
( * ) 28 oct. 2017 la 7:44 
sebkulu : so I'll finally be able to begin my WoTC campaign.
Thanks man!
sebkulu 28 oct. 2017 la 7:41 
Ok, cool, so right now I'm trying to add localized text, so you don't get "HIT CHANCE" in english, but also in the localized language you're using, only if translation is done by someone.
This is in a text file within "Localization" Folder.
For now, I fail to display localized strings, but I have good hopes :-)

Actually it wasn't too much difficult to port this to WoTC, I just had to remove the XComUIBroadcastMessage reference, because it just doens't work that way any more, and I really did not understand why it was here in the first place...

I may upload this on Steam within few hours.
( * ) 28 oct. 2017 la 7:21 
sebkulu : yes and yes, from my memories. :)
sebkulu 28 oct. 2017 la 2:34 
@( * ): I'm trying dude, believe me :-p
I would like being able to do it, so then I could move to something more complex, but I still have to figure out how to do this first... ^^
At least I managed to get a full usable ModBuddy with tools that allow it to run like a real IDE would, with completion/intellisense/etc...

I've also been comparing how PerfectInformation displays messages against how this mod does, and it's...different (lol)