Dota 2
Renewed Jade Comet
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A full morphling set I created for New bloom 2015.
Articles (6)
Jade Comet Loading screen
Créé par Anuxi♥
A loading screen for my morphling set "Jade Comet" for new bloom 2015.
Jade Comet Mask
Créé par Anuxi♥
A mask of Jade and Gold, changes with him as he morphs at will.
Jade Crest
Créé par Anuxi♥
Forged from the Jade ice from his celestial comet, these horns, bound with gold, form from his head still flowing with energy.
Jade Comet Trails
Créé par Anuxi♥
A mix of jade ice and water, these comet trails are what remains from his icy travels through the cosmos.
Jade Comet Beads
Créé par Anuxi♥
Arms bound with jade and gold, help him channel his energy into purifying blasts.
Jade Comet Artifact
Créé par Anuxi♥
Wrapped in jade tendrils, Morphling holds an artifact from his decent. A sphere of great power, shielding him from abrupt attacks.