The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

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The Talos Principle World C Puzzle Guide (text only, no stars)
Da NoMercy Rider
Need some help on that pesky puzzle in World C but don't want to sit through a 30 minute video? Here is a text only guide that will give you enough information to solve all puzzles, but you will still need to figure out a few things by yourself.
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I have officially released all planned text walkthroughs for The Talos Principle. If you have recommendations for future guides, I would love to hear it! As always, if you find a particular description that is confusing, let me know in the comments. I am always looking for ways to improve these guides.

Lots of folks like to watch video walkthroughs, but I prefer text-only guides to quickly search through and also allow me to figure out some parts for myself. I hope there are others like me out there. In later revisions, I may come back and take screenshots of the completed puzzles for particularly difficult challenges.

Final Guide List:
Level C-1
Labyrinth (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: The third jammer is on the right side.

Walk down the path past the counsel board and down the many turns until you come to an opening with two turrets. Pick up the jammer and head back the way you came. At the first energy gate you reach, disable it and wait patiently for the mine to pass and rush through the door. Avoid the next mine and pick up the set of keys, and then unlock the door near the first mine. Now bring the jammer through the door and disable the next energy gate. Carefully work your way past the patrolling mine and sneak between the two mines to grab a second jammer. Bring the two jammers to the main area and use the two of them to juggle through the energy gate to the right of the counsel board. Disable the next energy gate and pick up the third jammer. Bring all three jammers to the turret area to disable the two turrets and the energy gate to reach the Sigil.

The Conservatory (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Don't keep the door open, if you don't need it anymore.

Pick up the connector, target the red transmitter and two receivers (you should be able to target one through the window) to unlock all the energy gates. Walk through until you see the blue transmitter, pick up the nearby connector, target the transmitter, and place it in the same spot. Go backwards until you see the red Sigil behind a gate, pick up the third connector here and bring it to the blue receiver. If placed correctly, you should be able to target the blue connector and blue receiver through two windows. Now pick up the first connector and this time only target the red transmitter and the red receiver through the window. The Sigil should unlock before your eyes.

Blowback (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Jam the fan.

Pick up the box in front of the energy gate, bring it to the low fence on the left, and hop over. Use the jammer to disable the energy gate in the following courtyard. Grab the next box and bring it to the other side of the fence. Bring the jammer over the fence, then turn around and also bring the box to the other side. Use the jammer to disable the energy gate on the far right and pick up the connector. With the connector, use the red transmitter/receiver to disable the same energy gate the jammer is targeting. Now pick up the jammer and disable the fan, go through the hallway and take it off the receptor and drop it on the ground. Pick up the connector and stand in front of the energy gate nearest the transmitter.

From this vantage point, you should be able to target the red transmitter/receiver nearby, and another receiver through the energy gate. Doing so will unlock two energy gates simultaneously. Pick up the two boxes and stack them vertically in front of the fan in the small room. Now pick up the jammer and disable the main energy gate (powered by the connector). Pick up the connector, bring it into the large courtyard, and target the blue transmitter and receiver through the window. The two boxes should be sent flying over the wall. Go back and jam the right energy gate (where you removed the fan earlier) and walk through the purple gate. Place one of the boxes on the pressure plate to reach the Sigil.

Multiply Impossible Ascension (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Put all three boxes underneath one another.

Pick up the fan off the floor and place it on the pressure switch to the left and bring out the connector and box. Use the box on the stair step ledge to reach the second box and bring it down. Put the fan back into its receptor, place one box on top of the fan, and the other box onto the pressure switch. With connector in hand walk backwards as far as you can while maintaining sight to the red transmitter. You should be able to connect to the receiver guarding a third box. Do that now and bring the box to the fan area. Pick up the connector, target the red transmitter, the receiver powering the fan, and the receiver guarding the Sigil. Once that is complete, place the connector on top of the box on the fan. The connector should now be airborne, but won't be high enough. Pick up the third box and place it in the fan to lift it up higher. Now you can pick up the final box off the pressure switch without worry and add it to the airborne tower. The Sigil is yours to collect.
Level C-2
Cemetery (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: You only need to block one mine at a time, until you get two boxes.

Head through the puzzle until you come across two adjacent beam blockers. Dive to your right and pick up the box. Place the box approximately halfway between the two beam blockers, but still within LoS of the red transmitter. Pick up the nearby connector, target the red transmitter/receiver, and place it on top of the box. In the following courtyard, pick up the second connector, target the previous connector, and the receiver to unlock the following gate. Head through to grab the Sigil.

Rapunzel (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Bring yourself a box, by standing on a box.

Climb up the ladder and at the top, drop down to your right on the other side of the gate. Use the two boxes and two pressure plates to juggle the boxes and yourself out of the courtyard. Place one of the boxes on the next pressure switch and start the recording. Pick up the other box further and place it in front of the ladder. Run back to the recorder and pick up the platform, head to the short ledge to the left (there are stairs to reach it) and stand at the bottom for a long time. I gave myself fifteen seconds. Then walk over to the box in front of the ladder, jump on top of it, and then jump multiple times while stationary on the box. When that is done, return to the recorder and stop the recording.

During the playback, bring both boxes one by one up the stairs and place them on the ghost platform when the ghost player reaches the ledge. Then jump off the ledge and quickly climb the ladder. When the ghost starts jumping, pick up each of the two boxes and use them on the upper pressure plates to unlock the Sigil.

The Short Wall (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: One goes under, the other one over.

Start the recording and pick up the platform. Walk through the gate and stand in front of the short ledge for a few seconds, then walk to either side of the gate (short walls here) and stand for a couple seconds. Then walk through the gate and stand at the other side of the wall. Then walk to the energy gate and stand in front of the short wall on either side. Drop the platform and stop the recording. During playback, run through the gate and run up the stairs, jump on the ghost platform. When it reaches the short wall, jump onto the wall, then back on the platform when it circles around. When it reaches the far wall, jump off and pick up the Sigil.

A Ditch and a Fence (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: One box under, one box on top. By the fence.

Start the recording, pick up the box, and place it in front of the wall with the blue transmitter. Pick up the platform, walk down the stairs to nowhere, and stand there for 15 seconds or so. Then walk around and jump onto the box and stand there for 10 seconds or so. Drop the platform and stop the recording. During playback, pick up the box, then place it on the ghost platform while he is waiting in the ditch. Then pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter/receiver, and place it on top of the box. When the ghost player jumps onto the box, the connector will achieve LoS and unlock the Sigil.
Level C-3
Big Stairs, Little Stairs (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: To get four boxes under the connector, you have to stack them from underneath.

Okay, this one is tricky, since a lot is going on. I will be given directions based on if you are standing at the entrance and facing the rear of the puzzle. There are two courtyards, first courtyard (which is closer) and second courtyard. To start things off, pick up the fan in the receptor near the short ledge and place it on the pressure switch on the right side to expose a box. Bring the box to the second courtyard and use it to jump onto a small ledge to pick up a second box. Bring both boxes to the first courtyard. Pick up the fan from the pressure switch and place it in the receptor at the base of the tall ledge.

Place one box on top of the dead fan, then pick up the other, jump on the box, and drop it on the pressure switch to launch yourself into the air. Jump up onto the ledge and bring the connector down. Pick up either box and place it on the pressure switch in front of the blue transmitter in the second courtyard. Use the connector to open the energy gate on the left side of the first courtyard and bring out the box from within. Place a box on the fan on the ground near the door between courtyards. Pick up the connector and target the red transmitter and receiver in the first courtyard and place it on top of the box. Move the other fan to the other receptor at the base of the short ledge. Place a box on the associated pressure switch, and bring a box up to the ledge. Put the box on the pressure plate, drop down, pick up the box on the lower pressure plate, and push it into the active fan to push the connector up. Pick up the unlocked box and use it to activate the short ledge fan again and retrieve the box up above.

Working backwards, bring all four boxes to the second courtyard. Use one box on the pressure switch to the left to deactivate the energy gate. Use the other three boxes to create a small staircase to reach the first ledge. Then pick up the top box behind you and use it to reach the final ledge and grab the FIFTH box. Whew!

Repeating earlier steps, place a box on the dead fan, pick up the connector, target the red transmitter and the red receiver in the second courtyard (guarding the Sigil), and place it on the box. Use three boxes to create a staircase up to the smaller ledge in the first courtyard. Pick up the nearby fan and place it on the pressure switch to activate the tall fan. Use all boxes to throw them under the fan and slowly raise the connector. After four boxes have been inserted into the fan, the beams should connect and unlock the Sigil.

Jammer Quarantine (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: All doors but the very last can be reached with the jammer.

Go to the left of the counsel board and through the purple gate. Pick up the jammer and disable the energy gates protecting the connector and box one by one and bring them to the courtyard. Use either the connector or box on the pressure plate and use the jammer to disable the next energy gate. Pick up this connector and bring it to the main courtyard. Place the box on top of the dead fan. Pick up a connector, target the transmitter, the receiver powering the fan, the receiver powering the second energy gate (currently disabled by the jammer), and place it on the box. Flip the switch to turn on the fan and the airborne connector should open the second energy gate at the same time. Use the jammer to disable the pressure switch energy gate. Pick up the ground connector, walk to the Sigil, and use the airborne connector to unlock the gate.

Three Little Connectors... and a Fan (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Get the jammer before the connector flies.

Pick up the fan from the receptor and place it on the pressure plate. Pick up the connector (A), walk through the gate, and use it to unlock the next gate. Pick up the following connector (B), and using the window for LoS (place it as close to the window as possible), unlock two gates simultaneously. Use the final connector C to unlock another gate. Use the jammer on the nearby gate, now bring both boxes to the puzzle entrance. Put the fan back in the receptor, one box on the pressure switch, and the other box on top of the fan. Go back and pick up connector C and start walking back to the entrance. On your way, target all the receivers you come across, target the fan powering receiver, the transmitter, and place it on the box on the fan. Bring connector B to the entrance and use it to target the fan to send connector C airborne, which will now become self sustaining. Pick up connector B and use it to unlock the first locked energy gate you reach (you can use connector C for the vantage point). Pick up A, target the same energy gate as B, but from the other side through the window. You can now free up B and continue through the puzzle, using it to unlock the next gate. Use A to unlock the gate next to the jammer, and finally use the jammer to disable the final gate. Whew!

Weathertop (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Blow the box in, to get the jammer out. The rest is easy.

Go through the purple gate, pick up the jammer, and use it disable the gate diagonally from this courtyard. Pick up the connector, place it on the pressure plate across from it, and bring out the box. Now use the jammer to disable the gate directly in front of the courtyard. Pick up the box and place it on the fan pointing further into the puzzle, step on the pressure switch to send if over the wall. Climb the ladder, place the box on the fan, the connector on the box, and push the switch to send it back over. Bring the connector to the main area and put the box on the fan pointing towards the jammer courtyard. Send it over there with the switch. Enter the purple gate, place the box near the short fence, and use it to bring the jammer out of the courtyard. Use the jammer to unlock the other box. Place this box next to the short fence to pull the other box into the main courtyard. Use a connector to unlock the energy gate protecting the two fans. Place a box on top of the fan pointing to the back of the puzzle. Place a jammer on the box and send it deeper into the puzzle, then use the jammer to disable the gate. The Sigil is there.
Level C-4
Stables (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: For the last door, use the shortcut.

Go to the right, pick up the jammer, and use it on the gate. Use the connector to unlock the next gate, then bring the second connector to the start. Go to the right (near the original jammer location), and place it in front of the window, targeting both the transmitter and the receiver (through the window). Bring the other connector to the start and use it on the jammed door receiver. Now jam the door from the other side and bring the connector through. Jam the next door and proceed through with the connector. Using the windows for LoS, target the other connector and the locked energy gate. Walk through and to your right to find the Sigil.

Armory (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Blue ray's fortune is red ray's misfortune.

Use a connector to unlock the energy gate, then the other one to unlock the next gate protecting the Jammer. Use the jammer to disable the mine and pick up the box. Place the box in the path of the red beam. Now pick up the connector further into the puzzle and place it on the box. The connector should block the red beam and shut down the fan. Grab the jammer and walk through the puzzle and jam the next energy gate. Walk to the fan and take it off the receptor and drop it on the ground. Pick up the jammer, walk back towards the front, and jam the energy gate targeted by the connector, from the INSIDE. In the same area as the red beam, pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter, and place it in front of the window. Pick up the other connector and make your way to the fan hallway, using the jammer to assist you. Target the blue connector through the windows and the energy gate protecting the Sigil.

Throne Room (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Red from outside, blue through above.

Pick up the connector and bring it back to the entrance. With a tricky LoS, you should be able to narrowly view a red receiver through two windows. Connect to it with the transmitter to unlock the gate. Enter the room to find a box. Pick up the box and head to the two level ledge in the back (there's a fan receptor nearby). Using the box with bunny hop techniques, bring the box and connector to the very top. Place the box behind the far left pillar. Pick up the connector, target the red transmitter and another connector through a window, and place it on top of the box. This should unlock another energy gate. Walk through the open energy gate and stand in front of the blue beam to shut down the fan. Quickly pull the disabled fan from the wall and place it in the floor receptor. Use the upward lift fan to pick up the box and connector and bring them to ground level.

Throne Room (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Red from outside, blue through above.

Pick up the connector and bring it back to the entrance. With a tricky LoS, you should be able to narrowly view a red receiver through two windows. Connect to it with the transmitter to unlock the gate. Enter the room to find a box. Pick up the box and head to the two level ledge in the back (there's a fan receptor nearby). Using the box with bunny hop techniques, bring the box and connector to the very top. Place the box behind the far left pillar. Pick up the connector, target the red transmitter and another connector through a window, and place it on top of the box. This should unlock another energy gate. Walk through the open energy gate and stand in front of the blue beam to shut down the fan. Quickly pull the disabled fan from the wall and place it in the floor receptor. Use the upward lift fan to pick up the box and connector and bring them to ground level. Take the box down the fan hallway and place it about five feet in front of the blue transmitter. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter & receiver and place it on top of the box. Go back to the entrance with the other connector. Use it to target the two receivers through the window (one is protecting the double locked gate, the other right past the locked gate) and the red transmitter. All but one energy gate should unlock. Pick up the fan and place it on the pressure switch to reach the Sigil.

Oubliette (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Put the connector inside.

Hit the recorder, pick up the box, and place it in front of the short wall to the left. Pick up the platform and stand in front of the tiny ledge for several seconds. Walk back to the box, jump on top of it, and stand there for a few seconds. Run back to the tiny ledge and stand there for another several seconds, run back on top of the box, and rest here for another few seconds. Stop the recording. During playback, pick up the connector, wait for the ghost to show up at the ledge and jump on, when he jumps on the box, jump onto the upper wall and place the connector on the pressure switch. Drop back down, pick up the box, jump on the ghost platform a second time, and back onto the upper wall as the ghost makes its motions. Drop down into the tiny room and place the box to stop the beam blocker's path. Head up the ladder and bring the connector back down. Use the connector to unlock the energy gate.Record yourself and walk through the open energy gate and step on the pressure plate for several seconds. Stop the recording and run through the open energy gate during playback to retrieve the Sigil.
Level C-5
Time Crawls (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Put each thing at its place. In the future, as well as in the past.

Start the recording, place the box on the right pressure plate, pick up the connector, and walk through the energy gate. Target the transmitter through the locked energy gate, and place the connector as far against the wall and "deeper" into the puzzle as you can manage. Step on the next pressure plate and stand there for a good fifteen seconds or so. Return to the recorder and stop it. During playback, put the box on the pressure plate in front of the blue transmitter. Pick up the connector, and when the ghost player stands on the pressure plate, run through. Use the narrow window to target the ghost connector and unlock the energy gate guarding the Sigil.

Time Flies (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: What's recorded as flying, plays as flying.

Place the box on the right pressure switch, walk through, and bring the connector to the main area. Now place the box on top of the dead fan and start the recorder. During the recording, step on the right pressure plate for about fifteen seconds, then pick up the connector, target the transmitter and airborne receiver and place it anywhere that has LoS. Step on the left pressure plate for a few seconds to activate the beam. Then stand on the other pressure plate for a few seconds and stop the recording. During playback, pick up the connector. When the ghost activates the energy gate, run through and target the receiver at the end of the puzzle and run back in with the connector. Now target the red transmitter and the airborne receiver, then place it on top of the box. When the ghost powers up the fan, the connector will power up all the receivers and you just have to run to the end and collect the Sigil.

Up Close and Jammed (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: The mine doesn't see you when you are above it.

Stack the two boxes on top of each other between the ledge and the jammer. Use the ledge to jump on top of the boxes and pick up the jammer safely without getting blown up. Use the jammer to open the energy gate and bring both boxes inside. Using the platform as a vantage point, stack both boxes on top of the mine. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter through the fence, and place it on top of the boxes. Grab the other connector and walk to the Sigil energy gate. Target the connector and receiver and place it here. You should get a window of opportunity to go through the gate when the mine passes the tall wall. Done.

Dumbwaiter (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Blow it up, then blow it over.

Pick up the connector and use it to open the energy gate closest to the entrance. Pick up both boxes, place one on top of the fan (next to a purple gate guarded pressure switch) and the other on top of the pressure switch directly across. Now use the connector to power up the fan. Go through the gate unlocked by the pressure switch, through the purple gate and up the stairs. Pick up the box from the blowing fan and place it in front of the wall fan. Walk back to the entrance. Pick up the box off the pressure plate and place it on the top of the stairs near the entrance. Pick up the connector, target the transmitter and the receiver next to the wall fan, and place it on top of the box. The connector should establish a narrow LoS through the fence and push the box onto the final pressure plate. The Sigil is yours to grab.
Level C-6
The Seven Doors of Recording (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: The blue power is a lie.

Pick up the connector and use it to unlock the first energy gate. Pick up the jammer, stand on the pressure plate (unlocking energy gate two), and target the third energy gate. The jammer should be dropped on the pressure plate so that it deactivates gates two and three at once (this can be tricky to position correctly). Start the recording and stand on the following pressure plate to unlock energy gate four. Stand here for about 15 seconds and then stop the recording. During playback, pick up the connector, follow the ghost, and place it on the following switch to unlock gate five. Pick up the jammer and use it to deactivate gate five from the opposite side so you can bring the connector through. Use the jammer to unlock gate six, and the connector on the pressure plate to unlock gate seven and reach the Sigil.

Circumlocution (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Isn't it obvious that in the final position, two connectors and a jammer are at the end?

This one requires tricky placement. Place the connector (A) on the pressure switch. Go through, pick up the jammer, and use it on the same gate from the other side to free the connector. Use the connector to open the next gate, placing the connector such that it has good LoS through the window left of the blue receiver and past the locked energy gate. This will come in handy later. In the following room, pick up the connector (B), target (A) and the two receivers (one through a narrow window) to open two energy gates. Pick up the box, go back to the pressure switch at the beginning of the puzzle and place it there to free the jammer. Use the jammer to unlock the next locked gate you reach and walk through two gates to find connector C. Using this connector, find LoS to (A) and the two receivers that (B) is targeting. Target all of these and place the connector, thereby freeing (B). Go back and pick it up and bring it near the jammer. Target C through the door and the nearby receiver, and juggle the jammer and connector through the energy gate. Jam the energy gate targeted by C from the inside and bring connectors B and C through the gate. Use either connector to target A through the window and unlock the following gate. Use the jammer to disable the mine, and the last connector to unlock the final energy gate to retrieve the Sigil.

Two Way Street (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Push both jammers forward to get the key.

Walk down the path past the counsel board to eventually find a jammer. Pick it up, walk back to the front, and jam the energy gate by the entrance. Carefully avoid the two mines and find another jammer. Use this jammer on the same energy gate to bring the previous jammer through. Use the two jammers to juggle through the energy gate and then use them to disable both turrets. Turn the corner and flip the switch to shut down the first turret. Pick up the unnecessary jammer and disable the energy gate to find the keys. Work backwards to get both jammers back to the mine hallway. Unlock the gate, then use the two jammers to disable the turret and energy gate to unlock the Sigil.
Level C-7
Crisscross Conundrum Advanced (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Red in the past, blue now.

Pick up the blue connector, target the red transmitter, and place it about five feet in front of the transmitter. Run to the recording and start the process. Pick up the connector currently targeting the energy gate and go to the back corner behind the blue transmitter and target the other connector. Now just wait for around 30 seconds or so to give the playback plenty of time. When you are satisfied, pick up the connector in front of the red transmitter and use it to unlock the red energy gate so you can access the recorder and stop. During playback, pick up either connector, target the blue transmitter/receiver, and place the connector near the middle of the energy gate. Pick up the other connector, head near the red receiver, target the red receiver and the ghost connector in the nearby corner. Both energy gates should open and the Sigil is yours.

Carrier Pigeons (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Stack it as high as you can.

Pick up the box from the pressure switch, walk up the stairs, and place it on the beam blocker. Pick up the nearby box, hop onto the beam blocker, and place the box on the following beam blocker. Hop on this beam blocker to go across the fan and to the box on the other side. Pick up the box and ride the beam blocker back to the previous platform. Place the box you are holding on the long path beam blocker. Then pick up the box off from the short path beam blocker and also place it on the long path beam blocker. If done correctly, there should be a stack of three boxes on top of the beam blocker that patrols in front of the fan. Stand on the pressure switch and the fan will blow the beam blocker into the path of the blue beam high above. When the fan shuts off, quickly run through the opening before the blue beam recharges to collect the Sigil.

Prisonbreak (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Sometimes you must temporarily sacrifice the only thing you have left to regain everything.

Welcome to the puzzle that probably gave me the most amount of trouble. Pick up both fans off the floor and place them on both pressure switches in the first courtyard. Make your way through the puzzle until you come across connector A. Pick it up and bring it back to the main courtyard. Using the blue transmitter, connect to the energy gate protecting a box. Pick up the box, and have it switch places with the fan furthest from the blue transmitter on the pressure plate. With the fan in hand, place it on the receptor that is at a slight angle (near where connector A is currently located). Pick up connector A and hop in the fan for a ride. From this inner courtyard, target the transmitter through the narrow window and place it such that you get good LoS through the doorway. Pick up connector B and use connector A to unlock the nearby energy gate. Pick up connector C off the pressure switch, target connector B and the nearby receiver to unlock the gate. Pick up the angled fan and place it on the pressure switch previously occupied by connector C.

With that complete, pick up connector C again, target B, the same receiver, and now the unlocked transmitter. This frees up connector A, so pick it up and walk through the energy gate. Use connector A to target C and a receiver protecting the final connector D. With that done, bring both connectors A and D to the first courtyard with two fan receptors. Place the fan currently on a nearby pressure switch in either fan receptor. Go back and grab the box powering the empty angled fan receptor, and place it on top of this fan. Pick up connector A (either works), target the transmitter, the fan powering receiver, and another receiver down a long hallway (look through the nearby iron gate to target it). Place connector A on the box. Use connector D to target the transmitter, the fan powering receiver, and place it on the unoccupied pressure switch. The fan should power on and connector A will become airborne and self powering. Bring connector D through the energy gate that A unlocked. Target A and the nearby receiver to unlock the next energy gate. The Sigil is so close now.

Go all the way back to connector C, pick it up (this will trap connector B forever, but that's okay). Instead of targeting the transmitter, target A and unlock the energy gate. This frees up the nearby fan on the pressure switch, so pick it up and walk to the end of the puzzle. Place it on the final pressure switch and the Sigil is finally yours!

Dead Man's Switch (Red)

MESSENGER HINT: Once the box takes your place on the plate, you can get into that room.

Pick up a connector (A), then make your way around the long path in the back, and target the two red receivers (one high, one low) and place it at the 90 degree corner. Pick up another connector (B), target the previous one, and place it on the other end of the long corridor, as close to the wall as possible. Pick up the third connector (C), and backing up towards the puzzle entrance, you should find a LoS to the trapped connector (D) through the window and the previous connector you placed. Step on the pressure switch to start up the red beams and start the fan. Pick up the box that fell down and place it on the pressure switch. Make your way into the unlocked courtyard, pick up (D) and use it to unlock the energy gate from the inside. Pick up (A), use it to unlock the gate from the other side (targeting the transmitter directly, not connector D), thereby freeing connector D. Pick up D, target the blue transmitter, and place it near the (previously locked) courtyard and having some LoS through the narrow window. You may need to adjust placement to avoid conflict with the red beams. Pick up B, walk to the puzzle entrance, and target D through the narrow window. Pick up C and target B to bring a beam to the receiver guarding the final Sigil nearby.
39 commenti
PiklFace 2 dic 2023, ore 21:27 
Circumlocution correction:
When first placing connector B DO NOT target the second gate out the small window, this will make the beams collide. INSTEAD when placing connector C target A, B, B's receiver, and the nearest receiver to properly free up B.
MidnightGyro 30 mar 2020, ore 14:03 
Easier "Time Flies" solution. Place cube on right plate. Go through and grab connector using RMB, this preserves the connection to the end gate. Come back and place cube on fan. Get connector (again with RMB) and connect the red transmitter and the fan receiver. Place connector on cube. Start recording and grab connector. Connect transmitter with fan receiver and place connector on pressure plate. Stand on right plate to open gate. Wait a few seconds and end recording. Watch the action and run to the finish.
NickNAKNick 25 mag 2019, ore 23:12 
Dumbwaiter alternate hack-y solution:
Grab Connector and and connect it to transmitter and both receivers. Grab both cubes and stack both of them on the button that disables the energy gate. Now go up to the top and walk towards the active fan that blows up. Now while facing the running fan, if you look down and to the left there is a small ledge, jump onto that and you can now walk along the tops of the walls. Now on top of the wall, grab the top stacked cube and jump down and run back around and jump into the activated fan that blows up. Now just jump towards the fence and drop the cube onto the button that opens the final gate. Walk back through the puzzle and grab the Sigil.
[LSB] Gwarn 13 dic 2018, ore 21:53 
Level C-4 -Throne Room - You can actually bypass getting the box and shutting down the fan, if you hold X and reset, if you sprint ASAP you can make it to the fan to pull it off before it charges.
Livefox 21 mag 2018, ore 12:03 
For cemetary you can additionally just remember that you can use the connectors themselves as blockers for the zappers.
rainbowbread [#FixTF2] 20 mar 2018, ore 20:59 
@GoofBox THAT ACTUALLY WORKED FOR ME!!! i'm crediting you in my screenshot! :steamhappy:
Filip 20 nov 2017, ore 6:34 
in c4 Oubliette u can just drop the platform istead of recording urself
Mim 26 mar 2017, ore 15:52 
In Carrier Pigeons, you can actually "cheat" the level: If you restart any level, you can hear the sound of a reciver charging, which is the one for the fan in "Carrier Pigeons". If you restart the level, and sprint over to the sigil, you'll actually reach it before the fan turns on. Even though it's probably not be intended, I still count it as a win.
Hamakei 29 gen 2017, ore 7:37 
I'm sorry but "criss cross conundrum" makes ZERO sense to me. I always get trapped behind an energy field when following your guide
GoofBox 15 dic 2016, ore 15:44 
I just broke C1 Multiply Impossible Ascensions by an alternate use of the boxes - piled them up on the ledge so I could reach the roof, walk over to the sigil area and jump down to it without opening the gate. As a result, I was trapped, but it didn't matter because holding X took me back to the entrance with the sigil still in my pockets :taloslol: