Don't Starve

Don't Starve

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7 oct. 2014 à 12h25
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Refine Nitre

Refine Nitre from bat guano.

Something else to use Guano for. With how important Nitre is in RoG to stay cool, I thought this would be useful.

3 Guano = 1 Nitre

For the curious:
11 commentaires
Username 23 nov. 2021 à 11h50 
ur mods been plagiarized!
Abelius 9 mai 2015 à 16h15 
Wow, a refine mod that actually makes scientific sense... Good work!
Juanca el matador 21 mars 2015 à 0h04 
Nice thanks!
12m 20 oct. 2014 à 10h35 
great, thanks!
Mr. Meem Meep 18 oct. 2014 à 22h53 
@Myself Oops, i mean really easy.
Mr. Meem Meep 18 oct. 2014 à 22h53 
@Cassandra Well, nitre is really hard to find/get is what i seem.
Weaver 18 oct. 2014 à 0h04 
Very cool idea!
VinchenzoTheJackal & Shoon 15 oct. 2014 à 16h59 
Great idea! And scientifically sound!
Cassie 15 oct. 2014 à 14h06 
How about locking it to a science or alchemy station prototype? If making rope is hard, extracting nitre from poop seems at least as hard, if not harder.

Why not allow it to be refined from regular poop, too? Getting fewer farms and fertilizer seems like a fair tradeoff, and I don't know of any ways to get lots and lots of poop. On the same wikipedia article, it says the french method used manure.
RatherUncreativeName 14 oct. 2014 à 13h43 
A perfectly reasonable recipe that is fairly easy to obtain but difficult to mass produce and grind with a real-world reference to show how much this makes sense? This is probably the textbook definition of how to make an exemplary utility mod.