Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Project Choronymy
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12 déc. 2022 à 11h55
22 avr. à 3h02
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Project Choronymy


Project Choronymy (aka More Immersive Rosetta) is an opinionated patch that aims to make Immersive Toponyms, More Cultural Names and Rosetta compatible.
All of these mods do a similar thing: they change the name of holdings on the map depending on the culture of their holder. They all tackle different areas of the map and use a different approach to doing this however, meaning that while there is value in using all of them at the same time, they are incompatible by default. This mod makes it possible to use them in conjunction.

Any title will try to pick its cultural name from Rosetta first, then More Cultural Names then Immersive Toponyms and finally vanilla if possible.
  • 420505 cultural names come from Immersive Toponyms
  • 134256 cultural names come from MCN
  • 99485 cultural names come from Rosetta
  • 3 are vanilla entries!

This mod being generated automatically also means that it makes it possible to use the 3 other mods even if they are outdated, as long as this patch is present!

For example, at the time of writing this, Rosetta is only updated for 1.7.1 and the latest version of the game is 1.8, but this patch makes sure that there are no incompatibilies and that using Rosetta on this version of the game does not cause any issue.

Load Order

Your load order should only include Project Choronymy, this mod. However, please subscribe to the original mods this mod uses. It would not exist if these other ones did not.

NOTE: At the time of writing this, activating Rosetta will cause your court names to be named "Royal Court of TITLE_DEFINITIVE_NAME". In order to bypass this issue, simply deactivate Rosetta in your load order.
NOTE: At the time of writing this, activating Immersive Toponyms will cause crashes.


Achievements Compatibility

This mod is Ironman Compatible but will disable Achievements.

Known incompatibilies

Any mod known to be incompatible with any of the three mods this mod patches will probably be incompatible with this patch.

File overwrites
This mod overwrites common/landed_titles/00_landed_titles.txt and the associated localization. Any mod touching this file will have a hard incompatibility with this patch.

  • All credit for cultural names, and all the work associated coming from the excellent Immersive Toponyms goes to its author, Scratchmen
  • All credit for cultural names, and all the work associated coming from the wonderful More Cultural Names goes to its author, El Pollo Rojo
  • All credit for cultural names, and all the work associated coming from the fantastic Rosetta goes to its author, Protodeus

You may also be interested in my other mods!

This project can be found on Github[]
62 commentaires
Robur  [créateur] 15 mai à 11h41 
@truelove101992 I haven't checked, but under all likelihood it's not. I have never tried it out, but if I understand correcly, it makes extensive changes to both the map and the cultural setup which would make it naturally incompatible. Feel free to try however, you'll want to load my mod before Prince of Darkness to let it overwrite anything it needs to.
truelove101992 12 mai à 19h46 
Sorry for just asking the same question with just a different mod, but is this compatible with princes of darkness?
Morgan-Giggs 1 mai à 11h37 
Robur  [créateur] 19 avr. à 1h30 
I'd like to yes! I haven't had the time to look into it yet though, but it's definitely not something excluded
SilverSaruTrue 18 avr. à 7h53 
Are there any chances it will be compatible with Culture Expanded? :(
Robur  [créateur] 18 avr. à 7h25 
Yes the mod is updated for the latest version of the game.

I don't know whether it'll work with mod you listed here. It does clash with Culture Expanded as detailled a few messages below.

The load order is in the description.
SilverSaruTrue 18 avr. à 7h22 
this mod works even with the last update of the game?
I want to play it with MB, MPE and Expanded Series. Will it work? How should i load it in the mod order?
Griff 24 mars à 13h50 
right actually one last thing, i'm running CE, can i still run the MCN-CE compatibility patch or is even that covered?
Griff 24 mars à 13h42 
oh, lmao; i've been running all of them at the same time :V
Robur  [créateur] 24 mars à 13h27 
Exactly. You don't actually need to have the mods installed at all, but once again, this mod wouldn't exist without them, so subscribing to them as well is only fair!