Dota 2
509 arvostelua
Sunshield Studio
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Sunshield Studio is a partnership between Tiffany 'Arty' Boother and Bruno 'Belkun' Monti, and we create items for Dota 2!
Luomukset (48)
Nymph's Blessed Markings
Tekijä: belkun
Those blessed by the Goddess Verodicia must bear her markings.
Mighty Horns of the Father
Tekijä: belkun
“Not unlike how winter gives way to spring, so does peace give way to war.”...
Beard of the Father
Tekijä: belkun
“The wizened, fatherly beard of the prophet belies his prowess in combat”...
Verdant Shawl of the Father
Tekijä: belkun
“Enruned with the blessing of Verodicia herself, this spring time shawl protects the prophet from those who would do him harm.”...
Braid of the Father
Tekijä: belkun
“Amongst the followers of Verodicia the circle is most sacred. This thick braid symbolizes the eternal cycle of rebirth in nature.”...
Wrist-guards of the Father
Tekijä: belkun
“Ironbark bracers, while cheap to produce offer excellent protection from the blades of those who would do harm to nature.”...
Staff of the Father
Tekijä: belkun
“A staff once used to Shepard the denizens of the holy woods now serves to protect them from invaders.”...
The Children of Verodicia
Tekijä: belkun
“Amongst the first born of the forest, these spry treants have been with the Prophet since time immemorial.”...
The Father of the Forest Set Loading Screen
Tekijä: belkun
Amongst certain peoples of the holy woods The prophet is know simply as the Father of the Forest, a verdant father who tends to those who live in harmony with nature. High quality wallpaper download...
Linkitetyt kokoelmat (6)
Mushi's Wayfaring Scholar
Sisältää 7 luomusta
Gorgon's Grace
Sisältää 8 luomusta
Apothecarist's Rite
Sisältää 6 luomusta
Selemene's Champion
Sisältää 10 luomusta
Molt of the Fae Hive
Sisältää 4 luomusta
Father of the Forest
Sisältää 8 luomusta